
***Thursday GMT***


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!!

Thursday already?? ...This week is going by too quickly. We're out of control, captain!!!

Last night was nice. It rained on us for most of the day, and then quit right around 6pm. Just in time to get the grill dried out and some steaks on. Justine had her meeting with the 2nd and 3rd shift people where she works, so it was just Colin and I for the night. Watched the hockey game....that was a hard-hitting match, right there. Broken sticks all over the place, too. Glad to see Pitt manned-up and took a game. I knew they had Sidney Crosby for a reason.

Watching the season finale of "LOST" tonight. Should be interesting even though I've spoiled myself silly on it already.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Skipped the "high impact" workout last night, didn't feel like going. Looked at a house yesterday that had a bunch of lawn jockey statues in the yard. The sewer project in Trumbull is going right through their yard.

Today, I'm going to a project that has been on-going for about 3 months now, and this is the first time I'm going. Tonight is Wood 'N Tap and a cake.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hello MONKEYS! It's FRIDAY for me! My car's got to go back into the shop tomorrow to finish up the a/c work...they didn't finish it last time because they needed to order parts. My brakes are also squealing and vibrating so I need to get those looked at. I was going to take a half day tomorrow anyway, so I figured I'd just take the whole day and get the car fixed up in the morning. Other than that, it's the MS Bike Tour weekend, so we have an MTB "preride" Saturday followed by beer and eats at our house. Figures though that showers are in the forecast. :mad: Eff. At least Sunday is looking good for the actual MS ride. Team Ridemonkey.com is its biggest yet with 15 riders.

Lifted weights and went for a run last night. I've got to hit up Costco after work tonight. Anyone need anything?


Turbo Monkey
morning monkeys.

well i slept with an ice pack on my knee last night and it seems to be a LITTLE better. i'm not getting the extremely sharp pain but it's still feeling bad. i'd like to ride today since it's nice out...but i'm not sure if i'd be doing more harm than good. although when i ride it doesn't seem to hurt during. guess i'll play that one by ear. maybe a casual ride...although with hills everywhere i turn just to get to the trails...no ride is really casual.

anybody else surprised at how freakin COLD it's been in the mornings. i keep forgetting to close my windows from the day...this morning it was 68 in the house. :huh: texas weather can't come soon enough!!

and on a side note...i just gotta say thanks. you monkeys have been really great in support/advice of my riding.

have a great morning monkeys.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Mornin' Gang!

Another lovely day in Southern Maryland, should have brought the bike!:rant:

Easy day today, Powerpoints out the gazoo to do and cold beer with some friends after I slide down that dinosaur's back at 4 pm!

Have a good Thursday.

BB, it wouldn't be so cold in your house if you hadn't had an icepack out all night!:biggrin: Keep wishin' for that North Texas weather, get back with us around August...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
BB, it wouldn't be so cold in your house if you hadn't had an icepack out all night!:biggrin: Keep wishin' for that North Texas weather, get back with us around August...
I don't know how anyone can complain about 45 degree mornings and 75 degree afternoons. :bonk: I dunno...when I'm cold at night, I close the window and grab a blanket. But I'm weird like that.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Not much going on here. Probably start getting stuff together for this weekends race tonight. That's about it. :twitch:


Mar 29, 2004
Had a little jam session with some friends last night. Then came home and watched the Pens finally score some points in this series.

The mornings have been cold, but I have been diggin' it. Its been nice on the commute into work. Im not looking forward to 85 & 100% humidity at 6:30 am. Ill take 40deg mornings and 75 deg evenings all year round!

Tonight Ill be watching Lost with some friends. I cant wait.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Had a great ride last night with my team and 20 other friends :D Didn't end up getting pizza because it was after 9pm and it still hadn't come out of the oven so I left early and settled for a LUNA bar for dinner. Today I have a ton of crap to do and I have a big interview tomorrow (*fingers crossed that the superintendent and board of ed. member like me and offer me some $$$*). Tonight I will be getting fitted for my bridesmaid dress too...yippie!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
My coffee is friggin good.

Gonna get one last ride in tonight. I have a vasectomy tomorrow, so no riding for several days. Got some new records to listen to, and will be camped out on the couch for the weekend.


Aug 15, 2007
Good morning all. Have a nice sit down small group meeting with the department VP today. Looking forward to it. I hear he is a cyclist, so I have a direct in!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Good morning everybody.
I was stoked to ride yesterday and met a friend after work. Slow, technical trail with lots of rocks and many natural and wooden stunts. Man I flailed around for hours, slipping on slick rocks, clipping trees with my shoulder, 100% flow-free. Afterward we went to the local pub for giant greenpepper house burgers and cold beer ... but their kitchen was shut down because the exhaust wasn't working. :shakefist: All that said, it was a great night.

I've got to hit up Costco after work tonight. Anyone need anything?
Get me a 10 gallon jar of relish. K,thx.

Ill take 40deg mornings and 75 deg evenings all year round!

My coffee is friggin good.
Mine too !
Gonna get one last ride in tonight. I have a vasectomy tomorrow, so no riding for several days.
Umm, good luck.

OK, that should get the multi-quote thrill out of my system.
Have a great Thursday everyone.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
anybody else surprised at how freakin COLD it's been in the mornings. i keep forgetting to close my windows from the day...this morning it was 68 in the house. :huh: texas weather can't come soon enough!!

Have you ever been to Texas in the summer?

