
Thursday night street_4-15-04

Casper Long

Mar 15, 2004
Arlinton va
I hope to make it out but i need to do some work on my bike after work before i can get over there. On last weeks ride using my oh so smooth landing skill I managed to bust five spokes on my front wheel . it was kinda cool riding around on an oval shaped wheel but still a mystery to me how this could have happened. anywho hope to lots of people out tommorow and if anyone wants to give me some pointers on how not to land like a brick please feel free to give some critique.
if i am late ( orange surly riding long haired dude) give me a call on my cell 703 314 1408 so I can call u back and figure out where u's is at. hope fully I will be bringing my goofy tall austrailin buddy so nobody else will have to be the least skilled. haha lance:dead:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2002
Stuck in the 80s
hey i might make it today. So what's the best way to get there (from VA), what time do you guys meet? where? I have the afternoon off so i can hit the streets earlier no problemo.