
Tony at SRAM is a-Hole

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Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
It seems my MoCo cartidge is leaking oil from under the LSC blue knob. It is a new 07 Team I got just before Memorial Day this year. I checked on here for solutions and then called SRAM to see if there is an easy fix. Tony tells me that it is a common issue and my cartridge needs to be sent in to be replaced. I explain that I am leaving on Thursday morning to be on the road for two weeks racing. He replies, the racing card has no validity with him and actually it turns him off. WTF????? I don't have a shop that I deal with, so I see if he can send it to Morewood with whom I race and deal with. He says NO and reiterates that the racing card doesn't help. I try to explain that Morewood is a OEM and that they have a SRAM account. Still nothing. He says I can only get warranty through a shop.

I have Morewood calling SRAM now, but in the mean time if you call SRAM and get a fella named Tony. Ask for another tech. I have always had good service out of SRAM, but this guy...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
You should have asked to speak with his manager.

Guys like that need to be slapped around a bit. If you don't like dealing with customers, don't friggin' work in customer service.
Does this guy Tony like his I get a paycheck card??? You are out there racing all the time, posting pictures, giving advice, etc. I would think Mr. Tony would give racers good service as your word gets around and people take notice of product on peoples bikes, especially if they are competing in the pro class.

Maybe Tony needs an economics class?? We buy SRAM product, you get a paycheck. Got it Tony? Oh, and what keeps us coming back to keep buying your product over the years? Good customer service. Pretty simple.

I'm sure Richard will get you fixed up, but that is ridiculous.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I usually don't bother Richard until I have the exact part number and solution. He has more than enough to deal with selling bikes. That is what I was trying to do here. I wasn't trying to get anything for free. I just wanted to talk with a knowledgeable tech to see if there was a fix I could do on my end. I would even pay for the part if necessary. A couple of bucks to replace a bad part is the least of my worries before a two week racing trip.

Yeah, I was a little taken back by his comment about racers. I immediately though..."Isn't the Boxxer a race fork, used by racers?"


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Could Tony have said anything to make you happy? Not saying he was correct to treat you like that, but what were you hoping for, you're leaving on Thursday and it's Monday today, the earliest they would recieve the cartridge is Tuesday, and they'd have to return it the same day so you'd have it wednesday evening so you could leave Thursday morning. Even for a company with great customer service that kind of turnaround is near impossible and shipping will either be expensive or won't be reliable enough to meet the timeline. I'm not saying that's an excuse for rude behavior, and I'm sure everyone who calls him tries to get stuff expedited because they have a race, even if they don't really have a race, but your expectations may have been impossible to begin with.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Sorry you slipped in a post for clarification before I hit the reply button. So Tony wouldn't tell you it's just an o-ring that needs to be replaced? I hate it when phone techs act like you know nothing and are incapable of even the most simple repairs.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Sorry you slipped in a post for clarification before I hit the reply button. So Tony wouldn't tell you it's just an o-ring that needs to be replaced? I hate it when phone techs act like you know nothing and are incapable of even the most simple repairs.
Yeah, I wasn't wanting a new cartridge, I just wanted some help to possibly fix it on my end.


Mar 26, 2005
I work in CS and for warranty claims we gurantee the product to be turned around in 48 hours with the same shipping method that the customer used. Overnight gets you overnight back. Too bad, I had a great experience with SRAM when my domain sh#t the bed, they actually upgraded for me. Good luck...

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
not sure if this will help, but a couple times the past 2 seasons i've had a leaky MC damper and fixed it by taking it apart as mush as possible, cleaning the entire thing with alcohol, rebuilding it, and changing the oil in the right leg. stopped the leaking for the remainder of the season each time. but i was not dealing with a full blown leaky damper . . .


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI

3 options in order of ease:

1) have a shop or moorwood call and ask for the replacement part. SRAM sent a couple for us through a shop that we deal with. It sucks, but everything they ship has to be to a shop. They shipped my replacement without the original being returned.

2) just keep adding oil. the amount that it leaks is pretty small. you should be able to get a day on it between refills without an issue.

3) do the double up on the oring trick outlined in a different post. washers work too. PM me if you can't find the post.
Doug, you're a hucker and should have pulled the going on a Freeride Tour card.

SRAM not at fault. :p

Right on Ozzer!
If Profro wasn't such a card carrying member of the anti H.A-H.A. movement he wouldn't be bothered by such trivial things like a leaking fork. Huckers don't care about little things like that.....
Fork oil? Whats that?
Oh it's that lubrication liquid that drips down the fork when i go from 12' to flat.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Depending on the location of the leak there may be a way to fix the leak with a visit to your local hydraulic supply shop. For some leaks a slightly larger diameter o-ring can help, essentially you force more material into the same groove when the o-ring compresses, you have to be careful not to pinch the o-ring though. Changing to a different durometer or a different o-ring material can help too. Unfortunately the only way to know what fix might work is to dissasemble, repair and reassemble until you stop getting leakage, unless of course SRAM wants to be cool and tell you what they've found to work.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
It seems my MoCo cartidge is leaking oil from under the LSC blue knob. It is a new 07 Team I got just before Memorial Day this year. I checked on here for solutions and then called SRAM to see if there is an easy fix. Tony tells me that it is a common issue and my cartridge needs to be sent in to be replaced. I explain that I am leaving on Thursday morning to be on the road for two weeks racing. He replies, the racing card has no validity with him and actually it turns him off. WTF????? I don't have a shop that I deal with, so I see if he can send it to Morewood with whom I race and deal with. He says NO and reiterates that the racing card doesn't help. I try to explain that Morewood is a OEM and that they have a SRAM account. Still nothing. He says I can only get warranty through a shop.