Edit -- Here is your summer forecast: Low 75° High 95° Chance of rain -- 20%
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Wytheville Virginia
Mornin everyone. We're getting lectured from a couple of orthopedic surgeons who are determined to slice and dice just about anything that walks. So instead, I'm watching "Diary of the Dead".

I got my new rear brake put on last night, and being the mechanical retard that I am I think it came out pretty well. It doesn't rub on the pads and it stops pretty well. Just have to put on the front brake when my fork gets back and I'll be set.

have a good'n monos.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
I forgot to mention earlier that I killed a Copperhead last night. I almost picked it up thinking it was a stick Colin left on the back porch. That would have been a bad move.......Luckily, I got to it before Colin toddled outside behind me. I shooed him back inside and grabbed that shovel to take out Mr. NoShoulders. The disembodied head still tried several times to strike at me, so I dug a small hole and buried his ass to fertilize my hostas plants.

"Get these mutherf'ing snakes out of my motherf'ing garden!!!"

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Get me a 10 gallon jar of relish. K,thx.
They sell "party packs" of condiments that includes gallon jugs of ketchup, relish and mustard. The relish sucks though. It's a squeeze tube and relish doesn't squeeze well from a plastic squeeze bottle. Only liquid squeezes out. (get your mind out of the gutter, people). Proper relish should be purchased from a glass jar that requires a spoon.

I need more coffee. And, IAB, I could use some Almond butter from Costco, k thanks! ;)

Our Costco has an independent liquor store attached to it. It's part of Costco and has Costco prices, but technically is its own entity. In any case, their beer selection sucks. :plthumbsdown:


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
i was there a year ago this july...it rained a LOT. i like the heat. i'm also thinking the cold sucks for my knee issues.
Yeah, last year was the year of the rain, and it kept us cooler than usual. The kiddos had to have their June swim lessons indoors, because the outside pool was too cold.(yes, too cold - they were all shivering and their lips turning blue.) That doesn't happen often.


Turbo Monkey
Yeah, last year was the year of the rain, and it kept us cooler than usual. The kiddos had to have their June swim lessons indoors, because the outside pool was too cold.(yes, too cold - they were all shivering and their lips turning blue.) That doesn't happen often.

from what i'm gathering it seems to be raining a lot this year as well. although the temp isn't as cold. honestly...i prefer heat to cold. i'm not too worried about that aspect of living in Texas.

I forgot to mention earlier that I killed a Copperhead last night. I almost picked it up thinking it was a stick Colin left on the back porch. That would have been a bad move.......Luckily, I got to it before Colin toddled outside behind me. I shooed him back inside and grabbed that shovel to take out Mr. NoShoulders. The disembodied head still tried several times to strike at me, so I dug a small hole and buried his ass to fertilize my hostas plants.

"Get these mutherf'ing snakes out of my motherf'ing garden!!!"
WOW...that is some scary sh*t right there. especially with a little one who has no idea. glad it turned out well. i hate snakes. that's the one thing that DOES frighten me about riding in the TX trails. (cue Loco for more stories to keep me from moving) :biggrin:


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - had a nice time last night at the Bolton Middle School spring music concert. Liam is in the 6th grade band and that band kicks some serious ass for 6th graders. I was impressed.

Tonight it is the 4th and 5th graders turn. Connor plays trombone and has a little solo tonight - should be cool. I hope he doesnt' get too nervous. He's a little bit of a worry wart that Connor.

Cheers to all,


Evil plug

Dec 12, 2005
Luna ride last night at a fun set of trails, nothing crazy, then beer and pizza. I didnt get home til almost 11, though. Huge group, maybe 20-30 peeps. Good times, im looking forward to next Wed. ride.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Tonight it is the 4th and 5th graders turn. Connor plays trombone and has a little solo tonight - should be cool. I hope he doesnt' get too nervous. He's a little bit of a worry wart that Connor.

Cheers to all,

I still have my trombone from middle school somewhere in the attic. Maybe I'll get hammered and give "When the Saints go Marching In" a shot at 3am sometime.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I'm in pain :( I pulled my right calf muscle and can't really walk at all. It constantly aches and sucks.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I never fail to laugh at "Rusty Trombone."

I mean, you could go either way.....perverted sex act, porno actors name, or a real problem for the first chair right before the big solo. :biggrin:
As a former trombone player myself (4th grade - college) it always makes me chuckle as well. :biggrin:


Turbo Monkey
I'm in pain :( I pulled my right calf muscle and can't really walk at all. It constantly aches and sucks.
best thing you can do for that is something called "contrast bathing":

for 30 minutes alternate cold and heat pacs every 5 minutes, starting with cold and ending with cold. this will flood your muscle with nutrient rich blood which it needs to help recovery as well as ease the pain. the more times you can do this the better. and of course a good sports type massage would help greatly.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
best thing you can do for that is something called "contrast bathing":

for 30 minutes alternate cold and heat pacs every 5 minutes, starting with cold and ending with cold. this will flood your muscle with nutrient rich blood which it needs to help recovery as well as ease the pain. the more times you can do this the better. and of course a good sports type massage would help greatly.
Yah, I've been doing that and going to acupuncture. I can't really massage it much because it's so painful. :nopity:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning - had a nice time last night at the Bolton Middle School spring music concert. Liam is in the 6th grade band and that band kicks some serious ass for 6th graders. I was impressed.

Tonight it is the 4th and 5th graders turn. Connor plays trombone and has a little solo tonight - should be cool. I hope he doesnt' get too nervous. He's a little bit of a worry wart that Connor.

Cheers to all,

YEAH...good luck Connor! Trombone is still so much fun to play :D