
Time for me to ask advice


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Our ordinance is:

The using of any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph or device for producing or reproducing of sound in a loud and unnecessary manor. The operation of these between the hours of 10 pm and 7 am in a manor as to be plainly audible at the property line of the building, structure, or vehicle in which it is located shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section
You must live in a really rich neighborhood. Most people have only one manor; what kinds of places have unnecessary manors? And you must have to play it pretty loud to be heard all the way at the manor property line.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Ok..... so this gets even better tonight. So Im getting ready for some grillin, wark up the grill, decide to sweep up the back porch area<dogs like to kick dirt on the concrete, little ****heads> ANYWAYS, Im sweeping up, put the meat on the grill, bout ten minutes or so go by and a get an....."Excuse me sir" from the fence. Look back and see Mister occifer looking over. Says he wants to talk to me, says he has a complaint that the dust from my sweeping is getting into the neighbors pool!!!! Well **** me sideways..... Is it this house right back here????? HE says yes as a matter of fact it is..... I say.... before you came out here did you happen to see the record of that address.... He says no..... <takes a few minutes as he walks back out to the car checks his computer... comes back says yeah he see's it now says its probably a retaliation Blah Blah...... advizes me that at this point I should go out of my way to not giv ethe trash anything to use against me........ We are being pretty queit up on the side of the house talking back and forth when all of a sudden....... SPLASH!!!!! Couple of the cracker kids go jumping in the pool..... Now, they live behind a bit, and up a bit of an incline, the pool itself is pretty close to the fence.... I look back to see the nice porch I had just finished sweeping get a nice roll of muddy pool water... Out of reaction I let out a G8D Damnit, I just finished sweeping and cleaning out there< all this now after I have taken the meat inside, family started eating without me> So he see's my frustration, he can see that Im not really pissed and hot headed just friggin frustrated. FOr some reason this cat gets a little gleam in his eye, and asks me if this is something that happens regularly... I tell him it is, and its alot of the reason I have to keep up with the porch so much, never really bothered me too much.... Occifer then informs me of another city code about pools.... aparantly if you have a pool, you must maintain your yard and or pool in such a manor that ANY and all splashing or spills will be contained in a manor to return into the pool. Come to find out its another fine and violation for their pool water to be flowing into my yard..... Didnt get any numbers this time, but apparently its fairly hefty fine form the city, as well as the water department..... Occifer tells me now at this point I dont have to worry, with this he is about to go over write another citation....

Gotta love retards.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I suggest, in all seriousness, installing some of those cheap surveillance cameras that wirelessly link to a computer to cover the exterior of your house.

I think they're very inexpensive and easy to set up.

These retards WILL try something stupid to get back at you, and the reward of being able to produce video for the cops will be overwhelmingly warm and fuzzy.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Did you ever find out if they rent or own?

This is called a continual action of nuisance. They are being dicks just to be, well, dicks. They can't do that, its a constant abridgement of the rights you have as a dweller in that municipality to peaceable enjoyment.

The cops don't seem to intimidate them much, and now they are moving towards darravtion of process and harassment.

I'd start documenting everything with a video camera and a still camera with time/date stamps. Then, like Bradley said from Sublime:
The next day she went to her drawer, look up her local attorney at law,
went to the phone and filed the police report and then she took the guy's ass to court.
Well, the day he stood in front of the judge he screamed, "She lies that little slut!"
Well you're not gonna get him 25 years, but you could see some change back in your pocket.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Just toss a couple pieces of yellow dye in the pool every time the kids hop out of the pool. Then about a week in, toss a few carefully shaped Clif bars in after they get out. Swimming priviliges revoked. And you'll probably be getting revenge for the little nerds at school they're beating on.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Ok..... so this gets even better tonight. So Im getting ready for some grillin, wark up the grill, decide to sweep up the back porch area<dogs like to kick dirt on the concrete, little ****heads> ANYWAYS, Im sweeping up, put the meat on the grill, bout ten minutes or so go by and a get an....."Excuse me sir" from the fence. Look back and see Mister occifer looking over. Says he wants to talk to me, says he has a complaint that the dust from my sweeping is getting into the neighbors pool!!!! Well **** me sideways..... Is it this house right back here????? HE says yes as a matter of fact it is..... I say.... before you came out here did you happen to see the record of that address.... He says no..... <takes a few minutes as he walks back out to the car checks his computer... comes back says yeah he see's it now says its probably a retaliation Blah Blah...... advizes me that at this point I should go out of my way to not giv ethe trash anything to use against me........ We are being pretty queit up on the side of the house talking back and forth when all of a sudden....... SPLASH!!!!! Couple of the cracker kids go jumping in the pool..... Now, they live behind a bit, and up a bit of an incline, the pool itself is pretty close to the fence.... I look back to see the nice porch I had just finished sweeping get a nice roll of muddy pool water... Out of reaction I let out a G8D Damnit, I just finished sweeping and cleaning out there< all this now after I have taken the meat inside, family started eating without me> So he see's my frustration, he can see that Im not really pissed and hot headed just friggin frustrated. FOr some reason this cat gets a little gleam in his eye, and asks me if this is something that happens regularly... I tell him it is, and its alot of the reason I have to keep up with the porch so much, never really bothered me too much.... Occifer then informs me of another city code about pools.... aparantly if you have a pool, you must maintain your yard and or pool in such a manor that ANY and all splashing or spills will be contained in a manor to return into the pool. Come to find out its another fine and violation for their pool water to be flowing into my yard..... Didnt get any numbers this time, but apparently its fairly hefty fine form the city, as well as the water department..... Occifer tells me now at this point I dont have to worry, with this he is about to go over write another citation....

Gotta love retards.
I think this is the first time I've lol'ed at one of these "my neighbours are d!cks" threads.

Hope for you this doesn't escalate.