
~~~~~~~~~~thursday gmt lol wtf?~~~~~~~~~~

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Up at 3:00 this morning to drop a friend and family off at the airport. This serves as the one time a year I'm up early enough to start a gmt thread.

I hope crabbyboss doesn't mind naps at work...
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triple nubby
Jan 7, 2011
hopkinton ma
wow no kidding you where up wicked early, anyway i got school. maybe a quick nam ride after schoooool then friday im gonna go ride some pump trackage and djs. be same monkeys


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Grumpy Syd this morning, but she's on the bus and off to school. We're back to the "mom, you gotta call school, this bus is too early for young children" argument again. Hopefully the kids are less crazied than yesterday, but I highly doubt it so I made my coffee a little stronger this morning. 2 days left until break and boy am I ready!!! Supposed to get a slushy mix of rain/snow later today too...yippie. This is the winter that wasn't, but it's still icy around here so I'll hit the trainer rather than the trainer as my studded tires weren't cutting it the last time.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Looked at a house with plaster walls and ceilings yesterday. The owners were amazed at the amount of cracks I found in the plaster.

Today is BigT's birthday. Guess what I'm doing this evening. :brows:

Be safe out there.


Sep 8, 2009
Morning monkeys. Going to see Shadows Fall tonight. First metal show I've been to in a very long time.

Gonna be a lot of :rockout: and :headbang:


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Dropped the girlfriend off at the airport last night, looks like I am a bachelor for a few days. Probably going to spend it in style by doing my taxes, some bike maintenance, and some riding. Sounds like a good few days to me.

Minor annoyance, after going through several sets of cleats in an attempt to stop my pedals from prematurely releasing it looks as if the culprit is a worn pedal. After 500 miles that should not be the case. Now to try and get shimano on the phone...


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
The owners were amazed at the amount of cracks I found in the plaster.
I first read that as "the owners were amazed at the amount of crack I found in the plaster," :shocked: and I was like, WTF??? Was it a former crack house or something?? Did you call the police??" Bwhahahahahaa!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:

I obviously need moar coffee.

Happy b-day to Big T!!!

And uh... good morning monkeys...


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
My kindle order got delayed. Strange since my power adaptor already arrived and the kindle stayed in indianapolis. I check the tracking feature way to often. Outside of that. Work work.


Aug 20, 2007
G'mornin' monkies. Yesterday was a mildly pleasant birthday - wife and daughter cooked me dinner - and we leave this evening after work for a snowboarding weekend in CO. Monarch on Friday, Cooper on Sunday, with some sledding, swimming and bowling on the day in between. Oh, and a fair bit of drinking the entire weekend. Have a good'un!
- Joe


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
work work work.

spent last night learning Iron Maiden bass-lines at 67 bpm. that is as fast as my left hand will do some of the position changes.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Went to hear Ruth Reichl the New York Times food critic, editor of Gourmet and author talk on American Food Now: New Trends in Eating and What They Tell Us About Our Society. I thought is was very interesting and I even feel smarter now!


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Morning! Had an unexpected opportunity to hit the gym last night, so I did! It was awesome, I am sore. I have a personal training session tonight (I never used my free one when I joined and someone asked if I wanted to, and yes, that'd be great, but I'm only doing ONE.), so I hope I'm not too sore to keep up! And conversly I hope dude kicks my ass!

Good job Crab Joe, well done, but you DID forget a ver important piece of the %^&gmt%^& ;)

Tree Saw... grumpiness must be in the air for children! Hey, any thoughts on 5 year old whining and clinginess? It's at an all time high these days and hubby and I are pretty much trying to ignore it but it won't go away!

IAB, hope the knee was just a fluke, good luck this weekend!

This day is DRAGGING!!!!! Either I need more coffee or Syd's grumpiness is rubbing off on me today :( Regardless, I am fueling my grumpiness with some "Mars" by Gustav Holst :shakefist:
I love that piece! I got to play piccolo (shut up boys.) in the orchestra in college for that one and it was so fun!! My all time fav piece of music is Rachmoninov's 3rd piano concerto... we did that one in college too, our piano teacher was the one who played it, it was awesome to get to sit right behind him so I could watch his hands... a GREAT piece for grumpy days too! *sigh* I miss playing in the orchestra.