
This sucks big time...

dh girlie

I'm dying...or at least I feel like I'm dying...I took today off to leave for tahoe...got the jello shots all prepped...my board, my gear, some road trip megamix cd's all burned...and me and my friend have tickets to see the Violent Femmes up there...we were gonna get one last day of boarding in, and I'm friggin dying! It just snuck up on me yesterday...I woke up sounding like Barry White...and now I feel like someone beat me with a baseball bat...feels like my eyes are bleeding, my head is pounding...goddamn it all to hell! I'm goin anyway...f it. but it still sucks having to go feeling like CRAP. :mumble: this SUCKS ASS!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Go. Don't let illness stop you from seeing the Femmes. I've seen them a few times and they are great! Tell Gordon I said Hi!

dh girlie

Wumpus said:

Hell yes we do...I haven't felt this shi tty in a long time...why couldn't it wait till next week when I could just call in sick and get better...I'm pretty tough when it comes to this stuff, but I feel HORRIFIC...anybody have any weird home remedies? I can't take decongestants...they make me feel all goofy for days. Go figure...gimme shot after shot of tequila, jager...and I'm fine...but give me a friggin sudafed and I'm wiggin out for days... :blah:

dh girlie

Ciaran said:
Go. Don't let illness stop you from seeing the Femmes. I've seen them a few times and they are great! Tell Gordon I said Hi!
Oh hell yeah I'm going...I never let sick get in MY way of having fun...I've seen em a bunch of times too and they do put on a great show...it's in the theater at Caesars so it's a pretty small venue...I'm pretty stoked...I can always call in sick next week...it just sucks...cuz I really do feel like ****...and I can already tell I won't have a voice in the next day or so...I called my work to tell my temp to santize the area so she doesn't get sick and she was like who IS this?

dh girlie

Westy said:
It is because you used the work m*g*mix. God smites those who use the word m*g*mix.

Get better, eh.

really? I've never heard anyone use that term? I thought I made it up a few years ago when I started stealing music on the internet and making my own cd's...:think: It is a good term though. I just made a mad michael jackson mega mix last night...all the OLD stuff...and jackson five stuff...:D remember when eddie van halen played guitar on beat it...haha!

dh girlie

Echo said:
You can medicate yourself to happiness...
With what though? I can't take any decongestants...I get all wigged out on em...I don't really burn and I certainly couldn't if I did or I'd probably lose both lungs...ohhh...you know what would help? Jager...goddamn I don't have any in the house...that stuff should be sold in the cough syrup aisle at the drug store...it could be marketed as a homeopathic cold remedy.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
just don't be inconsiderate and get other Femmes fans sick, ok? :evil:

and don't forget to toss a KJV @ gano; maybe he'll sign and throw it back.

dh girlie

narlus said:
just don't be inconsiderate and get other Femmes fans sick, ok? :evil:

and don't forget to toss a KJV @ gano; maybe he'll sign and throw it back.
I know...that's dick going sick but f it...if it was work, I woudln't think twice about calling in sick...but I have the hotel, the tickets, I'm off work and if I stayed home it'd be a vacation, not sick day...maybe I'll wear one of those white masks like michael jackson wears...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
I know...that's dick going sick but f it...if it was work, I woudln't think twice about calling in sick...but I have the hotel, the tickets, I'm off work and if I stayed home it'd be a vacation, not sick day...maybe I'll wear one of those white masks like michael jackson wears...
Yeah! That would kick a$$! And tell everyone that you just flew back from a business trip in Hong Kong and have SARS, but tell 'em the mask should protect them from getting it. :D :thumb:



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Somebody officially has *WAY* too much time on their hands. Go for a friggin' ride, for God's sake. :p

25 seconds on Google image search.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Yeah, but the copying and pasting had to have taken at least another minute and a half.......... :p

I have dual monitors, it really helps with these sort of tasks.

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Yeah! That would kick a$$! And tell everyone that you just flew back from a business trip in Hong Kong and have SARS, but tell 'em the mask should protect them from getting it. :D :thumb:

hahaha! dude...about two years ago I SWORE I had sars...it was the gnarliest flu EVER...anyway, I'm gonna go get ready to infect half of tahoe...won't it be funny just when I'm about to roll the dice at the craps table that instead of blowin on the dice I cough on em!?!?!? Y'all have a nice weekend...


took the red pill
DH Girlie, here's what I do in that situation. Done it 3x this year and it's worked. Every time. Now do this at your own risk and I've researched this over and over and over and I believe it to be completely safe. However your doctor or anyone else that has Bayer or Phizer in their back pocket doesn't want to hear it.


That's right Hydrogen peroxide baby.

I take no responsibility for anyone that dies trying this. However nobody has, only idiots that drink the stuff.

