
-- Thursday's Ride Thread --


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I got own3d, so it's back...

Anyone ride last night? Any riding happening tonight? Now that the good weather is here (well, relatively speaking), let keep these threads to cycling related stuff only. You gym rats and volleyball folks can keep it in the GMT threads ;)

If the weather holds, I'll be doing a road ride tonight. I've got what I hope to be a really good route planned out - lots of miles, not much climbing. Should be a good way to get used to the road gearing and begin strengthening my legs.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Not a good week for riding in the northeast............2 hour ride Monday after work, most of the second hour in the rain. Tuesday and Wednesday riding cancelled due to monsoon season. Today the monsoon has subsided some, but the trails are $hit due to all the rain, so no riding. Supposed to be a little better this weekend. We will see. :mumble:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I rode last night...It is muddier than hell here in the north east but the ride rocked. A freind of mine showed me miles of new singltrack within 10 min of my house! We rode till it was about to get dark, then had a quick conference in which we decided to ride on of our favorite trails backwards in the dark with no lights. It ended with about a 1 mile DH in the mud. Deadly but fun! I am so beat today from riding the past 3 nights, think tonight is calling for a bottle of wine and a lady freind :heart:


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
douglas said:
Bummer. :(

I was thinking about trying to drag Treesaw down your way to ride. (Grafton/Pittstown). I'm not all that famiar with the area though and was hoping for a guided tour. :D


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
McGRP01 said:
Bummer. :(

I was thinking about trying to drag Treesaw down your way to ride. (Grafton/Pittstown). I'm not all that famiar with the area though and was hoping for a guided tour. :D


.....I could be at pittstown at 4p


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Had a pretty good ride last night with some SMBA members. Rode the Dam loop and I didn't crash so that's a good thing! Supposed to be riding tonight and then tomorrow with McGRP01 late morning/early afternoon and the KAPL crew after work too!!!