
Today's Ride SUCKED


Turbo Monkey
looked like the weather man was wrong and the clouds broke up a bit to show some sun. so i quickly headed out in hopes of avoiding the rain due later. i decided to hit the pond since the last time i was there i crashed on the bridge and have been avoiding it ever since under the pretense of honing my endurance skills. :rolleyes:

so let's see we'll go from least irritating to total frustration...

1. bugs - the little suckers were flying all around my helmet and face. irritating to say the least. anyone got any suggestions on how to keep them clear or is it just part of the course.

2. mini logs - i hate them. more like i hate myself that i can't go over them. i took the green trail because it's a little more technical...especially for me. but the folliage has grown in a lot and there were a lot more downed logs. i felt like every few feet i was having to get off my bike, cross them, then back on. and i KNOW these are things that you all can do without looking...but i don't ride with anyone so i have no one to show me and help me and boost my confidence up to deal with them. :(

3. flat tube - SUCKS the most. i headed up this one path which starts off as an incline so i was walking. got to the top and looked at the watch. realizing that it was starting to get late and i had PLANNED on riding the road home to get in some good steady cardio, so i headed back down. got to the bottom riding most of the way...but not all. proceded to head to the trail open and lo and behold my back tube is flat. i have no other one. don't have a clue at how to replace one. and don't really have anyone i can ask. looks like i'll be taking it to the lbs where i got the bike. i know i need to learn but figured i'd be able to get by until texas where i would have plenty of people to show me how to change it.

not a happy camper :rant:

nothing feels worse than walking out of the trail and home. although i suppose being taken out of the trail by emt probably comes a close 2nd. :twitch:


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
There is no such thing as a sucky ride, any ride is a good ride.

Be grateful that you got to spend some time on your bike in the woods.

Unfortunate things happen while riding, being prepared to deal with them is important.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
A good way to get used to obstacles is to set up stuff in your yard and ride it when you are bored. I usually have several logs, 2x4s and 2x6s all strung together in my yard. I can ride skinnies, wheelie drop and bash over logs thanks to this.


Mar 29, 2004
Theres always going to be sucky bike days. A lot of this stuff will come with experience.

1) Bugs live in the woods + you bike in the woods = you eat bugs

2) Lean back and pull up on your bars when you are about 3-4" from the log. Once your front wheel is over. Lean forward a bit to take the weight off your rear tire, the wheel will roll over the log.

3) Hit up youtube for tips on fixing a flat. :) Or your LBS should be more than happy to show you.

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
Carry a camel with
two extra tubes
mini pump ( I use an elcheapo rei minipump),
tire irons
mini tool
some tape
a couple cliff bars

Learn how to change a tire. Books or local bikeshop.

Try a non deet based bug repellent. (they don't smell as bad)

Mini logs are easy to practice in your front yard, get some firewood, brace it and practice.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
go to lbs and tell them you have never changed a tube before and would like to learn. buy the necessary tools, as you need them on the trail anyways, and have them show you. Also buy an extra tube.


Feb 28, 2008
You can definitely do it yourself. All you need is tire levers and a pump. And a new tube of course. I'm sure there are instructions online somewhere and probably vids too.

If your not feeling up to it, probably wouldn't be a bad idea to go to the LBS and ask them to show you how to do it. It would only take a couple minutes.


Beware of Milo & Otis
Jan 6, 2006
North Andover MA
Well just keep riding.

Much like the hill you made it up without stopping yesterday, one of these days you're gonna' start going over logs like it was nothing and realize the progress you've made. Don't get frustrated, just keep at it.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
My whacked out mechanic has a video on youtube. Search for Vulcan Bike Wizard and prepare to laugh. Not sure it will help you change a flat, but you can at least celebrate in the hell that is my life. :banghead:
Cool. I'll send him this post via his youtube contact. :busted:
That should make the day interesting.


Turbo Monkey
My whacked out mechanic has a video on youtube. Search for Vulcan Bike Wizard and prepare to laugh. Not sure it will help you change a flat, but you can at least celebrate in the hell that is my life. :banghead:
but i can do that just watching you ramble on RM. :biggrin:

still will check it out though. thanks LG. and just think i'll be in texas soon enough to make that hell even hotter.
There is no such thing as a sucky ride, any ride is a good ride.

Be grateful that you got to spend some time on your bike in the woods.

