
those damn pinkies!!!!!

So for the few days i am down in Baltimore i tried to get out and do some urban, since i cant seem to get out during the day for trial riding. so me and a couple friends head up to johns hopkins, with plans to hit up notre dame (not the main notre dame campus) and a loyola campus that night. i had walked around johns hopkins the night before to try and find some good stuff, and found a beautifull grass hill coming off the side of a pathway. my friend tony (a new member here, but forgot the spelling of his handle) decides to come down and bunny hop the small ledge to get to the hill. first time slides out, no big deal. second time his tire burps right before he is to take off, locking sideways and dumping him over the bars. he lands on his right hand right on top of the ledge and rotates over it.......breaking his pinkie. so our ride ended 5 minutes into it. we went down to the hospital cause we werent sure if it was a dislocation or broken. after 4 hours in the er we find out broken, and they splint it. so he is now out of commission for a while, and no Pisgah trip for him that he had planned :( well that is life. here are some vidcaps of the wreck and his finger...hopefully he will chime in with some scans of his x-rays. definite break.


dh girlie

That really sucks ass for him. I busted my pinky in half on a ride...I was like eh...it's a pinky...it hurt like a bitch and they had to yank on it to reposition it..then the next day they gave me shots in between my fingers and yanked on it for about 15 minutes. When the shots wore off there was NO painkiller on the face of the planet that made the pain subside even after about 3 days. The pain was so gnarly that I almost puked...even after 3 months of therapy it wouldn't bend and hurt like a bitch, so I had to have surgery on it to remove ligaments and scar tissue. Then 3 more months of therapy, and just when I thought all was good...busted my hand in a little otb action. So THAT cast set the rehabilitation of my pinky back and come May 29th...it will be two years since I broke that f'er and it STILL friggin looks all jacked Dr. Evil style and STILL hurts and is STILL stiff...missed pretty much most of 2 seasons of riding. So sorry to hear about that...been there done that it sucked ass and a big f you to all you f'ers who said **** about me not riding...it sucked ass and I wish that on no one...unbelievable how important a pinky is to daily life...

*great sequential shot there, btw.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
That sucks, hope your friend heals quickly.

I busted the bone in my hand behind the pinky in a crash. I of course rode for 17 hours straight after the break and the bone set to the shape of my handlebar.:)

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
You should've told them to simply amputate it. Think of the cool stories! :thumb:

Dude, I DID tell the dr. to amputate it...seriously...I was like this sucks so freakin bad cutting off could not possibly be worse...when he told me I had to have surgery...I almost cried...I NEVER cry...something has to be really bad for this tough cookie to shed tears...and then when I called my hunny to tell him, I did bust out in tears...I was so sick of it by then.

dh girlie

Westy said:
That sucks, hope your friend heals quickly.

I busted the bone in my hand behind the pinky in a crash. I of course rode for 17 hours straight after the break and the bone set to the shape of my handlebar.:)

17 hours? What in tarnation were you doing??? a 24 hour race solo???

When I busted my hand in downieville I had to ride out of the place for at least 8 miles or so...that kinda sucked, but I figured might as well go balls out since it feels like I'll probably not gonna be able to ride again for a while.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dh girlie said:
17 hours? What in tarnation were you doing??? a 24 hour race solo???
Yeah, crashed on the first night lap. I took enough Aleve in my to make things bearable on the climbs but my hand hurt so much on the downhills it brought teers to my eyes. It helped keep my adrenaline levels up though.

Which bone did you break? Did you f'up the tendons?

dh girlie

Westy said:
Yeah, crashed on the first night lap. I took enough Aleve in my to make things bearable on the climbs but my hand hurt so much on the downhills it brought teers to my eyes. It helped keep my adrenaline levels up though.

Which bone did you break? Did you f'up the tendons?
Wow...well heres a tidbit of 'medical' advice for you...I took this class in ergonomics last week, and the nurse who did the workshop said that if you take one 200mg advil, and one extra strength tylenol, it will give you the same pain relief effect as morphine...just don't drink alcohol while you are doing this. I told a friend of mine about it that just had an IUD inserted that was in a lot of pain, and JP for his collarbone, and both of them were like damn, that REALLY works. I can't wait till I'm in agony to try it.

