
))))Thoisday GMT((((


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I climbed this morning. I gave a lecture. I am reading some studies to earn my keep.

I gave my chairman (on sabbatical now) mild shit for his car indecision--he's had two Range Rovers, two G-Wagens, one short-lived Sierra Denali, and a Q7 in the past 3 years and change, iirc. Now has a Defender 110 being refurbished, after which the Q7 will exit. He noted my lack of tie (we're supposed to wear one but again he's supposed to be on sabbatical!) but didn't give me shit about it.

Overall I'll chalk that up as a win.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Yea, its sad. Was happy to read that Multnomah Falls, the visitor center, and the overlook remain intact. It will come back. Not in our lifetimes, but it will.

Right after I got married we took the new dog backpacking in Eagle Creek. Fucker ran off and we spent almost two hours looking for him. :mad: We finally said "fuck it" and left. 5 minutes later he came trotting down the trail happy as a clam.

In the meantime, create some mountain bike trails?
I haven't done any digging out here yet, but everytime I kick at fresh ground I see little chunks of charcoal everywhere despite seeing no signs of fire in the trees. It is a good reminder that western ecosystem is well adapted to fire, even needs it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Lasgnarias. Why do we not have them? Lasagna is way betterer then pizza. If I could get Lasagna delivered I would order it often. Why do we not eat more Lasagna?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Stupid bike shop. They got my new bike in yesterday, and couldn't even get it built today, even though they said it was 1st on the list for the morning. It takes 45 minutes to build a bike, I want mine now, godammit!
Still went for a 31 mile ride in an hour and a half.
On the 20 year old cross bike...felt good!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Because elastic waistbands aren't easy to find?
I exercise 45 minutes a day just so I can eat a tray of Lasagna twice a month. I am sure you'll be fine also. I make a Asparagus, Artichoke,Spinach, Onion, Ricotta Lasagna. That I am sure is good for you...
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