The cover story is written David Van Biema, Time's "Senior Religion Writer".
It's called, "Why we should teach the Bible in public school".
While I am sympathetic to the story's theme, I couldn't help but notice that a sidebar about "The Bible in Pop Culture" that references Jules' speech in Pulp Fiction without mentioning that he references a non-existant bible verse, and then goes on to mention that "The Matrix" needs a Bible to understand, before you start in on the nearly as important secular sources (when the whole premise of the movie is based on Plato's allegory of the cave).
Maybe they should take a class?
The cover story is written David Van Biema, Time's "Senior Religion Writer".
It's called, "Why we should teach the Bible in public school".
While I am sympathetic to the story's theme, I couldn't help but notice that a sidebar about "The Bible in Pop Culture" that references Jules' speech in Pulp Fiction without mentioning that he references a non-existant bible verse, and then goes on to mention that "The Matrix" needs a Bible to understand, before you start in on the nearly as important secular sources (when the whole premise of the movie is based on Plato's allegory of the cave).
Maybe they should take a class?