1. Obtain 35% food grade H2O2 from a local health food store. Usually
$15 for a pint or whatnot.
2. Obtain few gallons of distilled water. $.55 ea.
3. Obtain a vaporizer if you don't already have one, cool mist, not steam
4. Use safety goggles and gloves when handling the 35% H2O2, it will burn your skin and render your eyes useless if you get a single drop in them. So use caution.

Measure 4oz of H2O2 in a measuring cup and add 1 gallon of the distilled water to vaporizer. Add the 4oz of the 35% H2O2 to the vaporizer. BE CAREFUL. You still have your safety glasses on too, right? Ok, now carfully mark the H2O2 with a big skull and crossbones and put it in back of the fridge where it wont tip over.

Now, simply go to bed with the vaporizer on and sleep. Turn on a ceiling fan as well for circulation and crack a window slightly.

I did this 3x this year once when I had the flu and 2x when I had a cold. Next day? Symptoms GONE.

I'd however suggest this for safety reasons. The first time I tried this, I was scared. Although the literature says that this is completly safe, there is something about not having all medical doctors condone this that leaves me a bit worried, although I call most of them medical guessers that don't want anything to be fixed without a pill.

So, anynow, I worked up to 4oz. of 35% H2O2 over 3 days. Using 2oz, 3oz, then 4oz.

I've however used the 4oz. several times and I'm still fine. My wifes asthma is gone. No more inhaler and her nasty bronchial cough that lingered from bronchitis is gone. I had my daughter over, who was coughing up green crap and I used 2oz/gallon in her room and she was cured the next day as well.

If your scared with this procedure try this.

Good luck. Don't let colds or the medical industry (LIARS, CROOKS AND EVIL THIEFS) get you down.



took the red pill
narlus said:
Toshi, what does the medical industry say of the peroxide cure? and did it kill DHG?

Medical industry is no different than anything else in this country. DOLLARS at the consumers expense. Do some research on Fluoride, aluminum and what they find in alzheimers patients brains after they die a slow death. Now look at your water, your toothpaste, and several other things in your house. Look at your breakfast bars? Can you identify all the ingredients? It's rampant man, all the expense of who? YOU.

So now ask yourself, why any money driven industry would want to help you? Medical industry? HELP? :nope: phizer doesn't want to help you, they want you to be all full of their drugs. So if something as cheap as peroxide were helping people, why would phizer or abbott want to help you.

Now I know you'll go off on me caus you work for a pharmecutical company. And that's fine. I'm on protonix for acid reflux and it has saved my life. But I, however have researched the drug and have my liver and kidneys tested so often as I am in informed consumer.

Now if I drink water, I expect to be drinking water. If I eat a cerial bar, I expect to be eating grain, fruit, etc. Not some ingredient that is 2 paragraphs long, that has been implicated in causing cancer in labratory rats.

Now I'm full aware that you can not be toxic free in this world. It's past the point of no return. However if I want to injest chemicals, I want it to be because it's something I want to do. I have a very big problem with deception, and that is what I'm talking about.

I'll be the government hasn't told you about how MILK causes osteoperosis haven't they? Or how the calcium in milk can't even be absorbed by the body, but actually rapes your own bones of the very thing it's supposed to be helping you supplement; CALCIUM


This is only one example. Think I'm nuts? Maybee, but do a little research, open your eyes peoples. Awareness is key.



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
narlus said:
Toshi, what does the medical industry say of the peroxide cure? and did it kill DHG?
i've never heard discussion of its use that way, but there's a blanket term bandied about (Reactive Oxygen Species) often. ROS cause a bunch of tissue damage so are generally a Bad Thing, but they're also used by our cells in "respiratory bursts" to kill off invading bugs. in short, H202 won't kill you but it'll kill off a bunch of cells. i don't see the point unless you really hate your lungs as they are...?



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Knuckleslammer said:
Medical industry is no different than anything else in this country. DOLLARS at the consumers expense. Do some research on Fluoride, aluminum and what they find in alzheimers patients brains after they die a slow death. Now look at your water, your toothpaste, and several other things in your house. Look at your breakfast bars? Can you identify all the ingredients? It's rampant man, all the expense of who? YOU.
you, my friend, are very susceptible to suggestion. congratulations.

1) flouride: there exists debate, yes, but there also exists debate about evolution. the consensus (backed up by epidemiological data over the years) is that flouride reduces tooth caries. period. the hogwash about mind control and use by nazis/military is just that, unsubstantiated nonsense (in the sense that use of *-flouride compounds by nazis in experiments has no bearing on adding minute amounts of different flouride compounds to municipal water supplies).

2) aluminum: i am unaware of the point you're trying to make. don't use aluminum pots when you have the choice, yes, use iron. but as part of some grand scheme?

