
To beer, or not to beer


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
So I have been rather conflicted lately. I am 22 now and I haven't had an ounce of alcohol in my entire life, simply because I don't really want to. Every last one of my friends drink, some to simply get wasted, others just because it apparently tastes good. Every time I go out with them I end up in some argument with random people who ask what I am drinking (water or pop), or why are you here if you aren't getting drunk. Some even go so far as to say that I think I am better than them because I don't care to drink. Now don't get me wrong, I have no desire, nor do I think I ever will have the desire to drink alcohol.. it's just not my thing. Plus, to me, it doesn't smell like something I want to drink. Everyone seems to have a hard time dealing with the fact that if I want to have fun, I ride my bike, or hang out with my friends, or something along those lines. So seeing as how my wonderful monkeys always have such good wisdom to share; am I being immature by not drinking? Am I being snotty for not wanting to drink when all of my friends are? It's not like I am putting them down for drinking, I couldn't care less, I act just as I would if I were chilling with my friends and they weren't drinking...

Rant over.
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Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
I agree with IAB.
However, you have to realize, a 22 yo choosing not to drink is going to be considered strange by many people.
Hell, my parent's assumed I started drinking in High School (I didn't), because, well, that's what a lot of teenagers do...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
My friends have pretty much left it alone. It's people that just start talking to me, friends of friends, etc. I guess that's why I am taking it to heart a little, because they are people who are seeing it from an outside perspective. I try to be as nice as I can to those who question the reason I don't drink, but more times than not people kind of get offended for some very strange reason.


Feb 28, 2008

Tell them to piss off.

seriously. It's your life, not theirs. If you want to drink, do it because you want to get drunk or you like how it tastes. Doing it for any other reason is stupid, ESPECIALLY if that reason is to appease your friends or anyone else. F them if they want to give you a hard time for it.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
My friends have pretty much left it alone. It's people that just start talking to me, friends of friends, etc. I guess that's why I am taking it to heart a little, because they are people who are seeing it from an outside perspective. I try to be as nice as I can to those who question the reason I don't drink, but more times than not people kind of get offended for some very strange reason.
Ah. In that case, if you don't know them, just start screwing with 'em.

"Yes. I am better than you. I know it. And now you know it."
"I'm sorry, I can't help but stare at that monkey on your back. He's really ugly."

Or you could buy them a drink. Just go to the bar tender and ask him for a "Mat Shot for the jerk-off over there." I did that once to some schmo that wouldn't leave our group alone. He got the point after he downed it...almost made me hurl just thinking about it.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Don't try to explain it... just come up with a repertoire of witty responses. Here's one:

"I'm already drunk."

I have one of those lol. Sometimes when I am drinking water, someone asks if its vodka and and I answer "it was supposed to be, but the bartender was cheap and gave me water... I don't like confrontations so I let it go." It usually gets a giggle or two.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Don't try to explain it... just come up with a repertoire of witty responses.

You need to compile a big list of responses.

"Alcohol and acid don't mix. Hey, look at all the birdies!"

(especially for females inquiring) "It's easier to pick up stupid, drunk girls when you're sober. So, do you come here often?"


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
I think you want to have a drink, but are looking for validation from anonymous, but familiar personalities to say you should. Why would you come here to complain about people making fun of you not drinking? Why should we care if you don't drink? You have no idea what alcoholic drinks taste like, so how do you know if you have no desire to drink? ...Truth is, you don't have any idea, but you want to.

Did you want us to come up with witty one-liners for an anti-drinking response to your friends, or give you reasons why you shouldn't drink? You don't need that from us, you already seem to have that area covered well, so let's get to what you're really here for......what mixed drink do you want try first? Something frou-frou...like a Pina Colada, or something a bit more edgy...like a martini or a 7&7? ;)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I think you want to have a drink, but are looking for validation from anonymous, but familiar personalities to say you should. Why would you come here to complain about people making fun of you not drinking? Why should we care if you don't drink? You have no idea what alcoholic drinks taste like, so how do you know if you have no desire to drink? ...Truth is, you don't have any idea, but you want to.

Did you want us to come up with witty one-liners for an anti-drinking response to your friends, or give you reasons why you shouldn't drink? You don't need that from us, you already seem to have that area covered well, so let's get to what you're really here for......what mixed drink do you want try first? Something frou-frou...like a Pina Colada, or something a bit more edgy...like a martini or a 7&7? ;)
Not at all. I don't plan on ever having a drink. I do however want to know if other people felt the same as I do about it, or if perhaps other people (who are probably older than I am) felt I was being silly about it. More than anything I wanted reasoning behind why people may feel offended or put off by the fact that I don't drink. My concern is not for why I should or should not drink, its for why that seems to effect so many people around me..

