
Today Totally Sucked



Maybe it was because i didnt go biking today......

today, i (in an order)(first 3 happened within 30 minutes):

-scratched someone's POS prius trying to parallel park :blah: only my 4th time by myself since ive had my license
-found out my ipod is like....never gonna work again
-came back to my car to find that i got a ticket for parking "without a permit". seroiusly, the sign's like 20 feet high. i parked there after i scratched the guy's car.
-found out that i have 3 cavities. good thing is, the dentist's gonna watch 2 of them, and the 3rd is between 2 teeth so i wont actulaly feel it even if theres novicane. im also gonna have that **** drilled the day after my israel trip, just so im good and fcuked up.

hopefully tomorrow's not so bad