
Toke up, hippies!


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
So Nebraska and Oklahoma are concerned with people bringing legal CO weed into their states. Hmmm, like anyone buying weed would stop in either state. They obviously have over estimated their tourist appeal.
oh come on..who doesnt want to see endless miles of corn, or Carhenge or the worlds largest praying hands??


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
So Nebraska and Oklahoma are concerned with people bringing legal CO weed into their states. Hmmm, like anyone buying weed would stop in either state. They obviously have over estimated their tourist appeal.
Sounds super cereal, remember when they sued all the surrounding states because they have dry counties and people just drive over the state lines (and maybe stop at a gun show on the way) to buy alcohol and return??

Oh wait, I don't remember it because they never did it.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
There's acres of ditch weed growing in NE, you can find it along roads all over the place.
It's feral from the hemp growing days.
Idiots were always getting arrested with carloads of this absolute shit weed.

Link is to a newspaper article about weed in nebraska so nsfw at own discretion.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
So Nebraska and Oklahoma are concerned with people bringing legal CO weed into their states. Hmmm, like anyone buying weed would stop in either state. They obviously have over estimated their tourist appeal.
They would much rather have illegal mexican weed. Narco wars bring cheap illegal labor.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
At a news conference Monday, New York Police Department commissioner Bill Bratton blamed a slight uptick in violence in the city (45 homicides at this point last year, versus 54 this year) on marijuana.

“The seemingly innocent drug that’s been legalized around the country. In this city, people are killing each other over marijuana more so than anything that we had to deal with [in the] 80s and 90s with heroin and cocaine . . . In some instances, it’s a causal factor. But it’s an influence in almost everything that we do here.”

Hyperbole at its finest. Even if this year’s uptick holds through December (and it’s worth noting that we’re only dealing with eight weeks of data, here), New York would end the year with 383 murders. The city saw 2,245 murders in 1990.....

Homicides dropped 24 percent in Denver last year, the first full year of legalization in Colorado. Robberies were down 3 percent. Burglary was down 9.5 percent. The only crimes that increased significantly were larceny (a property crime, not a violent crime) and arson, which seems unlikely to be related to marijuana. Overall, violent crime dropped 0.7 percent, and property crime dropped 2 percent.

Homicides did increase slightly in Seattle (from 23 to 26), the largest city in the other state to legalize the drug. But it’s more difficult to draw conclusions there because the Washington law was quite a bit stricter than the Colorado law, and still left room for a thriving black market.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'm the first male in 3 generations of my family to not be born in CO. I don't even get one of those super douchey "Native" stickers. :(

Gingers evolved in Colorado, true story.

No matter what state you are in, that is the douchiest thing ever.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I'm the first male in 3 generations of my family to not be born in CO. I don't even get one of those super douchey "Native" stickers. :(

That looks like a 1996-2000 Civic Sedan taillight. How can they be a native and not have an Outback?!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I'm the first male in 3 generations of my family to not be born in CO. I don't even get one of those super douchey "Native" stickers. :(

carry a black sharpie with you and write "can't drive" over every one you see.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
PA is becoming closer (again) to mmj...itll just take another three + years and be even more limited then the bill that was introduced last year. 2 steps forward and 1 step back. sad

Yesterday, the Senate State Government Committee unanimously passed SB3, a bill to legalize some forms of cannabis for medical uses. But the current language, if eventually passed into law, will bring little change in the real world.

The measure was amended before the committee vote to reinstate two conditions that were arbitrarily removed last year: glaucoma and HIV/AIDS. But the rest of the extensive amendments took an already limited bill and watered it down even further. New conditions cannot even be considered until two years after the bill passes. .....

This was all in sharp contrast to promises made by the bill's sponsors, Senators Mike Folmer and Daylin Leach, that SB3 would be expanded. Both stated that they hope to make further revisions before a Senate floor vote.

The most optimistic estimate by Harrisburg insiders is that the bill would take at least three years to go through the regulatory phase here. The children with seizure disorders will have a long wait, some into their teens, for any relief.
