


Jan 6, 2004
Maple Valley, Washington
Thursday me and a few buddies will be hittin up south sea tac around 4. should be nice out.....hope to see some peeps there. i gotta get a bunch more video footage in for my senior project...so help me out here!!!! see ya'll there.......Jesse
Sep 8, 2004
I'm gonna be out there no matter what, but I might have to work that night. I'm planning on at least being out there noon/1pm-4pm, but if I do get the day off, like I'm supposed to, I'll be there until dark. I'll have my bike and camera gear, as always.



Turbo Monkey
Hope to be there myself. Too bad you didn't get my digger on vid yesterday - I'll do my best not to do that again any time soon.:p

Do that, Cory...I'm sure you can at least work a stomper!;)
Seriously, you should at least do a walkthru down there. As is the norm, there's new stuff - as I'm sure you've heard.
By the time you get back to riding, there will likely be a couple/few other new things.
Maybe another berm somewhere...


Turbo Monkey
bibs said:
Next time I am out there I might be ona new bike....*muah*
well new frame at least!

What kind of rig? Or is it some hush-hush top-secret bike from the future??

Be sure to ease yourself back, man. You mess it up again any time soon it could be more down-time than originally anticipated.:eek:
Granted most of the trees @ SST are quite flimsy, but slab and rock don't play nice at all.:(
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
Count me- OUT. Sorry, my shoulders are still garbagio. I can hardly pick my own nose right now, let alone ride. I'll be using the next few weeks to learn how to just cruise around on the bmx. How's our step down looking these days? :sneaky:


Turbo Monkey
I'm in for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get there sooner than later. I'll still put some hours in there regardless. Probably just do some maintenance until somebody else is there riding.
I have an idea for something. Nothing uber-duper...just a touch-up thing, really. We shall see. :monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Wow...good crew this afternoon/evening. I hope Mike survived the last few runs - he was starting to really scare me a few times there.:p

So, all went well in the digging department as well. I managed to extend the tranny for the larger of the two drops down bottom-right, as well as run the berm all the way back to the tranny. It's sexy, not to mention it will be a little harder to land that drop onto the flat. I'm probably going to have to add just a little more dirt to it to define it just a little more.
Thanks for the 'relief-pitcher' action, James! You guys seem to show up right as I hit the wall.:dead:

Don't look for me anywhere near there tomorrow (Friday) - not gonna' happen.:)
Sep 8, 2004
Had an awesome ride out there today. I'm quite sure thats the only time I've ridden out there the entire time, and not got the urge to get the camera out. I was just flowing through the granny line quite nicely. My bike is starting to fell pretty decent in the air. Its nice to be comfortable.
I probably won't be out there again until next week, but you never know, I might feel the urge to go out there before work!



Jun 14, 2003
renton, WA
awsome time riding thursday. most fun ive had in a while and it was great to see every body out there. andy the crashes were all superfishal (sp) i really dident go down hard. well exept maybe flat landing the middle table.


Turbo Monkey
No, you did have some smooth bails on your sketchy landings for sure. That one flat-lander was potentially brutal, but you managed well on that. I had a front-row-seat for that one.:eek:
Andy must get a more solid rig so that he can start going after the post-table gapper and other stuff.
Sep 8, 2004
Actually mike, I know you won't admit it, but that one-footer off the middle table looked kinda painful. Next time, come down with both feet on the pedals! There were a few good bails and light crashes there that day though. I'm considering going before work sat morning. Not sure yet, but I might be out there.



Turbo Monkey
Mike is tuff as nails...I've seen him bounce back from much worse.:cool:

I'm currently contemplating getting motivated and heading out there in a couple/few hrs. Waiting to see what the weather will be like.
If it's going to rain halfway decent, then I'm going to do some drainage work...otherwise, I'll ride if it's decent out.
Then again, I may just max and relax instead.
Sep 8, 2004
Well, I planned on going out today.... planned. My sinus infection is still driving me crazy, so I decided just to stay home.

Mike did seem pretty tough. I mean, landing the one footer, one footed and then hitting the seat/bar coming down the transfer, looked DAMN painful to me. I know I would've stopped riding for a few minutes.

Hopefully I'll be able to drag myself outta bed early enough to make it to SST before work tomorrow.



