
Today in bike theivery...


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Naw, really wish she would have gotten the cops involved and they could have tasered the perp or something. The guy has probably stolen other people's bikes since the event unfortunately.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Good point...but still awesome all the same.

When I lived in Anchorage I worked at a shop on N Lights...one day the owner got his Italian spaghetti racer stolen right out of his living room. He was highly bummed...

Later that week he and I went for bagels, and stopped to look into the window of another, low rent mostly used and fix a flat type shop shop in the area, and there sits his spaghetti racer. We go back later and he asks the owner about the bike...guys gives the details, handmade, sew ups, Campy this and that etc.

My buddy says "Yeah, I know all that, its MY BIKE!" Owner guys face falls and he says "Damnit, I knew that crackhead was lieing to me about owning it..."
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year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I think I have told the story before but I had some dude take off with a bike I had for sale while checking out the bike. Had his name and phone number and name of his friend who also had showed up. Called up the guy who refused to give back the car. Then went to the police who called up the guy and told him he could just drop off the bike at the station and everything would be fine. He did that and proceed to arrest him when he showed up with the bike. Still 1 bike retrieved still 3 other mountain bikes stole between the wife and I :(