
This is the kind of email you get on a generic media industry account


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Dear Folks: How are you? I beg you to forgive my intrusion. Ever since Obama has been president they have named all hurricanes after people I know. I had written a story for Sally Field titled Gone Fish which was about a kid who believed in flying saucers when he was growing up so people often told him he was gone so eventually he built a flying saucer, hung a gone fishing sign on his door and flew away in his flying saucer. The night I told you about the Whitney Houston murder I was writing to the military list about going into DC and taking the White House and I had a civilian email address on the military list that was for Newton Manufacturing which I took off the list that night so they chose the town of Newtown for the email address that was gone, the chose Connecticut just like they chose Obamas trip to the the Connect-Its Toy factory for the Under Boss Character as in connected to the mafia. Sandy was for a pair of Sandy's to go as a pair with hurricane Sandy. Sandy was the girl who lived next door to me when I was growing up and Hook was for the Gone Fishing story. Attached here is a picture of the Fox news web site using the word impact after the chain mails, as I said they put it right in your face. Also there is a picture here of some kids in Newtown in fire coats hiding there heads. You can see the A. Mullin on the fire coat. This picture was put on a news web site for me by a supporter. You see, with my wires being tapped the moment I Google something that info goes from the pentagon to the networks. I spend several minutes on each news web site and for example if some one at ABC does an inside job for me they put the picture on the web site and minutes after I have been and gone from that site they know have seen the picture and take the picture off the site. So, I have many pictures from new web sites that most folk's never see. Also here are a couple of emails I sent last night. Thank you so much. Love Marty