
Throwing in the towel


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Several months ago my little division here at work got sold off to a partner company we have always worked with. When the announcement was made everyone was told that their jobs were guaranteed. The new company headquarters are in Shaumburg Illinois. They wanted everyone in a management role to make the move but it wouldn't be mandatory. I told them I would consider moving after having spent some time up there while we were integrating the two companies, gave them a timeline of 6 months to a year. My boss and CEO were happy with that.

Friday it was officially announced that everyone needed to be working in the Illinois office by Jan 4th or you were no longer an employee. We have until tomorrow to decide. I'm telling them to **** off.

Looks like I will be an unemployed monkey. I will be getting a rather nice severance package so money will not be an issue for quite a while, which is good because the new job outlook is looking very slim. Not sure what I will do with myself but I know there will be plenty of riding involved.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Wow man. Good luck.

Score on the severance package.

The one I got when I got laid off was only big enough to let me not work for a month.

Then I broke/dislocated my ankle riding in my newly found free time day 3...

I found a new job and was working less than a week later.

This was back in 2005.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Damn, that sucks about the job, but good on you for sticking it out like you said you would for the transition. That should help in the long run as far as the reference for future spots.

Enjoy yourself and make sure you have a good story to tell your next employer.

"Westy, it seems you were out of work for some time. Can you tell what it was that you did while you were off?"

"Well, I got involved in online porn that eventually landed me in Thailand where I headed up a small ring of sex slave traders..."


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Good for you for telling them to suck it. :clap:

Shaumberg is a **** suburb.

Good luck on the job hunt.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Start Honest Westy's Consulting Inc. and go back work for them on a "as-needed" basis for 4 times the price.

Enjoy the time off.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Maybe I could interest you in something in the exciting world of helicopter after-market accessories? You could be my special internet forum liaison officer. I could dictate all of my ridemonkey posts to you.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Good luck man! At least you got a good severance package. I worked full time in a high-er position at a company for 5 years and they let all of us go and sadly the severance package got stopped before it got to me :(

Oh well, you'll find a job...meanwhile GET OUT AND RIDE!!!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Corporate slimeballs: 0
That is what made the decision a no brainer. I am in a pretty good position, I had the choice to move, a lot of the people I work with don't have the choice because of family situations. They will not be in good financial shape. Because we were lied to they lost 3 months to find another job. These assholes ****ed over my coworkers big time. No way I can go work for those pricks.

The reality is though I work for GE right now, corporate mega giants. It is the new company that are acting slimy, GE is making the new company give us the sweet severance packages as part of the sale contract. They didn't have to do that.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Sucks dude, sounds like your making the right choice. Nothing says integrity and caring about your people like delivering that kind of news right befor the holidays. Total douche bag move.

On the other hand, Westy + too much freetime = good times on teh Ridemonkey!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sucks dude, sounds like your making the right choice. Nothing says integrity and caring about your people like delivering that kind of news right befor the holidays. Total douche bag move.

On the other hand, Westy + too much freetime = good times on teh Ridemonkey!
Even people who wanted to move get screwed. They have to work on the other side of the country while simultaneously getting their homes back in Virginia ready for sale.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Sucks to get treated like that but it sounds like you're doing the right thing. In fact, considering that I actually once worked for a software company located in Schaumburg, IL ... I know you're doing the right thing!

We'll all be tuned in tomorrow to hear how "the talk" went with your soon-to-be-ex-boss.

ps: their loss.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
You've been unhappy there for some time now if I remember correctly.

That sucks that your friends and coworkers got screwed.

It's funny we've been interviewing people here for a receptionist etc.... position. We've heard some horror stories about people offering them $6/hr and stuff like that. They're amazed we have paid holidays and stuff too.

I think the average worker has regressed back to the conditions of the 1900's. Problem is now healthcare will bankrupt you.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sucks dude, sounds like your making the right choice. Nothing says integrity and caring about your people like delivering that kind of news right befor the holidays. Total douche bag move.
Agree laying people off before Christmas is really uncool. My wife got laid off too last week. Not only had they said nobody would be laid off even though she had asked, then they fired her with an email and no severance package. On top of that she is/was working for a sperm bank and she is pregnant what a nice message to send from a company like that. She also offered to renegotiate her contract but they have not even responded to that either.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Agree laying people off before Christmas is really uncool. My wife got laid off too last week. Not only had they said nobody would be laid off even though she had asked, then they fired her with an email and no severance package. On top of that she is/was working for a sperm bank and she is pregnant what a nice message to send from a company like that. She also offered to renegotiate her contract but they have not even responded to that either.
Wow.... crazy. Companies have become more and more ruthless. It's time for a labor party movement in the US.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Agree laying people off before Christmas is really uncool.
Unless you get a monster severence package. Then the timing is perfect. Lots of holiday time with fam... ski season is just getting rolling... 1st of the year companies start getting back in the hiring swing... get a job around the end of ski season...

Sorry to hear about your wife's job loss. :(


Dec 19, 2006
Millis, MA
Good luck with the job search.

Any Relation to this?
FoxNews said:
GE strikes deal to sell 51 percent stake in NBC Universal to Comcast
CNN said:
-- General Electric and Comcast announce joint venture giving Comcast eventual control of NBC Universal.
Is GE a sinking **** whoops I mean ship.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Having been in a similar situation when the interwebs went bust 10 years ago... you should enjoy the opportunity to do a whole bunch of stuff you normally wouldn't have time for. Your next job will be even better.