The bone I broke in my pinky was JUUUUUST under the joint in the second knuckle...kinda in a diagonal direction just missing the joint. I should scan my xray and post it...ugly. No tendon damage.

The bone in my hand was a metacarpal bone...along the side of my hand under my pinky (the one I broke). No tendon damage there either. That was pretty much nuthin compared to the pinky...in fact, my pinky hurt more during that than the hand break. It's STILL swollen after nearly 2 years...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Wow...well heres a tidbit of 'medical' advice for you...I took this class in ergonomics last week, and the nurse who did the workshop said that if you take one 200mg advil, and one extra strength tylenol, it will give you the same pain relief effect as morphine..
A doc friend has told me not to even bother with 200mg of Vitamin I. She says to use 800mg if you want decent results from ibuprofin. :thumb:

Apr 25, 2002
Washington dc
dude i was there the whole time, got home at 4am it was a long night. but he was so calm and was like "ibroke my finger, let's go to the hospital" so we went. aand let me tell you union mem. in the middle of b-more is a acetchy hospital, bodily fluids all over the place, i thought we were gonna get shot.


Apr 19, 2005
Ha-ha. A couple days off the PC and I almost miss the thread about my damn pinky :confused: . It definately blows, well I'm off to get it Set and what not. Maybe I can get a decent splint so I can still ride. I think I'm just going to make riding happen.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Re-read the post...it's a mix of advil and tylenol...some magic works between the two I guess.
I'm just telling those who take Vitamin I that I've heard that 800mg is the "functional dose" - for those that don't need "morphine equivalent relief"

I read the post. :eviltongu



Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
BussaFrame said:
Ha-ha. A couple days off the PC and I almost miss the thread about my damn pinky :confused: . It definately blows, well I'm off to get it Set and what not. Maybe I can get a decent splint so I can still ride. I think I'm just going to make riding happen.
Dude, if you'd waited a couple days before picking a screen name you could have been bussa anythin or something to that extent. Why limit yourself to just frames?

Anyway, good luck on the setting, and hope you still come to Pisgah anyway. There will be plenty of beer to drink, and you can do that with the 'ol lefty.

Cool pics, we should do something with those.

Heal up, T.
dh girlie said:
Dude, get drunk or high or something before you go get it set...the 'reduction' as they call it hurts so f'n bad...
actually, after seeing the x-ray (i sure as hell better have for being there for 4 hours) it is pretty much set. seemed maybe a little twisted. but wasnt offset or anything. so should be pretty easy. but definetly not going to be fun either way, and hopefully it goes easy for him.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Man I got so lucky when I busted my pinky last year... it was a bad break and went diagonal through a joint, but it didn't need to be reset and it healed up pretty good with no surgery. It still hurts sometimes but the doc told me because of how it broke I was pretty much stuck with some amount of pain in that joint for the rest of my life.

Oh and I rode my ass off with that cast on, even broke the cast on a 7 foot drop :D


Apr 19, 2005
I'm getting pins put in it tomorrow. Gotta get the surgery done so that I can get back on the bike as soon as possible. Maybe I should have just gotten it cut off.


Dec 6, 2004
HAR*DC*COREphil said:
dude i was there the whole time, got home at 4am it was a long night. but he was so calm and was like "ibroke my finger, let's go to the hospital" so we went. aand let me tell you union mem. in the middle of b-more is a acetchy hospital, bodily fluids all over the place, i thought we were gonna get shot.
Hey man, B-more aint that bad.....well okay so its bad in some areas. But the riding is good.


Nov 19, 2003
S.F. California
i broke my pinky about 2 years ago at sea otter. went for my first practice run on the dh course and went into the first turn and my brakes didnt....well.....brake and i hit the sand in the turn and washed out and got chucked off the bike. landed on my hand all funky and that was the end of that. i was out for a couple months after that. what pissed me off the most was the fact that it was just my pinky.