
>>> Time to buy fireworks Wednesday GTM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
So evidently I signed up for a race tonight.
Short track winter race. Totally forgot I had signed up for this and saw it pop up today on my schedule...I'm thinking F, I have no bike built up for this. I have the bikepacking iditarod rig and the FS fat bike, neither of which are a good idea for a race. I took the FS bike. No idea how I did, but seems like I finished near the top. Passed a bunch of people I usually pass. Course was only 4 miles, there were supposed to be two lakes and the singletrack network, but one of the lakes is leaking pretty bad. Even the one we went on had some slush and "holes" where I dug my front wheel in about halfway in water. Some guy was out on the side watering his ice-hocky rink or something, so that's maybe where some of it was from, but that part was pretty bumpy at times and I just sailed through on the FS. Most of it was up and down singletrack though, which was pretty fun. Due to warm temps above freezing for the last few days, a lot of stuff was pretty soft right off the narrow compacted track, so you could ride people in front of you hard and get them to make a mistake and crash in the snow. But if you were in the middle, it rode fast like summer stuff. Overall a good time and I don't regret taking this bike...not that I plan on doing that again. Looking like 7th overall at this point...
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