
thursday gfmt

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
well it would appear that the original batteries in my new to me used truck have decided to die. Had to jump start it last night. low battery indicator before I started it. Lights were bright and no indication that the alternator was not operating correctly after the jump start form my other diesel. drove 30 miles at freeway speeds parked it and it would not turn over for a restart. Going to put a battery load tester on it today to figure it out.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Installed a new dish washer last night. Even a simple job like that always have some small challenges but it all worked out in the end. Hopefully it will last a long time before I have to replace it again.

I was going to ride this morning but went back to bed. Cold windy weather and threat of rain removed my motivation.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I think I spent too much time in the bong shed last night.

I totally turned off my alarm this morning instead of hitting snooze. Slept for an hour past when I was supposed to wake up...oops.

And today is already Thursday?? Huh, when did that happen? This week has literally been a blur.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Found problem #1 on the VANOS solenoids. One of the power source wires to a solenoid was detached. I'm assuming that was causing some problems. Did find some more small issue repairs in need to completion.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
It's going to be a somewhat busy day for me. We're down two trainees and although we have the full complement of three staff, the two others that I'm on with are not known for being exceptionally productive/helpful.

On the upside, I figured out that a presumed programming error in my Matlab code actually wasn't: instead I was just running things with the wrong set of parameters. This pleases me. I'm always worried my code is getting out of sync: I work on it at home and at work and sync via Dropbox since that's simpler than a check-in/-out system.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
because I came in last night, I may be able to get out for a ride tonight. fingers crossed. must spend less time on the monkey....

anyones of youz have experience with induction cooktops? My addition/kitchen reno started this week, so this weekend we have to decide on appliances. I had originally been thinking gas (we already have it coming to the house for the hot water heater and furnace, so it would only require some additional lines within the house, not bringing in a gas line). But the more I read about induction, the more it seems appealing: quicker to boil, better simmering, low chance of the kids burning themselves on a hot element. Our pots will work with it, I've checked.... Electricity is pretty constant here, we rarely ever get service outages, and they are usually resolved in less than an hour... Electricity is also produced pretty "clean" here, no more coal, lots of hydro, some nuclear, so the emissions profile is pretty decent. I think that by not having to run a new gas line in the house, the price of induction is pretty even with gas. I don't see a downside.

Another question: solid hardwood floor in kitchen/living room/dining room (it will be one big massive open space), or engineered hardwood? I read on-line that solid hardwood ain't so great in a kitchen. But I'm willing to buy it unfinished and have it finished in-situ if that helps. But it seems "why bother"? If engineered hardwood looks as nice, is as durable, and less susceptible to water damage / humidity fluctuations (we get a lot of that here), then the only consideration is off-gassing from the glues and resins. but if I get the hardwood finished in the house, I'll have the same problem, plus the headache of not being able to circulate on the ground floor for a few days (big problem...)

Any advice/thoughts?


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Went to book / wine club last night, tired this morning.
Whatcha reading?


Still sick, though I feel like I may be on the rebound. Fortunately my daughter is now sick so what ever disease this is will be staying with us for a while longer. :think:
Who was just talking about how they weren't going to get sick when their kid started daycare? jonK?

because I came in last night, I may be able to get out for a ride tonight. fingers crossed. must spend less time on the monkey....

anyones of youz have experience with induction cooktops? My addition/kitchen reno started this week, so this weekend we have to decide on appliances. I had originally been thinking gas (we already have it coming to the house for the hot water heater and furnace, so it would only require some additional lines within the house, not bringing in a gas line). But the more I read about induction, the more it seems appealing: quicker to boil, better simmering, low chance of the kids burning themselves on a hot element. Our pots will work with it, I've checked.... Electricity is pretty constant here, we rarely ever get service outages, and they are usually resolved in less than an hour... Electricity is also produced pretty "clean" here, no more coal, lots of hydro, some nuclear, so the emissions profile is pretty decent. I think that by not having to run a new gas line in the house, the price of induction is pretty even with gas. I don't see a downside.

Another question: solid hardwood floor in kitchen/living room/dining room (it will be one big massive open space), or engineered hardwood? I read on-line that solid hardwood ain't so great in a kitchen. But I'm willing to buy it unfinished and have it finished in-situ if that helps. But it seems "why bother"? If engineered hardwood looks as nice, is as durable, and less susceptible to water damage / humidity fluctuations (we get a lot of that here), then the only consideration is off-gassing from the glues and resins. but if I get the hardwood finished in the house, I'll have the same problem, plus the headache of not being able to circulate on the ground floor for a few days (big problem...)

Any advice/thoughts?
Ditto on the I should be working and not on RM. Today needs to be productive.

Gas stove. It has more consistent heat and is much better (and more fun) for cooking. jdcamb can probably give the actual reason for that.

Engineered. It is the better choice for a kitchen as it stands up to humidity and water.
Side note even though it wasn't an option, we have laminate in our house, and when it gets wet (fucking dogs!!!) it buckles. We now have to replace it all because the dogs have pissed on it too many times. There is not one finished room in our house. As a commercial property manager, it makes my brain hurt!


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Huh, I guess I was making it up? I wonder what the doc is talking about... said the shingles is a result of the vaccines Lil heathen had last week.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Oh look, more rain on the way. Supposed to get three days of heavy rain, as in flash flooding, in the mountains. More than likely going to cancel my hotel reservation for Sunday. This makes a monkey sad, very sad...