Unfortunate things happen while riding, being prepared to deal with them is important.
:stupid: Time to grow up. Changing flats and crossing obstacles are part of the learning process. You'll wind up carrying out for folded wheels, trashed drive components and other failures. You should be figuring out how to do all this with joy rather than resentment.


Beware of Milo & Otis
Jan 6, 2006
North Andover MA
If you look up the definition of douche bag in the dictionary there is a picture of that guy.

You poor son of a b1tch. You have to work with this guy on a daily basis?


Mar 29, 2004
ok that looks easy enough EXCEPT it's my back tire that doesn't come off as easily. AND how much for all of that? oh and how do i know what size wheels i have so i know what size tube to get? ugh!!!
The back comes off just as easy. Just loosen your skewer a whole bunch. It will come out. Make sure when you put it back on that the chain is in the right place. You will know if its not. :)

No one should ever have to pay for someone to fix a flat. You will figure it out as you go.

Your tire size is written on the side of your tire. You should be safe with a 26" x 1.5"-2.0" or something close.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
i'm not resentful...just frustrated.
Check with the shops in your area. A good shop will offer basic maintenance classes that also teach flat changes, lubrication, road/trail side repairs, etc.

(shops love these classes cause they sell gobs of accessories)

Or take the bike to a good shop with a six pack of micro brew and ask the wrench to walk you through it.

Anyone who goes trail riding solo needs to know how to change a flat on either wheel. Practice this at home - less stressful than learning how to do it as the sun goes down out in the woods somewhere.


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Bug Stuff: DEET works best for mosquitoes but also look for a fly repellant for black flies. This works great. With any cream make sure you rub it in and don't just slather it on and let it evaporate.

Logs: Stand up and try to be light on your feet. Pull up on the bars just as you get to the log and shift your weight a little forward after your front wheel clears the log. Practice on a small log before working your way up even if you feel like you can do it easily. The same techniques apply for larger logs. Check your local bike shops and stores like REI and EMS for skills clinics. Also, look at your local mtb clubs for skills clinics. NEMBA just had a women’s skills clinic last weekend.

Mechanics: Check those same stores for clinics on bike maintenance. I know REI has a few levels of difficulty. Looks like you missed the basic clinic in CT but the Framingham store has one coming up on the 20th. And the RI store has one tonight.

Packs: Steep and Cheep is good but you have to act fast if you do see one there. Check out REI’s outlet for some good deals. Also, Pricepoint, Jenson, etc.


Jul 29, 2003
Westminster MA
Can it really get any easier?

Seriously, get the tools you need, find some instructions online if you need to and just sit down and do it. Use exactly the tools/pump you'll have along with you on the ride so you get used to using them. Self-sufficiency is (used to be?) an important facet of mtbing.


Turbo Monkey
thanks woodsguy...unfortunately all those clinics are a bit far from me which is why i haven't been to one. i checked with the lbs where i got my bike for anything local...even for local group rides...there are none around here.

LO i don't believe any of the monkeys live close to me. although Quo Fan DOES come around these parts occassionally. :rolleyes:

one of my buddies in texas thinks i should take it to the lbs seeing that it's the back wheel. says they are a little trickier and wouldn't be a great idea to try to replace it for the first time on my own.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
thanks woodsguy...unfortunately all those clinics are a bit far from me which is why i haven't been to one. i checked with the lbs where i got my bike for anything local...even for local group rides...there are none around here.

LO i don't believe any of the monkeys live close to me. although Quo Fan DOES come around these parts occassionally. :rolleyes:

one of my buddies in texas thinks i should take it to the lbs seeing that it's the back wheel. says they are a little trickier and wouldn't be a great idea to try to replace it for the first time on my own.
At the shop I worked at we would carefully walk a customer through a flat fix if:

They agreed to buy a patch kit and/or a tube
They watched carefully and then repeated what they had seen

It was a win/win. They would learn to fix a flat and we would sell some product and gain a future customer for more accessory sales.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
If you look up the definition of douche bag in the dictionary there is a picture of that guy.

You poor son of a b1tch. You have to work with this guy on a daily basis?
This is exactly why I never linked this before. He's whacky as hell, but I wouldn't berate him.

We don't have much talent to pull from for the shop, unfortunately. That said, I am the manager. :D

I ran him off last year and had two really great guys. The owner was a big enough pain in the ass that they left. :( The owner brought him back. He is good on dept store stuff for the most part and, like I said, a decent enough guy, but makes my head hurt more than it should. :banghead: