You know what? Race e bikes. Fine. Ride e-bikes. Fine.
But this is seriously the problem with the industry.
E bikes are HUGE. What did I quote from BRAIN, 3% of the market?
They are SOFA KING HUGE. It's like the mountain bike scene of the 90's.
Except it isn't. It's the industry spending a shit ton of money to make it huge because they are bored.
at Sea Otter, Northstar and Mammoth, they were BEGGING people to race the e-bike race.
You get 1) To ride and thrash a free loaner bike
2) a free Troy Lee helmet just for entering.
Up until the time of the race, in a scene full of bike riders and racers, they couldn't find enough racers to race free bikes.
I woulda raced one if I wasn't busy racing my, um, acoustic, no, my bio, dammit, no, my analog bike
The industry wants it to be big so they can sell more easy stuff. It's not. It's a niche that they are pouting a ton of money in to try to make it something it's not. While ignoring "cycling". You know, the thing that got us here.