
Three cheers for PETA!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Damn True said:
"Two PETA employees have been charged with animal cruelty for dumping dead animals they collected in eastern North Carolina into a shopping center's garbage bins."

Oh that is freakin beautiful!
Yeah. The least they could've done is eat the animals......... then it wouldn't have been a complete waste. :p


Apr 18, 2005
SkaredShtles said:
Not me. Makes me want to throttle a PETA member. :mad:

No point in taking it out on the animals.
Perhaps I should elaborate. I love animals, really I do. But, I want to do some mean things to an animal (I won't go in to detail) right in front of one or more of those freaking hippie ass PETA assholes just to see the look on their face.

Then I would enjoy throttling them too.


Apr 18, 2005
sanjuro said:
For animal cruelty? Or for being a-holes?
For not wanting tests to be done to mice/rats/monkeys that could result in vaccines and meds to save human beings.

Sure I think excesive cruelty should not be involved but I think any organization with a zero tolerance, one sided, put blinders on aproach is completely suspect.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
PBV said:

I hate PETA so much they make me want to be excesively cruel to animals.

so...let me understand this, you want to be cruel to a defenseless animal because of some warped human beings...gosh thats just...brilliant :thumb:

and no i dont like PETA...and this story is right outta the home paper


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I will settle this one...


The Center for Consumer Freedom, which represents the food industry, a frequent target of PETA campaigns, released data filed by PETA with the state of Virginia that shows PETA has killed more than 10,000 animals from 1998 to 2003. "In 2003, PETA euthanized over 85 percent of the animals it took in," said a press release from the lobby, "finding adoptive homes for just 14 percent. By comparison, the Norfolk (Va.) SPCA found adoptive homes for 73 percent of its animals and Virginia Beach SPCA adopted out 66 percent."


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
PBV is a friggin idiot. Good job. You've earned lots of respect because of your logic and compassion.


Being a vegetarian... I kinda support some of their ideas. I think they have their hearts are in the right place, they just can't get through to the public without being viewed as extremist...due to their actions..which is completely right. They're doing the whole In-Yo-Face-Shock thing, and now it has bitten them in the a$$.

I have also been involved with finding homes for animals. And it is hard, not giving PETA's members any slack here, to get the 3 year old mutt adopted when a family wants a new friggin Cockapoo puppy (or whatever dog is trendy). What the two members did is SEVERELY wrong, and they should be punished.

I will not, however, sit across from someone eating a steak and berate them for their choices.

My boyfriend is a meat eater. I am not. He FREAKED when I told him I was going back to the vegetarian lifestyle ( I had been for 4 years, and then had a 4 year rest, and now have been vege for 3). I think that he was more concerned with me sitting across the table and mooing at him or showing him videos of slaughtered cows than he was with my choice to just not eat meat.

So.. y'all can have an extra thick burger with bacon, and I won't flinch. But I won't eat it... and I am not forcing any of you to eat Tofutti and watch slaughterhouse videos. It's all good.
stoney98 said:
some people are dicks; some are pussies; some are assholes.

Pussies get f'ed by dicks and isht all over by assholes; sometimes dicks get isht'd all over by assholes. The only one however who can f an asshole is a dick, unfortunately sometimes pussies get f'ed too.

PETA are a bunch of assholes, supporters of PETA are pussies, and those who hate PETA are dicks. :monkey:

This wouldn't possibly be your pick up line with Bay area women huh Stoney?


Apr 18, 2005
MudGrrl said:
PBV is a friggin idiot. Good job. You've earned lots of respect because of your logic and compassionQUOTE]

Logic and compassion? What logic and compassion?

If you couldn't figure it out the first two posts were "over the top" sarcasm. You would be hard pressed to find me doing anything remotely cruel to an animal.

The third post however is really how I feel. PETA's ideals may, in some instances, be good. However due to the way they EXPRESS those ideals I have no respect for them whatsoever. And yes I really feel that while cruelty to animals is wrong, I would rather kill a thousand mice and save one human being that the other way around.

P.S.- Lighten up :)