
This is how you know your adicted to coffee


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
I got to work this morning late and we were out of bean in the coffee maker so I warmed up the left over coffee from last tuesday morning. It was the worst coffee I have ever had but man did it give me a fix. I feel like a junkie!
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
firetoole said:
I got to work this morning late and we were out of bean in the coffee maker so I warmed up the left over coffee from last tuesday morning. It was the worst coffee I have ever had but man did it give me a fix. I feel like a junkie!
The beauty of this is, that over the week, much of the water has evaporated thereby concentrating the caffeine. It's about the same as when I make a double bagger brew (our coffee comes preground :( ) and drop in a couple of No-Doz for good measure.

The Cheese
SuzyCreamcheese said:
The beauty of this is, that over the week, much of the water has evaporated thereby concentrating the caffeine. It's about the same as when I make a double bagger brew (our coffee comes preground :( ) and drop in a couple of No-Doz for good measure.

The Cheese
You are a sick, sick woman. :nope:

But we already knew that... ;)


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
The most junkie-like coffee behavior on my part is-

...upon realizing I only have enough coffee left for half a pot at the concentration I like, I have reused coffee & filter by just adding what's left in the bag to the moist mound from the previous day's pot. I end up with a full pot of coffee that doesn't taste quite as good or have quite as much punch as a normal fresh one, but is better than a mere half pot of 100% fresh.

Mmmmmmm...after rereading that, the behavior doesn't sound too normal. :think:


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
llkoolkeg said:
The most junkie-like coffee behavior on my part is-

...upon realizing I only have enough coffee left for half a pot at the concentration I like, I have reused coffee & filter by just adding what's left in the bag to the moist mound from the previous day's pot. I end up with a full pot of coffee that doesn't taste quite as good or have quite as much punch as a normal fresh one, but is better than a mere half pot of 100% fresh.

Mmmmmmm...after rereading that, the behavior doesn't sound too normal. :think:

I'm afraid that you are not the only guilty party regarding this behavior...

On a far uglier note, while pressed for time in the army one would occasionally down a pack of instant coffee followed by water.. :eek:


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
PonySoldier said:
On a far uglier note, while pressed for time in the army one would occasionally down a pack of instant coffee followed by water.. :eek:
We used to mix up a batch of "pudding" with MRE extras: combine one packet of coffee creamer, one packet of instant coffee, and one package of sugar with hot cocoa mix. Stir in enough water to give it a gooey pudding-like consistency and enjoy. :D


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
firetoole said:
I got to work this morning late and we were out of bean in the coffee maker so I warmed up the left over coffee from last tuesday morning. It was the worst coffee I have ever had but man did it give me a fix. I feel like a junkie!
If you are allready late, might as well make it another 5 minutes, IMO. Stop and pick up the 20oz on the way in.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i am guilty of many of these actions as well. i am the master of adding the rest of the bag to the already used grounds. i cant help it though cause coffee is sooooooo good.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
SuzyCreamcheese said:
The beauty of this is, that over the week, much of the water has evaporated thereby concentrating the caffeine. It's about the same as when I make a double bagger brew (our coffee comes preground :( ) and drop in a couple of No-Doz for good measure.

The Cheese
i need a woman like you. do you have a sister?

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
BikeGeek said:
We used to mix up a batch of "pudding" with MRE extras: combine one packet of coffee creamer, one packet of instant coffee, and one package of sugar with hot cocoa mix. Stir in enough water to give it a gooey pudding-like consistency and enjoy. :D

Jesus, man. :dead:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
My 3 dumb contributions to this thread only qualified by the fact that i live in Seattle kinda, the disputed coffee capitol of the world...

1 an apple wakes you up better than a cup of joe

2 when i managed a movie theater a few lifetimes ago i made myself a 14 shot mocha thinking it would speed up my calculating skills expaditing my exit to whatever adventures a friday night brought. Man was that a stupid idea....

3 meh i forgot what number 3 was, hmm musta been a lie.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
oh yah!
3 last night i was watching the theory of how Hitler's doctor was prescribing him an assortment of Methamphetamines and how it possibly lead to alot of poor judgements that helped in an Allied victory. Hmmm don't really see that much of a correlation to this thread but i thought i'd share anyways. :dancing:
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
biggins said:
i need a woman like you. do you have a sister?
I have 2 younger sisters, both of whom are rather sedate and thus....lost causes. Neither of them drinks anything stronger than bubbly water. I consider them my 2 failures since, while growing up (or should I say just taller), I could never get them to go along with any of my ideas for fun.

Of course, our parents consider it a blessing that they had the good sense to never listen to me.

The Cheese


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I Are Baboon said:
Jesus, man. :dead:
Yeah, it's amazing what you'll eat when you've been living in a hole in the ground for 2 weeks, working 14 to 16-hour days and only sleeping 2 out of every 4 hours at night. God bless the infantry.