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I think you want to have a drink, but are looking for validation from anonymous, but familiar personalities to say you should. Why would you come here to complain about people making fun of you not drinking? Why should we care if you don't drink? You have no idea what alcoholic drinks taste like, so how do you know if you have no desire to drink? ...Truth is, you don't have any idea, but you want to.

Did you want us to come up with witty one-liners for an anti-drinking response to your friends, or give you reasons why you shouldn't drink? You don't need that from us, you already seem to have that area covered well, so let's get to what you're really here for......what mixed drink do you want try first? Something frou-frou...like a Pina Colada, or something a bit more edgy...like a martini or a 7&7? ;)
Hell...you wanna swear off drinking for life, have your first drink be a well Manhattan at the scuzziest dive bar you can find (this didn't stop me...but it might stop some...). I still can't even think about ordering a *good* Manhattan without getting the shivers.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I think you want to have a drink, but are looking for validation from anonymous, but familiar personalities to say you should. Why would you come here to complain about people making fun of you not drinking? Why should we care if you don't drink? You have no idea what alcoholic drinks taste like, so how do you know if you have no desire to drink? ...Truth is, you don't have any idea, but you want to.

Did you want us to come up with witty one-liners for an anti-drinking response to your friends, or give you reasons why you shouldn't drink? You don't need that from us, you already seem to have that area covered well, so let's get to what you're really here for......what mixed drink do you want try first? Something frou-frou...like a Pina Colada, or something a bit more edgy...like a martini or a 7&7? ;)
Damn, dude. Time to get on the detox wagon. ;)


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
My best friend doesn't drink. People give him crap all the time, but he just shrugs it off with something witty. I'm with Kavu, I didn't start drinking until I was over legal age, even though I think my parents assumed I did. It just wasn't worth it to me and I was always the one making sure my drunk friends got home safely. Even now, I always make sure I'm responsible when I drink and have a ride.

Nobody is going to force you to drink.

As far as meeting people, they usually only ask why you aren't drinking the first time, because they assume that you do. If you want to avoid it, just say you are the DD....or you could use my friend's line when he gets asked and says "Last time I got drunk, I woke up with this guy spooning me", pointing to one of us. That one usually gets a laugh from the ladies.

Turn it in to something clever and it can not only lighten the situation, but can be a good 'first line' to girls.
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I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I think you want to have a drink, but are looking for validation from anonymous, but familiar personalities to say you should. Why would you come here to complain about people making fun of you not drinking? Why should we care if you don't drink? You have no idea what alcoholic drinks taste like, so how do you know if you have no desire to drink? ...Truth is, you don't have any idea, but you want to.

Did you want us to come up with witty one-liners for an anti-drinking response to your friends, or give you reasons why you shouldn't drink? You don't need that from us, you already seem to have that area covered well, so let's get to what you're really here for......what mixed drink do you want try first? Something frou-frou...like a Pina Colada, or something a bit more edgy...like a martini or a 7&7? ;)
I just wanted to be the fourth person to quote this post.

Can I get a fifth!? (pun intended)

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Not at all. I don't plan on ever having a drink. I do however want to know if other people felt the same as I do about it, or if perhaps other people (who are probably older than I am) felt I was being silly about it. More than anything I wanted reasoning behind why people may feel offended or put off by the fact that I don't drink. My concern is not for why I should or should not drink, its for why that seems to effect so many people around me..
It's the psychology of it. People go to bars to be with others that are doing the same thing they are. If you're not...people's curiosity is piqued.

Kind of like going to a mt. bike park. You go there because others are riding and enjoying themselves. If some kid shows up with a whiffle ball bat and a couple golf clubs and just starts practice swinging on the lip of a sweet drop, I guarantee everyone will be like "WTF?!?".


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
It's the psychology of it. People go to bars to be with others that are doing the same thing they are. If you're not...people's curiosity is piqued.

Kind of like going to a mt. bike park. You go there because others are riding and enjoying themselves. If some kid shows up with a whiffle ball bat and a couple golf clubs and just starts practice swinging on the lip of a sweet drop, I guarantee everyone will be like "WTF?!?".

