There is no careful where I tread. Wifey knows my logic and it rarely falters when it comes to money. When it comes down to it, selling a house and buying a new one is a trade. You don't sell when the opportunity to buy comes up. You sell to take your profits, then buy when the opportunity arises.Stoney, I couldn't pick which one to quote! As a woman, I am BUSTING UP LAUGHING at my desk right now!! Let's discuss.
#1) Yep, you are totally 100% right from what I here thus far, however:
#2 You are talking about a woman. Adventurous is right. She is going to be so far past logic and so far into emotion land you won't know what hit you or why she is crying but you might just suddenly feel bad for no reason (apparent to YOU anyway). Tread carefully my friend, tread carefully!!
She has acknowledged that I have been right all along. It's just getting her to step back from the emotional and look at it as a business transaction. That involves buying an unfinished house to $100k less and building to suit. For somebody in real estate (new home sales), her inability to step back and look at the floorplan vs. the finishes is fristrating.