Jan 6, 2004
Maple Valley, Washington
I think he really hurt himself in the nut region on the one footer attempt. i think he just wasn't showing it. that had to be painful. hopefully ill be out there a few times this week....gotta get some filiming in still. i might be out there tuesday..wednesday, and thursday a little later. Jesse....


Turbo Monkey
Tuesday has been a semi-painful day for me out there as of late...I may give'r on Tuesday anyway. Likely Wed. or Thurs. in there as well.
I rode some on Sat. and got a few blocks from home when my main pivot bolt came loose.:eek:
This time I decided to use loctite on it.

One thing's for certain...Mike has a high threshold for pain. I've seen him sustain a concussion and still gain redemption. Definitely has a Josh Bender gene in him, which is a compliment.
Sep 8, 2004
Hopefully I'll be able to make it out at least one day this week. I'm not holding my breath though, My truck's clutch died on the way home from work the other night. So thats a wonderful $800 repair job I wasn't expecting. I did get my new , used frame today. Hopefully I'll have it built up by mid/late november. I'm thinking about putting monster T's on it. 04 Bighit comp frame, mosterT's, etc.
It won't be light, and won't climb... but then, I never really cared for the uphill part anyways. haha.



Jan 6, 2004
Maple Valley, Washington
SWEEEEET you got it!!!! thats awesome...goin with the monster eh?? those are good, and no you wont be pedaling it very much uphill.....thats cool. hope you get it built up soon so you can start goin BIG!!!!!


Turbo Monkey
jimbo_the_biker said:
Hopefully I'll be able to make it out at least one day this week. I'm not holding my breath though, My truck's clutch died on the way home from work the other night. So thats a wonderful $800 repair job I wasn't expecting. I did get my new , used frame today. Hopefully I'll have it built up by mid/late november. I'm thinking about putting monster T's on it. 04 Bighit comp frame, mosterT's, etc.
It won't be light, and won't climb... but then, I never really cared for the uphill part anyways. haha.

Right on - once you get a bigger/better rig, you will not be holding back as much as you are right now...I GUARANTEE IT!!

Next time we're both out there, I'll spend some time with you to get you over the hesitation thing you were having with that one drop before the bottom as well.:thumb:

I'm likely going to be out there most of Tues, Wed and Thurs myself - regardless of the weather. If it's too wet to ride, then I work...although I work more than ride these days regardless of the weather.


Jun 14, 2003
renton, WA
ha thanks for the comploments guys but none of the crashes hurt bad at all i missed any thing crutial. the one footer i hit my quad and stomache nothing else. sunday hurt alot more, i flat landed the middle table (were talken both wheels on flat ground here) and then another run i landed alitle founny on the gap at the botom and my feet flew off the pedals and i hit the log at the bottem with my side at full speed. that sucked nocked the wind outa me and brused a few ribs but its all good. dont know if all be ridin again soon seeing as i snaped my frame into peices on the last jump. so charity is open if you feel so inclined.
Sep 8, 2004
Yeah, I got the frame and some parts. I probably won't have it built for another month. I'm trying to get a monsterT off of a monkey in portland, but if he sells it before I can get it, I'm gonna get one brand new. $800 over at beyondbikes.com.
The $800 repair on my truck kinda slowed me down. Otherwise, I'd have the bike built within a week or two.

As for my hesitation, well, its just that hesitation. I've done 3 out 4 of the drops in that spot, and the one I'm hesitating on, is the smallest! I know I won't crash, chances are I'd crash rolling it the way I've been doing it, before crashing while droppin' it. It is kinda fun to roll though.



Jan 6, 2004
Maple Valley, Washington
the great thing of having a bighit with a monster T......so much room for error!!!! the bike will soak everything up so nicely even if you screw it up. when you get it built up you will have much more confidence in doing the bigger stuff. they are super smooth bikes. maybe the reason that one drop is hard for you is that it's on a turn....?????? i dont know, its kinda at a funny angle, but i know you can do it.
Sep 8, 2004
Yeah, I'm really looking forwards to having that bike finished, so I can start riding. I don't like waiting. Fortunately I still have a bike to ride, so I can still have some fun.

The drop isn't hard at all, I've done it before, its just a mind game thing. Its not much bigger than the little drop after it, right before the table. I don't even feel that drop. I WILL be taking the drop tomorrow. I gotta get my game back on track.
