
***Thursderp GMT***


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Thoughts of the morning:
  1. Writing cover letters sucks ass.
  2. Why is this employer asking me to write a Tweet about myself?
View attachment 140309

Clearly I am going to tell them I've completed the Baja 1000 in a mostly-stock 1970 VW Beetle. Duh.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet drumstick tenderloin ham ut, kielbasa flank ex qui nulla ham hock sed ut rump excepteur ribeye. Cupidatat et aute minim ad. Consectetur aliquip alcatra lorem burgdoggen cupim sed pork sunt duis, esse ipsum kielbasa. I'd like this job because I crave team collaboration and frequently like eating food I've purchased while enjoying working electricity.
Tenderloin ipsum kevin fugiat landjaeger duis sint spare ribs ea id. Cupidatat id elit, short ribs pastrami pork belly cow. In ut labore, filet mignon fugiat reprehenderit lorem qui porchetta brisket chislic consectetur. Pariatur meatball quis tail sed salami. Hire me. Satisfaction guaranteed or 2x your money back.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
copypasta your genetic code? but leave out a few key bits so if they try and clone you it winds up all cronenberged
That would definitely be unique, right?


Bacon ipsum dolor amet drumstick tenderloin ham ut, kielbasa flank ex qui nulla ham hock sed ut rump excepteur ribeye. Cupidatat et aute minim ad. Consectetur aliquip alcatra lorem burgdoggen cupim sed pork sunt duis, esse ipsum kielbasa. I'd like this job because I crave team collaboration and frequently like eating food I've purchased while enjoying working electricity.
Tenderloin ipsum kevin fugiat landjaeger duis sint spare ribs ea id. Cupidatat id elit, short ribs pastrami pork belly cow. In ut labore, filet mignon fugiat reprehenderit lorem qui porchetta brisket chislic consectetur. Pariatur meatball quis tail sed salami. Hire me. Satisfaction guaranteed or 2x your money back.
I'm no science computer, but that appears to be more than 150 characters.

Dude. Put some ASCII porn in that text box! Impress those muthafukka's!
Ooh... maybe something not as potentially offensive would go. Some sort of cycling thing... the company makes training software for endurance athletes.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Working-ish. No client meetings today, so beating the drum to get meetings for the next few weeks. Holidays and govt clients slow down meeting scheduling...

MIL decided after she moved to CO, that she wanted to replace the carpet in her condo that has been vacant for over a year... It won't be done until mid-February, so she'll be living with us until then. She's not even unpacking her kitchen and non-carpeted rooms because I have no fucking idea. At least she's picking Haley up from school when I can't so I'm saving about $80/week on before/after school care. She's a hoarder as well and has taken up camp on our kitchen counter with stacks of paper and shit; Wifey is about to lose it and it's starting to bother me, which is saying a LOT. I cannot wait until she has moved into her house.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Working-ish. No client meetings today, so beating the drum to get meetings for the next few weeks. Holidays and govt clients slow down meeting scheduling...

MIL decided after she moved to CO, that she wanted to replace the carpet in her condo that has been vacant for over a year... It won't be done until mid-February, so she'll be living with us until then. She's not even unpacking her kitchen and non-carpeted rooms because I have no fucking idea. At least she's picking Haley up from school when I can't so I'm saving about $80/week on before/after school care. She's a hoarder as well and has taken up camp on our kitchen counter with stacks of paper and shit; Wifey is about to lose it and it's starting to bother me, which is saying a LOT. I cannot wait until she has moved into her house.
:popcorn: :rofl:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Why did I just get the sudden urge to vacuum the truck and shovel the roof?
You heard about the MIL who had 9k lbs of stuff moved from one 1100sqft condo to another and that's having left a LOT to be "sorted through" at a future date?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Because I couldn't get the non drive pedal off Bman's bike, I decided to upgrade the RM7 to something cool. Then I will just use the Hozfellers on it for his P1. Truvativ carbon cranks with a Saint bottom bracket, maybe. I need to see what's out there.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I just found out that my admin, who is in TX and I will be losing at some point in the near future for a local one:rant::butcher: (who is also very unhappy to be getting pulled off the CO team) has been sending weekly summaries of what she does and for whom, to the director and VP of our dept. Apparently she spends over 90% of her time working for us and it is increasing as we get the IT issues for the new people resolved (she still has downtime).

She is the nicest thing on earth and this is completely out of character for her, so it's pretty obvious that she doesn't want to change teams. I'm not sure that it will work, but it's a total zinger to find out that she has been doing it.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Working-ish. No client meetings today, so beating the drum to get meetings for the next few weeks. Holidays and govt clients slow down meeting scheduling...

