Bearing in mind your fondness for PETA et al;
fluff Monkey Turbo Sep 8, 2001 5,673 2 Feeling the lag Dec 26, 2003 #1 Bearing in mind your fondness for PETA et al;
BurlyShirley Rex Grossman Will Rise Again Jul 4, 2002 19,180 17 TN Dec 26, 2003 #2 thanks I like sites like that only if they offer some detriment to PETA or Greenpeace and the like. Not just a cute mochery, I mean true HARM.
thanks I like sites like that only if they offer some detriment to PETA or Greenpeace and the like. Not just a cute mochery, I mean true HARM.
S slein Monkey Jul 21, 2002 331 0 CANADA Dec 27, 2003 #3 there's a link to, and on this new page is a link advising people of the dangers of DiHydrogen MonOxide (DHMO).... so... give greenpeace and peta a bunch of DHMO in a clandestine operation, BS. i think that's what fluff's point was
there's a link to, and on this new page is a link advising people of the dangers of DiHydrogen MonOxide (DHMO).... so... give greenpeace and peta a bunch of DHMO in a clandestine operation, BS. i think that's what fluff's point was