
Thursday Night -- Callahan!


Nam I am
well in several email going around discussing this upcoming weekends ride , a thursday Night ride got Planded by Mr Riding . while start times and location changed a couple of times , it wound up being what DR had Said all along , 6:00 pm in the frammingham lot. so that is where we went. while waiting for the others , we get a call from The silver turtle , and punched the wrong address into his GPS and went to DR's office! , we he broke speed records in the element , I gues s that is why it is black to make it stealthy , he even made it before DR , any way DR was the last to make it and off we went , there were 5 of us and it really was a moslty an XC ride to the max. some techy stuff but today it was mostly XC. Next the eather man had been predicting down pours, it was over cast and about 45 degrees no rain yet , hopefully the weatherman is wrong once again.

the Silver turtle up and Over a horse jump.

Is that , not it can't be ! this is a rarer Picture then Sasquachtch !!


yes he made an attempt at the Log hop but did not make it .

and of course SloMoJo proved once again he is SandBaggerMofo! going up the long laborius pipe line, he was right in front.

Here is Mr Riding a the top , looking like he was ready to puke!!

And lastly for tonight Berkshire_rider finding one of the larger Jumps in Callahan

it was a Nice 2 Hr ride and we stayed dry , and the temperature really did not drop much


Dec 19, 2006
Millis, MA
Did Dave not tell you? He probably forgot. I got out to my Jeep and found that I left my lights on and my battery was dead. Luckily one of the folks in my group had just left and came back and gave me a jump. You know what's funny, I called Dave as soon as I found out and didn't get a jump until about 15 minutes later. He must have really gone the long way if he got there shortly before me.


Feb 23, 2008
Cape Cod
Nice pics. I started riding with the Wednesday night group at Trail of Tears again this week. Talk about an ego buster! I've been riding solo most of the winter, and actually thought I would be able to keep up with those guys. I wanted to puke bad, but made it through a brutal 12 mile loop. It's starting to get nice again, and the xc group rides are always nice to get you back into shape.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
People busting out the old steeds on this ride! Slomo on the Titus (where's the Bullit?) and Steve on the old Moab (where's the Blue Specialized???)

Was it Vintage/Retro Night? ;)


Jan 22, 2006
nam bomber
Naah, Callahan is definitely8" of travel worthy...

Oh, Dave I didn't forget, Splat forgot! And you didn't arrive shortly after me and I did take the long way...:brows:
