
Tool fans will like this


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Freakin crazy review from amazon.com:

To me, Tool's Lateralus is the most amazing piece of music ever composed. I think Tool deliberately wanted to give their fans something truly amazing, but wanted them to find it on their own. "Recognize this as a holy gift..." At first, I thought that the song Lateralus was about tripping acid - discovering true color by seperating the body from the mind. At first listen, I imagined the bending envelope as an intense visual. After becoming more familiar with the track, however, I had reformed my interpretation to something broader: think deeper. Lateralus, perhaps because it is the album's "title track", serves as the central clue for a puzzle that a friend of mine had read about somewhere on the internet. "All I know is that there is a different order for the songs - something about two spirals. Oh yeah, and thirteen is in the middle." After scavenging through endless google search results, I gave up on finding more about this 'alternate order'. Intent to figure the album out, and very curious about the spirals - I put on the proverbial 'thinking cap'. I understood how the spirals could have a lot of significance, in that the album's title track offers the inspiring, "swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human..........And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been." In my internet scavenging, I had read one review, written by a drummer, who mentioned that Danny Carey's drum beat formed a fibonacci sequence during the song Lateralus. A drummer myself, I decided to get out the graph paper and follow Danny. I can't play like he can, but at least I can hear everything he's doing, and thus was able to construct the drum tabulature. Sure enough, Danny repeats a Fibonacci sequence through the number 13: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13. After 13, he starts again with 1. Bringing in my Algebra 2 knowledge of the Fibonacci sequence, when the equation for the Fibonacci sequence (which I don't actually know) is graphed, it forms a sprial whose vertex depends on the number at which the sequence begins. Coincidence? I began to think not. I had already known of Danny's obsession with sacred geometry and am familiar with Bob Frissell's book, Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are , so the significance of what I had stumbled upon had actually begun to settle in. This is where I just had to play with Lateralus. I had doodled a few spirals in the corners of my graph paper, and in doing so made the first important connection to Lateralus. I knew that if the tracks were in fact intended to be heard in a different order, "Parabol" and "Parabola" would have to go together. In drawing my spirals, I had begun with a vertex and 'spiraled' outwards. After writing the numbers 1 through 13 linearly, I could immediately see that Parabol and Parabola would have to be the middle of my spiral (in that 13 / 2 = 6.5). I drew a simple arrow between 6 and 7 and then pondered the next pair. At first, I actually drew a spiral connecting pairs of numbers whose sum equaled 13 (the number of songs on the album). This, however, left the last track in the same position and without anything to connect to. At this time, I had used my copy of Lateralus and Cool Edit Pro to take out the silences between tracks and put the songs in the following order: 6,7,5,8,4,9,3,10,2,11,1,12,13. The transition from Parabola into Schism blew my mind, as the plucks, probably dismissed by listeners as a drawn out rant of an ending, perfectly transition into the beginning of Schism. When you count out beats as the strings are plucked, Schism resumes with the same time signature and tempo - mirroring the progression of notes. The transition from Schism into Ticks & Leeches is equally intriguing. Schism ends with strong double-kick bass and tom smacks, and Ticks & Leeches begins with what many would call a 'tribal' drum beat. The beat at the very start of Ticks & Leeches is slightly different every subsequent time it is repeated - the measures are two beats longer. Yup - you guessed it - those two beats are ACTUALLY the last two beats of Schism. I can honestly say that I never understood the album's fourth track, Mantra until reordering the album's songs. What I had originally heard as whale calls now had begun to resemble the worst imaginable dry heaves - or a stylized choking. Fitting, seeing as how the last line in Ticks & Leeches is "I hope you choke." After this transition, none of those following it really seemed to make much sense. I certainly didn't like that Disposition and Reflection had been seperated - as they sound quite good when played sequentially on the album. This was the only real roadblock in my disciphering of the Holy Gift. Then I had remembered what my friend had told me - 13 was in the middle. At the time, probably just wanting to believe that there was more to this cd, I had equated this to the positioning of the song "Intermission" on the previous release, Ænema. For the song to be in the 'middle' of the album it would have to be the seventh track in sequence, here having six tracks on either side of it. So I inserted Faaip de Oiad after Lateralus, and almost peed my pants when I discovered that (ever-so-faintly) the fading tone of the last note of Lateralus could be heard in beginning of Faaip de Oiad, and how the distortion of the guitars at the tail end of Lateralus resembled, and later transitioned seamlessly into, the static at the beginning of Faaip de Oiad. The lyrics of Lateralus justify this break in the spiral, almost instructing: "spiral out, keep going, spiral out, keep going." I went back to Lateralus to find the next clue. In Danny Carey's amazingly competent Fibonacci sequence, he had stopped at 13 and gone back to 1. This is what I chose to do to finish the sequence. A second spiral was now constucted, and the order for the Holy Gift now became 6,7,5,8,4,9,13,1,12,2,11,3,10. Already many of you are probably fascinated at what I have revealed to you, but I can not even begin to tell you what this new order has opened up for me. The beauty of Lateralus is very, very fragile and has to be viewed with a very open mind. It can also be different when looked at from different points of view. Aside from the fact that the new order of the songs places them in an order where they flow together nicely - often ending and resuming on the same notes or within the same progression, and some times - in the case of Lateralus into Faaip de Oiad and The Grudge into Triad - even overlapping (though admittadly sound much better when actually electronically overlapped, this is kind of cheating. Consider this a hint, however, if you plan on doing this yourself), the two spirals help to tell a story that every Tool fan should hear. In the interest of not boring the only casually intrigued, I will try to keep this very brief. I would also recommend familiarizing yourselves with Frissell's book (yeah - the one I mentioned earlier). I consider Parabol and Parabola to be quite expository. Maynard wants us to know that no matter what happens, we must all know that this is not our only existance. Our very minds and the contents of our subconscious are intended to be immortal, and if we accept this into our lives (be it because of personal or religious reasons), it will be so. As such, pain is an illusion. At first, I called it "The Lateralus Prophecy" (for reasons you will soon understand), but I have since decided to call the 'reordered' version of Lateralus "The Holy Gift". As Maynard says, "Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing," I take the word "this" to mean much more than just his simple cautioning. Since Parabola is the second track of the Holy Gift, it can be considered at the beginning (esp. considering the context of it's duality with Parabol), and as such, I interpret Maynard's words as more than just clever lyrics in a song. They are a plead for his listeners to listen to everything he has to say and truly celebrate the chance of immortality offered throughout. I would be lying if I said that each song has a specific translation. On the contrary, Tool's music is designed to make you think, not say something specific. It must be treated like great literature - much is hidden contextually. I will elude to Geometric-Drumming's previous post, where he explains the time signatures of Schism: "It represents the title...it's arranged in 12/8 time which is SPLIT into 5/8 and 7/8 - which only really FITS as you PUT THE PIECES BACK TOGETHER." Where Geometric-Drumming claims Schism as his favorite Tool song, I have heard some fans say that it was a retched pick for the album's only single - but I think it was brilliant. Not to downplay the interpretations of those who have posted before me (in fact, I agree with much of what %BlueSoulRobot% has to say), but I think that to the casual listener who knows nothing of Tool, it can be a powerful invitation. Think about it - a lot of dingbats with MTV and a radio would walk around with the words "I know the pieces fit" in their heads. I wonder how many of them took the time to put the pieces back together to (re)discover what is trying to be communicated. I welcome any feedback. I would love to share interpretations of the songs via email - just too lengthy to post here. I would like to offer the following advice: DO NOT use MP3s to digitally reorder Lateralus. A lot of VERY IMPORTANT information is encoded on the actual cd. Ever notice how everyone who has lost or broken that cd has IMMEDIATELY gone out and bought a new copy? I know I have. It's because there are things encoded on the factory pressing of the cd that are lost in the mp3 compression process and any direct copy onto a cd-r. If you want to do it, do it right - I can't stress how important this is. Use the cda tracks as you put it together and maintain all audio fidelity using professional mixing software.

There's a Fibonacci in Maynard's lyrics, specifically the syllables:

black [1]

then [1]

white are [2]

all I see [3]

in my infancy [5]

red and yellow then came to be [8]

reaching out to me [5]

lets me see [3]

there is [2]

so [1]

much [1]

more and [2]

beckons me [3]

to look through to these [5]

infinite possibilities [8]

as below so above and beyond I imagine [13]

drawn outside the lines of reason [8]

push the envelope [5]

watch it bend [3]

I suppose it's not actually a true Fibonacci, since it does reverse itself.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
the Fibonacci Sequence. It's basically a string of numbers that when you add a number to the number before it, you get the next number. Starting with the numbers 0 and 1. 0+1=1, so the set now looks like this; 0 1 1. You take the 1 and add the previous number (1) and you get 2. The sequence looks like this; 0 1 1 2. Now you take the 2 and add the previous number and get 3. Now you have 0 1 1 2 3. When you add the 3 and the 2 you get 5. 0 1 2 3 5. 5+3=8. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8. The process continues.

LOL that dude has some time on his hands! Maynard rules BTW.


Jul 15, 2005
At a computer...duh
I've always noticed their music has had some strange "math" to it in almost all aspects, particularly that album. If anyone on here is a guitar player and can hear the scales and modes he's modulating through, it's pretty obvious, and I imagine it's the same for the drums and vocals as well.

Very cool observation though. Maybe that's why I always would have that part of the song stuck in my head.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i have that album on vinyl and when i play that track backwards i swear it's saying "Joannie loves Chachi" over and over again.


The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
that's a lot of words, lots. pretty neat though.
when i wake up in the morning for some reason i always have 'i hope you choke on this, i hope you choke on this' running through my head.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
i guarantee you could find a Fibonacci sequence in about 2274323 songs, that were all completely unintentional.

so in closing, :stosh: - :stosh:

yes, 0 stars

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Skookum said:
i have that album on vinyl and when i play that track backwards i swear it's saying "Joannie loves Chachi" over and over again.


Good review though...

OOOooooo new smilies!!! :hot: :redhot: :clue: :rofl: :ouch: :bomb: :weee: :banghead: :wave: :agree: :trophy_br :wonky2: :teacher: :nonono: :looney:

Ohhhh the fun!!

Hmmmm....this thread gets this smiley... :agree:

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
norco-freerider said:
i guarantee you could find a Fibonacci sequence in about 2274323 songs, that were all completely unintentional.

so in closing, :stosh: - :stosh:

yes, 0 stars
I dont believe you. I would also like you to prove that they all form a double helix.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
The Toninator said:
oh i quess it's not an acutal 'helix' but it does spiral. so do that instead.
You don't know the power of the spiral!!! Hmmm...I like the word helix....

Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix Helix

Ahhh...much better.:help:

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
Most TOOL fans do, and they expect that, they're druggies...that's why they have all these little mysteries going on in their albums. That and they (the band)worship Satan:hot: Danny is involved with Masonry and casting spells, the other guys are into wiccan ritual magic and incorporate their forms of "worship" into all their songs/albums. It's one of the reasons all their albums take so long to create.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Heath Sherratt said:
Most TOOL fans do, and they expect that, they're druggies...that's why they have all these little mysteries going on in their albums. That and they worship Satan:hot: Danny is involved with Masonry and casting spells, the other guys are into wiccan ritual magic and incorporate their forms of "worship" into all their songs/albums. It's one of the reasons all their albums take so long to create.
I hope you're kidding......

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Heath Sherratt said:
Most TOOL fans do, and they expect that, they're druggies...that's why they have all these little mysteries going on in their albums. That and they worship Satan:hot: Danny is involved with Masonry and casting spells, the other guys are into wiccan ritual magic and incorporate their forms of "worship" into all their songs/albums. It's one of the reasons all their albums take so long to create.
I knew there was something i liked about them.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Heath Sherratt said:
Most TOOL fans do, and they expect that, they're druggies...that's why they have all these little mysteries going on in their albums. That and they worship Satan:hot: Danny is involved with Masonry and casting spells, the other guys are into wiccan ritual magic and incorporate their forms of "worship" into all their songs/albums. It's one of the reasons all their albums take so long to create.
Huh, I like Tool........I don't think I've found myself under a spell lately though.................well they did turn me into a newt, but I got better...........:rolleyes:

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Andyman_1970 said:
Huh, I like Tool........I don't think I've found myself under a spell lately though.................well they did turn me into a newt, but I got better...........:rolleyes:
Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.
Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.
Desperate to control all and everything.
Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
the best Tool trivia is that the evil sounding german speech on Anemia is actually a recipie....

In german:
Eine halbe tasse staubzucker
Ein viertel teelvffel salz
Eine messerspitze t|rkisches haschisch
Ein halbes pfund butter
Ein teelvffel vanillenzucker
Ein halbes pfund mehl
Einhundertf|nfzig gramm gemahlene n|sse
Ein wenig echter staubzucker
... und keine eier

In eine sch|ssel geben
Butter einr|hren
Gemahlene n|sse zugeben und
Den teig verkneten

Augenballgro_e st|cke vom teig formen
Im staubzucker wdlzen und
Sagt die zauberwvrter
Simsalbimbamba saladu saladim

Auf ein gefettetes backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert grad f|r f|nfzehn minuten backen und
Keine eier

Bei zweihundert grad f|r f|nfzehn minuten backen und
Keine eier ..


The eggs of satan

Half a cup of powdered sugar
One quarter teaspoo salt
One knifetip turkish hash
Half a pound butter
One teaspoon vanilla-sugar
Half a pound flour
150 g ground nuts
A little extra powdered sugar
... and no eggs

Place in a bowl
Add butter
Add the ground nuts and
Knead the dough

Form eyeball-size pieces from the dough
Roll in the powdered sugar
And say the magic words:
’sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim’

Place on a greased baking pan and
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
...and no eggs

Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
...and no eggs.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Wow. I listen to Tool and don't do drugs (never had) and I'm not satanic, ect. I'm sure there's weird Tool fans but there are weird fans of any band.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
Just sharing about the band. That's all. I listen to them and have seen them live three times. My friend Alana Cain is the model on the Aenema album (no it's not a man giving himself felatio). Some people like to be informed about things in life-hate is not the motivation-it's education. You can do some pretty simple research and find this info out, it's not like they are trying to hide it, they just make it mysterious. Come on guys, if you can't see it then you're not looking. H
Here's a little excerpt from Danny's Bio on the web page.
Danny has maintained his heritages interest in occult studies. Endeavors into this realm have manifested periodically, such as the time he achieved insight into a hidden aspect of the unicursal hexagram utilizing an astral journey initiated through meditation and DMT. Danny then set up his drums into proportions utilizing the circle and square of the New Jerusalem and uttered a short prayer relating to the principles of the ace of swords from the book of Thoth. He then performed a ritual utilizing his new found knowledge of the unicursal hexagram to generate a pattern of movement in space relating to Fuller's vector equilibrium model. The resulting rhythm and gateway summoned a daemon he has contained within "the Lodge" that has been delivering short parables similar to passages within the Book of Lies. Danny recommends as a device of protection and containment a thorough study and utilization of the underlying geometry of the Temple of Solomon for anyone purchasing their next record.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
They like to overplay the "it's all BS" card but if you know them and look at what they do as compared to what they say their beliefs are evident. Look on Danny's Drums, he does set them up in a ritualistic fashion and they are huge into taking drugs and experimenting spiritually. Adam takes drugs and hallucinates, the visions he uses for their videos and actually "sees" his songs in his mind as he writes them.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Heath Sherratt said:
They like to overplay the "it's all BS" card but if you know them and look at what they do as compared to what they say their beliefs are evident. Look on Danny's Drums, he does set them up in a ritualistic fashion and they are huge into taking drugs and experimenting spiritually. Adam takes drugs and hallucinates, the visions he uses for their videos and actually "sees" his songs in his mind as he writes them.
yea sober people SUCK. man even f u man trent rezner cant get angry now that he's sober. he should either quit making music or start using again.
STP sucks sober.
RHCP suck sober.
sobriety sucks get high and rockout!


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
Heath Sherratt said:
They like to overplay the "it's all BS" card but if you know them and look at what they do as compared to what they say their beliefs are evident. Look on Danny's Drums, he does set them up in a ritualistic fashion and they are huge into taking drugs and experimenting spiritually. Adam takes drugs and hallucinates, the visions he uses for their videos and actually "sees" his songs in his mind as he writes them.

Nothing like a good hallucinagenic to free the mind - helps put it all in perspective.:thumb:

I have always found it hard to "pick" a favorite band, but I do seem to always end up with TOOL at the top of my list. So calculate what you will.......

Oh, and nice job BeerDemon - my friend tried to explain something similar to me at a festival. Jeremiah is that you?

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
Heath Sherratt said:
You think the Stones are still stoned?

They probably used enough to be perma stoned, rolling and stoned.
i'm not sure it would make a difference for them becuase they are candy pop bs that couldnt hold a stick to tallent pool in tool (or even any of the 'sober' bands i mentioned before.
BUT don’t mistake my comments as me being an advocate for drugs because I think social of drugs in all forms is bad. All drugs.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
Dude, the Stones are classic and have some serious song writing skills. They are not my favorite band nor do I own any of their albums but their music is amazing-Paint it Black will always mean a lot to me along with Time is on My side and many other Stones songs. They were the Tool of their day if you think about it. Just look at how Tool sounds so similar to everybody else out there now. Sure they started it but the trends define the story. The Stones were original and unique when they came out...just a thought.