3) "what they find in alzheimers patients brains": uh, that would be plaques of misfolded protein. where are you going with this?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Medical industry is no different than anything else in this country. <snip>
This is only one example. Think I'm nuts? Maybee, but do a little research, open your eyes peoples. Awareness is key.

Ummm... Were you aware that there is some scientific evidence that tiny amounts of some toxins may actually be *good* for you?



took the red pill
Yes, I'm aware of some of the health benefits of alchohol and some other stuff. Now why would the government or the medical community admit to fluoride having anything to do with alzheimers disease? This would not be good for drug companies. Correct? Admit it, the medical community is based upon supressing the symptoms, rather than fix the actual problem. Why? Because this is good for drug companies, the government, and the doctors (GUESSERS).

I go to the doctor, sick as a dog. I don't even know why I went. My own stupidity.

"Could be either a virus or bacteria"

Really I say :think:

"Now go home, rest and drink water"

Gee, thanks doc, I'm so glad I came.

I have countless other examples of this as well.

Cancer, AIDS, etc.....

2005 and no cure? Why? It's not profitable to cure cancer, especially with H2O2. Right? Pull the wool over everyones eyes, nobody will notice.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Do us a favor and study up on some medical ethics. I think that you will find that doctors and medical researchers for the most part want to help people as much as possible. Nobody is hiding a cure for aids or cancer to make money.

Besides there's far too much money to be made from psychatric drugs to waste time on that. On that topic have you considered getting a persciption for your paranoid tendancies? I hear its pretty treatable these days.


took the red pill
There is more than 1 source of information about this as well.

Chemical analysis reveals the presence of the metal aluminum at the core of each plaque and within many of the cells found in the plaques of alzheimers patients. Evidence is accumulating to indicate that aluminum may be involved in the formation of the plaques, and it is therefore a prime suspect as the initial cause of the disease.

Chemical analysis, can you dispute that? Dr?


took the red pill
Hmm, can't seem to find much, except speculation on the alzheimers. However there have been numerous, numerous studies on fluoride. It is a toxin. There have been numerous controlled studies on its affects on lab mice and rats. I'm sure this is in a medical jounal.

I'm not a hypochondriac. I don't go with 1 source of information and conclude that it is the end all. What I'm saying is that there is more than meets the eye, if you actually open your eyes and look. Foods for instance. Our food is dead, void of life giving enzymes. Our soil is depleted of nutrients. We live off of boxed, dead foods, loaded with carcinogens to preserve shelf life and increase top dollar for all the food companies.

Do people realize that there is "SPECULATION" that the ingredients in diet Coke actually inhibit your natural calorie counter, and actaully < your metabolism, causing you to gain weight?

Do people realize that on a tube of flouride toothpaste it says "supervise young children that brush" ? Why do you think that is?

It's everywhere. I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade. I just try to get the people I know and love to open their eyes a little more.

Here's what I found on alzheimers.
The stabilization of ferrous iron by a toxic beta-amyloid fragment and by an aluminum salt.
by Yang EY, Guo-Ross SX, Bondy SC


Aluminum is a recognized neurotoxin in dialysis encephalopathy and may also be implicated in the etiology of neurodegenerative disease, particularly Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is suspected to be associated with oxidative stress, possibly due to the pro-oxidant properties of beta-amyloid present in the senile plaques. The underlying mechanism by which this occurs is not well understood although interactions between amyloid and iron have been proposed. The presence of low molecular weight iron compounds can stimulate free radical production in the brain.

This study provides a possible explanation whereby both aluminum and beta-amyloid can potentiate free radical formation by stabilizing iron in its more damaging ferrous (Fe2+) form which can promote the Fenton reaction. The velocity, at which Fe2+ is spontaneously oxidized to Fe3+ at 37 degrees C in 20 mM Bis-Tris buffer at pH 5.8, was significantly slowed in the presence of aluminum salts. A parallel effect of prolongation of stability of soluble ferrous ion, was found in the presence of beta-amyloid fragment (25-35). Ascorbic acid, known to potentiate the pro-oxidant properties of iron, was also capable of markedly stabilizing ferrous ions.

Source: Brain Res 1999 Aug 28;839(2):221-6 PMID: 10519044, UI: 99448489

(Department of Community and Environmental Medicine, University of California, Irvine 92697-1820, USA. )

1931 Three independent groups of scientists determine that fluoride in the water is the cause of dental mottling. Research teams from ALCOA Aluminum (who have fluorides as a hazardous by-product of aluminum manufacture) and the University of Arizona. Also shown by North African investigators and others. Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute, owners of ALCOA, would later solve the expensive disposal problem with toxic fluorides by convincing others that it could be dumped in the public water supply as a "preventative" for tooth decay.

The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has classified Fluoride as an unapproved dental medicament due to its high toxicity. ... with production of toxic by-product sodium fluoride) increases.

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