
@@@Too effing early fridump GMT@@@


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

on the GFX 50R....this will work out to about 8-13 2.8....50/50 i get to use it in colorado....


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
bars? i get by with 790 pretty well. anything i need to do the wheelie wiggle for is usually a slow tech section.

working on bathroom facelift. had to drill out cabinet doors for new flush hinges...was nervous but appears to be working. fucked up the frame for the mirror but can hopefully fix it pretty easily.

gathering shit for camping tomorrow. making pizza dough for dinner.

coffee porters are tasty.

that is all.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Just checked and my totally unridable carbon bars are 720 mm which is actually a wee bit shy of the width when I was racing DH (also on a 26"). Smaller wheels need less leverage to steer than the current standards. And I do love me some tight, southeast singletrack.

A few years ago I watched dudes struggle on their 29rs with 800mm wide bars to get through trees that I don't even consider touching the brakes for.
there are definitely some spots on local trails where my 780 bars just barely fit. there was one trail i used to ride that you'd have to turnbar to get through
A bunch of our stuff requires getting the front tire right next to a tree bole and sticking one bar end in in a sort of wriggle turn. Fucking these up at speed hurts.

My bars on the Tracer seem to be 740 mm, had no idea until I just went out and measured them. Observing where my hands normally rest, I think i could shorten them 10 or 15 mm on each end with no ill effect, but I probably won't.

New chain on the road bike today...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I went from 760 to 800 mm on the Pivot. Much prefer the latter, even though I have run into a few trees.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
My rental for the day. I am hashing out details with the shop owner to go full-dentist on a build. And in an ironic twist, one of the guys in our group today is an actual dentist, which I see as a sign. Anyway, three hours on this beater today on tough trails. My legs are toast.



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
My rental for the day. I am hashing out details with the shop owner to go full-dentist on a build. And in an ironic twist, one of the guys in our group today is an actual dentist, which I see as a sign. Anyway, three hours on this beater today on tough trails. My legs are toast.

That's the SBwhatnow???


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Congrats @CrabJoe StretchPants !!

Mucho dilemmas running through my head right now. Friends tell me I worry too much.
Also, my handlebar is full 800mm. I once cut it to 785 and hated it. I clip trees from time to time but shitty spots with narrow trees are not usually high speed segments anyway.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
dads 75th bday...

it will be the first time he or my mom have spent more than 10 minutes around the grand kids since march....

ray nathans bbq will be consumed....

naps will be had...