Touche. I didn't think about it like that. I guess I saw it more like I was there hanging out with my friends first and foremost, and I just wasn't drinking, but other people see it the opposite.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I played DD a lot of the time when I first moved to Oregon (I was 22). The group I hung with from school used to decide who drove by who was still standing. I decided I would rather not drink and make sure everyone got home than risk it.

There were 2 bars we went to and both gave me free coffee all night. So I just hit on drunk chicks and didn't care if I drank or not. At least I made less of an ass of my self.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
IMO a bar is a really $hitty place to just hang out. Drunks and smokers for the most part... what's to like?
I agree. We have a smoking ban here in Phoenix for bars/restaurants, but that still leaves the drunks. And if you're not drinking, they seem even more obnoxious.


May 27, 2004
Matthews, NC
When I was 22, there was a guy in my circle of friends that didn't drink. He still loved to go out though and he'd always drive. It was great!
I was "that guy". Didn't start drinking until last year when I was 34. I was always the designated driver and on numerous occasions kept my friends from getting their heads kicked in.

Honestly, if it's people who are merely acquaintances giving you ****, tell them to eat a bag of dicks. I think you're concerning yourself a little too much with what others, who appear not to be that close to you, think.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Yea, you can't smoke in bars or restaurants here in Charlotte, so that makes it nicer. Usually when I want to hang out with my friends... they want to go out, so thats what we do. Sometimes I get them to come ride street. But a lot of my friends are older than me so they play the whole "I am too old to ride street" card. Which is b.s. for the real reason, they would rather drink.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
first of all -- take it to here


then here:



I'm a 'big drinker' but I've done several months of sobriety in the past and know EXACTLY what you're describing. I think it has more to do with drunk people thinking that you're making judgments about them (and their self-awareness that as a sober person, you can actually tell how much of an asshole they are...)

I call it beer-pressure.

A few years ago I lived in a small town of 100 or so (with 3 bars in the summer touron season and 1 bar in the winter touron-less season) for almost a year, and I seldom frequented the bar -- I was mostly just too cheap these days to pay bar prices for microbrews and out of the 'party' scene in general.

In this town you could either join the bar or the church, neither of which was attractive to me...

My wife "kicked" me out one s(t)uporbowl so I could get a chance to hang out with fellow humans... I'd guess at least 10 people came up to me to 'call me out' for not drinking in the bar -- which wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement for me to return.

In any case no one can make you feel bad about yourself (your decisions) without your permission, which is to say if you don't agree with them (or care what they think about your sobriety) and still want to hang out in bars you're going to have to just let it roll off, or try to find more places (pool halls?) where sober / non-sober folks can hang out in harmony...

/Oprah rant off

P.S. while the taste of alcohol is often not attractive to non-drinkers, there are SO MANY TASTY MICROBREWS to drink and several positive health benefits from drinking (in moderation)

I had this prof (and read this book) in college

The Better Way to Drink -- by Roger E Vogler

which talks about training yourself to drink just enough to avoid the negative consequences of intoxication.

Do as I say, not as I do...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I say good for you. If nothing else, your saving a sh*t ton of money and you don't feel like you got hit by a car the next morning. This is particularly true if you develop a taste for high end stuff or quality micro brews. Hell, I've become such a beer snob that the stuff I buy cost any where from 10-20 bucks a six pack, or more for specialty stuff. Your better off.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I say good for you. If nothing else, your saving a sh*t ton of money and you don't feel like you got hit by a car the next morning. This is particularly true if you develop a taste for high end stuff or quality micro brews. Hell, I've become such a beer snob that the stuff I buy cost any where from 10-20 bucks a six pack, or more for specialty stuff. Your better off.
Speaking of specialty stuff, I picked up a 6'er of Founders Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale last night :drool:


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
tell them to eat a bag of dicks.

I've been telling people that a lot lately. It's such a stunner when it comes out, most people are too freaked out with the concept of eating just one dick....much less, the sheer uneasy contemplation of chugging down a whole bag of 'em to ever even attempt a comeback for that one. I approve. :thumb: :D


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2004
In a Van(couver) down by the river
Make your choices. Stand by them. Feel good about it. It is really that easy.

Seriously, if people are giving you a hard time about drinking, it is likely that you are doing something that they can't do, but want to (which is to not drink). Most people that drink to excess on a regular basis (in my experience) are trying to cover up something - shyness, low self-esteem, past trauma, etc. The fact that you are not drinking is in a way a painful reminder to them of how artificial a solution this actually is, and by extension a reminder of how much of a loser they actually are (a reinforcement of what they are feeling in the first place, hence the drinking).