MIL decided after she moved to CO, that she wanted to replace the carpet in her condo that has been vacant for over a year... It won't be done until mid-February, so she'll be living with us until then. She's not even unpacking her kitchen and non-carpeted rooms because I have no fucking idea. At least she's picking Haley up from school when I can't so I'm saving about $80/week on before/after school care. She's a hoarder as well and has taken up camp on our kitchen counter with stacks of paper and shit; Wifey is about to lose it and it's starting to bother me, which is saying a LOT. I cannot wait until she has moved into her house.
<wank smiley face>

edit: It's not working.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
honestly you should put that bit about the baja 1000 in the box. That's pretty fucking interesting, and they're bound to ask about it at the actual interview. You don't even need a lot of detail, just write a brief story. "Three of my friends and I completed the Baja 1000 desert race in a nearly stock Volkswagen Beetle" or something like that. I once wrote a cover letter than mentioned I was dating a rugby player, and therefore knew how to chug beers on command. I actually got an email back, even though I was over experienced and under-qualified ( it was for Bern helmets, I work in science). I didn't get the job, but it got their attention.

In other news, has anybody successfully spray painted small bike parts? I have a crappy stem that is in excellent condition that I want to repaint from gloss white to flat black (just the face plate, not the stem itself). It seems like such an easy job, but nothing I have ever spray painted turned out all that great (except for a car, ironically). I have a can of flat black enamel, and plenty of isopropyl wipes....I just don't want to ruin it. Is plastidip a better choice? Sharpie? Duct tape?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Why the hell does this place have a "wank smiley face?" Jesus Christ.
It doesn't.

honestly you should put that bit about the baja 1000 in the box. That's pretty fucking interesting, and they're bound to ask about it at the actual interview. You don't even need a lot of detail, just write a brief story. "Three of my friends and I completed the Baja 1000 desert race in a nearly stock Volkswagen Beetle" or something like that. I once wrote a cover letter than mentioned I was dating a rugby player, and therefore knew how to chug beers on command. I actually got an email back, even though I was over experienced and under-qualified ( it was for Bern helmets, I work in science). I didn't get the job, but it got their attention.
Done. My words were different than what you wrote, but the basic idea was there. I included a link to the team's website.

I used to party with the women's rugby team at the first college I went to, in the early 90s. My memory is fuzzy here, due to all the drinkin' and whatnot, but I'm not sure I would want to see pictures from those days. Probably due to all the drinkin' and whatnot.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
So, wifey and I had a stupid argument (as I am laid up).
She insists that if you cut a muffin to heat it up, you do it vertically, and just put it in the toaster oven.
I say this in nonsense, you cut it horizontally, and split both sides so that the whole thing gets hot/browned (and then you can add your butter onto a flat surface.
I asked her ‘well, how do you cut and heat a bagel?’
To which she replied,
“A muffin isn’t a bagel”.

And this woman has an engineering degree.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
In other news, has anybody successfully spray painted small bike parts? I have a crappy stem that is in excellent condition that I want to repaint from gloss white to flat black (just the face plate, not the stem itself). It seems like such an easy job, but nothing I have ever spray painted turned out all that great (except for a car, ironically). I have a can of flat black enamel, and plenty of isopropyl wipes....I just don't want to ruin it. Is plastidip a better choice? Sharpie? Duct tape?
That instruction on the can for multiple light coats is bullshit. It'll look like garbage. What you want to do is paint it until it's just about to run, then let it cure. It will probably take days to cure, you can smell it. But it's tricky to get lots of paint that will flow and not run. You can always pitch the bastard in some paint thinner and try again.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
you can actually see the melted butter and cream cheese flowing off the sides.
there would be NONE left if that earth was sliced horizontally!
and the ‘sun’ is the correct distance from the top of the muffin so as not to overheat.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Done. My words were different than what you wrote, but the basic idea was there. I included a link to the team's website.
Can't believe you picked Baja 1000 over Cow-Da-Pie 100! :disgust1:

I used to party with the women's rugby team at the first college I went to
(not pics of you)
And she is 100% correct.
you can actually see the melted butter and cream cheese flowing off the sides.
:confused: melted cream cheese on a muffin? :fie:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Who toasts muffins?
Cut vertically, butter both cut sides, then face down in hot pan.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

i ordered one of these.....old man status level unlocked....


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
That instruction on the can for multiple light coats is bullshit. It'll look like garbage. What you want to do is paint it until it's just about to run, then let it cure. It will probably take days to cure, you can smell it. But it's tricky to get lots of paint that will flow and not run. You can always pitch the bastard in some paint thinner and try again.
Are you fucking with me or not? I'm too stupid to be able to tell. I painted some pedals once, took my time, added primer first- white. Then I added my fluoro yellow top coat and it came out gloppy and construction yellow instead of fluoro. I stripped them and now they are some sort of Urban construction worker camouflage. I've had luck with other things, but spray is relatively permanent and I only want to proceed if it'll be useable