
This is what's right with The Industry®


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
I like Tour de France too
View attachment 215309

Greetings from Åre bikepark, Sweden :triniti:

By the way, some crazy watts Poggi is pulling. Here is an attempt to explain how he could beat Pantani who at the time was riding high as a kite...:pleasantry:
Dude. Creme Fraiche?! Where'd you get that sticker? You know that's a South Park reference. As in "I want to pepper the shit out of that" :D

If I remember the episode correctly. Classic.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Indeed! The sport has become much more professional since Pantani's days. Still, Poggi is so superior to the others: beating climbers at their own game, attacking several days in a raw and showing no sign of fatigue. It makes me wonder... Hopefully it is just me being kind of jealous of his good shape: after a week at the bikepark my body is shattered and I need painkillers to sleep :monkeydance:
Yeah its like another sport or something hey. I assume he's either got some genetic advantage, he's got some weird training tangent that works, or he's on juice. Given the testing regime and scrutiny he's under, if he can get away with it I'm almost impressed.

from 2020, the prophecy already being foretold:

San Millan, a Spanish physiologist based at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and who has worked with Team Garmin, says Pogačar’s huge capacity for recovery is in the blood. Having developed a test to assess capacity for recovery and resilience to fatigue by analyzing an individual’s mitochondrial function, use of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, San Millan was confident in sending such a young rider into the hardest races in the world.

“In those [metabolic] measurements Tadej, compared to already very good cyclists, is on another level,” San Millan said. “For this reason, we were not afraid to take him to La Vuelta so young, because with that fantastic capacity for recovery there was no risk of melting him.”


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
I applaud Sean for using "They" twice in the same sentence grammatically correctly as apposed to modern nonsensically.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
An English lesson from an American Youtuber?

Er... no thanks

"Thou" "thee" "ye" and "you" actually made perfect grammatical sense. And the first 3 still do if talking in Shakespearean English
Hijacking the the words "they" and "them" and expecting others to use them for your own personal mental health disorder inspired fantasy persona doesn't suddenly make it grammatically correct.
By explaining the word "we" later in the video she actually gives a fairly decent example of why using "they" "them" to describe a singular is wrong.

But. Yeah. Why bring it up here? fair enough.
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An English lesson from an American Youtuber?

Er... no thanks

"Thou" "thee" "ye" and "you" actually made perfect grammatical sense. And the first 3 still do if talking in Shakespearean English
Hijacking the the words "they" and "them" and expecting others to use them for your own personal mental health disorder inspired fantasy persona doesn't suddenly make it grammatically correct.
By explaining the word "we" later in the video she actually shows a fairly decent exactly of why using "they" "them" to describe a singular is wrong.

But. Yeah. Why bring it up here? fair enough.
We? Ew.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Oooohh I love a game of PhD bingo...

Cunt took a huge THIRTEEN mins to pop it in there... But seeing as his entire video was condescending AF still scores highly.
"Cunt" Has been used for centuries as a pronoun in Scotland BTW. Often as a term of enderement rather than a slur in much the same way many Australasians use it, (sharing a wideness of use with another controversial word this cunt mentioned). While the word "Youse" is an everyday term here. Used simply to describe a bunch of folk. That aren't me. Ie. You (plural). NEVER used as a singular pronoun.
On the whole. I do agree with him. I'm not going to start using the term "I could care less" either. Because it's fucking dumb. Hopefully he'd be with me on this too.
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used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I doubt there is much of it left, but I admire your ambition.
I'd like to think that the poetry heavy year at school was the one I got last in class, lord I was(am) shit with the Englishes.

Back to what's right with the industry, Smoove is my favourite chain lube since the original Ice wax was still on the market.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Tell me you don't ride in the wet without telling me!

Fenwicks all conditions is my favourite all weather wet lube. It's fairly clean and non sticky.
Least favourite for the exact opposite reasons would be Peaty's "minty" link lube. Honestly.Toothpaste would probably pick up less gunk. There's probably none in Yorkshire though.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Tell me you don't ride in the wet without telling me!

Fenwicks all conditions is my favourite all weather wet lube. It's fairly clean and non sticky.
Least favourite for the exact opposite reasons would be Peaty's "minty" link lube. Honestly.Toothpaste would probably pick up less gunk. There's probably none in Yorkshire though.
I'll have you know that I now have a Scottish made jacket and some Fox all weather gloves and I quite enjoy going out for a roll in the rain.

But I have not yet done enough to prove that Smoove is a shit wet weather lube, does it wash out?
I bought some Canadian eco shit that wouldn't cling to the chain at all then Aussie Krush brand wax and it just clumps up and blocks the nozzle, didn't matter how much I shook it it just came out as a useless carrier liquid with lumps too big to get in to the links.

EDIT- I'll buy a bottle just because they use an apostrophe.
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