I have Morewood calling SRAM now, but in the mean time if you call SRAM and get a fella named Tony. Ask for another tech. I have always had good service out of SRAM, but this guy...
This thread you started will do wonders for your future sponsorships! way to go!

Back in my day of having to pilfer through guys crap, this would surely be grounds for a blacklisting from the industry.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
I think profro had every right to post up a negative thread like this, and I'm guessing that he'd be just as fast to post up a positive review if he received exceptionally good service. If someone worked for me and treated a customer like Tony apparently did, I'd make him call the guy personally then get on here to explain/apologize for the whole situation. It's one thing to not be able to help someone out because your hands are tied; it's another to be a d!ck about it.



Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I think profro had every right to post up a negative thread like this, and I'm guessing that he'd be just as fast to post up a positive review if he received exceptionally good service. If someone worked for me and treated a customer like Tony apparently did, I'd make him call the guy personally then get on here to explain/apologize for the whole situation. It's one thing to not be able to help someone out because your hands are tied; it's another to be a d!ck about it.

He said she said.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
He said she said.
You seriously think profro just decided to make something up and come on here to slam some guy for the hell of it? Considering he's been on here for years and is a pretty well-respected guy, I've got to imagine at a very minimum he received a rude, condescending tone from this Tony dude. And if that's the case, yes, Profro has every right to be on here raising hell. It's not Profro's *job* to be polite; it's Tony's.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
You seriously think profro just decided to make something up and come on here to slam some guy for the hell of it? Considering he's been on here for years and is a pretty well-respected guy, I've got to imagine at a very minimum he received a rude, condescending tone from this Tony dude. And if that's the case, yes, Profro has every right to be on here raising hell. It's not Profro's *job* to be polite; it's Tony's.
Those were my thoughts too....:clapping:


Jun 17, 2006
STIKS... you must get huge wood from posting the dumbest s&%t on monkey. I have read 3 or 4 different threads where you have said the only thing that would get a rise out of people. I think you should not worry about this one. Strap on your PRO-TEC, go ride a gnarly DH trail, find the biggest root to huck off of, and then land on your face or fingers so you have to use a speech auto type to talk all your s&%t. :banana:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
This thread you started will do wonders for your future sponsorships! way to go!

Back in my day of having to pilfer through guys crap, this would surely be grounds for a blacklisting from the industry.
How do you figure? I would totally call a guy out on this...He had no regard for his situation...


Turbo Monkey
So, a company treats you like crap. You voice your opinion, and then you are blacklisted from all future sponsorships in the bike community. He's obviously not a blackbox pilot, so I don't think he has to worry about retribution for calling a PERSON and not the entire company out on poor CS. It might be another thing if he posted....

SRAM is a bunch of dicks. I snapped my WC off a drop and they said they wouldn't overnight me a new lower for free.

but he didn't did he....

This thread you started will do wonders for your future sponsorships! way to go!

Back in my day of having to pilfer through guys crap, this would surely be grounds for a blacklisting from the industry.


Apr 10, 2004
Precious painville
This thread you started will do wonders for your future sponsorships! way to go!

Back in my day of having to pilfer through guys crap, this would surely be grounds for a blacklisting from the industry.
F@*kin a dude........the guy just wants to fix a faulty product!!!!

most sponsorships are for racers!!!! How can u race consistently if your having issues!

Whats the point of having sponsorships if u get CS like this??

I had the same issue last week as this guy last week!! and the only reason i no longer ask for help on here is because of jack off smart ass answers!


Jun 9, 2006
if you're going racing, why don't you just take the fork to the SRAM tent and have them fix it for you on the spot?.....bring 'em a case of beer also.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
You whiners are fantastic...
All I am saying is there is ALWAYS 2 sides to every story and there is surely a better way to handle whatever went down than posting on the internet.
Carry on with the profro love affair.

And Salty4x, there really is no 'grouchier' dude in here than you-but that is all good, you carry on pretending to be fast at 4x rider and we will keep not noticing you.

I was not trying to get a rise off people, just saying it is one dudes word vs another dudes word who is not even here to defend himself. but that is what the internet is for right? Talk about getting a rise out of people, this thread, there was no better solution than to start a thread calling some guy an a-hole???

I just do not think we are getting the whole conversation...just a hunch is all.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
ignore list updated.
I like this place a lot better when you don't post Stik, ignoring you is the next best thing.


Feb 13, 2007
Remove moco with socket and twisting action.
Hold flats on lower half of moco unit in vice.
Undo the small silver hex screw on moco body
Undo top cap- reverse thread.
Pop black whipper seal back in place and apply grease.
Empty old oil and refill.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 21, 2002
Northern California
Lame, CS attitude sucks.

I will say this though, I used to have bike manufacturer job that required the occasional CS call, and I was amazed at how many rude racers there are. There are times when you just can't solve someones problem in the time they need, and most of the time their responses would be pretty flippant. As a CS rep you need to be able to handle the situation without becoming inflammatory back. Kinda hard for alot of gear heads to do though... ;)


Jun 17, 2006
Remove moco with socket and twisting action.
Hold flats on lower half of moco unit in vice.
Undo the small silver hex screw on moco body
Undo top cap- reverse thread.
Pop black whipper seal back in place and apply grease.
Empty old oil and refill.

Johnny 5, still alive. You smarty.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Well dang, local shops are still good for a few things eh?

I think it's reasonable to require you to go through a shop OR send the blown part back first. Both are pretty common ways of fighting warranty fraud. It's not an excuse to treat you like a dick, but still.

My mission control damper on my totem failed almost immediately, and I had a trip planned so I was looking for a fast response. Called CS and was told it had to go through a shop. Ok, I called my buddy at the LBS, he made the call, and a new damper was in my hands in 2 days. I was not required to send the blown one back first.
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