
Thursday Evening Group Ride

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
My small town only has about 1/2 a dozen roadies so getting a club going is pretty much impossible. Lately there have been 3 of us who have been meeting weekly for a fast paced 90 minute to 2 hour ride. Tonight we did the ride I mentioned earlier theis week - 36 miles, moderately hilly and again, little wind. When I did it earlier this week I average 17.5 at a moderate pace, my fastest solo was 18.6 last summer. Tonight we paced and generally pushed as hard as we could, stopping once at mile 22. We averaged 19.4 for the loop which may not sound impressive but... on the flats we cruised along at 22 to 24, downhill was 35+ and up hill we probably averaged 16 to 17. I gave it everything I had and was reasonably fresh having rested yesterday but could not pull a final sprint. One of the guys I rode with now sports aero bars and spinergy blade wheels, towards the end it was all I could do to keep his draft.

Ah... my quads are done for the day. :) :) :)


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
I personally like the smaller group rides.We have a club ride on Tuesday nights that usually pulls in 100+ riders called "The Tuesday Night Worlds" and it gets plain nuts.To many wrecks for me so we now have a group of 12 racers Cat 4 and up that do our own ride.Much safer and we always get a great workout.