
this trail is so far above my skill set

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
There is a trail in the Soquel Demonstation Forest whose name shall not be uttered ( just think Burt Reynolds in a canoe) that the first 100' is an insanely steep chute that then goes across a thin traverse onto a couple of hundred yards of riding a knife edge before entering into normal insane steep forest riding. I crashed 4 times in the chute dabbed on the traverse and almost shit myself on the knife edge. I rode it once and was just happy to have not killed myself


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
No. Just No.

The damn sport is dangerous enough without adding massive exposure. I have never understood the attraction to this type of trail. :nope:

Can not be that hard if you can drink shots in the breaks on the ride. ;)


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada

Can not be that hard if you can drink shots in the breaks on the ride. ;)
It is not the trail technicality, that, I have no issues with. I like tech trails.
It is the fact that we all fuck up once in a while. Clip a pedal, small washout, collapse into a hole at the wrong time, etc etc. Just too much could go wrong. Getting spit out into a tree or some rocks is bad enough. God knows I've got the broken bones to prove it, but in this case it isn't just a broken bone, cuts and contusions., but splattered punkin'

To each their own, but for me, the massive additional risk is just not worth a little extra bit of adrenaline.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Fair enough. I haven't been riding stuff like that for a while, but I usually enjoyed it. I just hate these narrow tunnels. I guess @sethimus rides stuff like that frequently considering where he is located.