
tootsdee NZMT


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Feeling the blues today. No particular reason.

Did come home with a 56" toolbox the other day. Still in the back of my truck until I can get someone to help me unload it. I do not possess the strength to do it alone.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
for this weekend, was considering 2 days of DH, but now thinking 1 day of DH, and 1 day exploring some new to me trails that are supposed to be some of the best in the region, and may require dusting off the megatrail.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
how the fuck are you guys getting the rona...
Karting has a large "conservative contingent". Indoor karting is just that. Also, Avalanche are in NHL Finals, so lots of fans going out. Those groups highly overlap. Denver has a really bad explosion of COVID right now.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I would have so much less anxiety in life if I knew that I couldn't be fired at any time for any reason, or even no reason. It's bullshit that you're expected to give 2 weeks notice when leaving a job, but they can fire you same day no problem.
Nah, the rules are the same for "us" and "them". If they think they may need something from you later they'll give you notice before a lay-off, if you think you'll need them as a reference or may end up asking for your old job back you give them notice. If you give zero fucks you don't even tell them you're quitting, you just stop showing up.

My first "adult" job was working for a complete asshole, I stayed way too long, took way too much abuse, worked way too many 100+ hour weeks and when I asked for a meeting to give notice my boss cancelled on my twice, so I just packed up all my shit, put in for the rest of the week off and left. Got paid for 3 days of vacation and just never came back, got a bunch of calls asking where I was, who we order things from, status on this or that, just said sorry, I don't work there, maybe ask with somebody who does.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I would have so much less anxiety in life if I knew that I couldn't be fired at any time for any reason, or even no reason. It's bullshit that you're expected to give 2 weeks notice when leaving a job, but they can fire you same day no problem.
Do you really worry about this? I can tell you from experience that most companies are hesitant to fire people for fear of litigation unless there was an egregious violation. I've had managers who loved to fire people and it was always a multi-month process and unless they were oblivious the employees should have seen it coming. In some ways it is easier to fire managers as the actual work is less concrete and easier to criticize.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Do you really worry about this? I can tell you from experience that most companies are hesitant to fire people for fear of litigation unless there was an egregious violation. I've had managers who loved to fire people and it was always a multi-month process and unless they were oblivious the employees should have seen it coming. In some ways it is easier to fire managers as the actual work is less concrete and easier to criticize.
Sure do. It's not that I've ever done anything egregious or worthy of being fired, but I also have no specialized skills or knowledge, nor am I a great people person or possess an inspiring work ethic. I show up, do my best to do the right thing, but prioritize my personal life over my career.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Sure do. It's not that I've ever done anything egregious or worthy of being fired, but I also have no specialized skills or knowledge, nor am I a great people person or possess an inspiring work ethic. I show up, do my best to do the right thing, but prioritize my personal life over my career.

In my head, I feel very much like the character of Michael Bolton in Office Space.
Largely it's work done. Quality and amount. Are you upper 75% of the bell curve? You're probably fine. It's when you grossly and consistently underperform that there is an issue.

I am for sure not the best at what I do (sales aspect). But I can mend plan level relationships well when other people fuck things up. I know enough technical aspects of Adobe Acrobat and Excel that I can save the better performing members of my team time. And I can fill in for my manager on a lot of stuff. I'm good at what I do, but maybe 75% of the bell curve vs. peers on sales. Today is my 12yr anniversary with the company.

As long as you're better than most of the people around you, you can be trusted to do good work not making mistakes, occasionally stand up and volunteer when a team member is out (qualify that you don't have capacity to maintain it), and the compliment the boss (was my idea, but he and I made it work), you should be fine. Only exception is when there are broad layoffs, then everyone is as risk - top performers who are expensive, all the way down to under performers.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Only exception is when there are broad layoffs, then everyone is as risk - top performers who are expensive
I know recently of someone c-suite who was about to get laid off, would have got 3 months severance, ~$50k. They quit the day before with no job to go to because they didn't like the boss. Not knowing that one more day and they'd have been out with a fat cheque :D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
So my son who is ADHD and has been diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia is two years behind at school. Since they don't keep kids behind anymore, he'll be going into grade 4 with grade 2 french and math. I had a conversation with the principal today asking what kind of services the school and school board offer for kids in his situation, as I'd heard of special classes for kids with learning disabilities. She said there's nothing they can do. Those classes are for kids who are three years behind, and since he doesn't qualify, he can just keep struggling, keep feeling like he is the dumbest kid in class, keep being made fun of in the school yard. Fuck her.

He's a bright kid, and what really sets him apart is how empathetic, kind and happy he is. But I feel that gentleness and happiness is being crushed out of him by this stupid failure that we call an education system. I'm so fucking crushed by this, I don't know what to think/feel/do. I'm looking into private schools, we're already doing tutoring 2 hours/week with him.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Sure do. It's not that I've ever done anything egregious or worthy of being fired, but I also have no specialized skills or knowledge, nor am I a great people person or possess an inspiring work ethic. I show up, do my best to do the right thing, but prioritize my personal life over my career.
I used to remotely care about my job and worked hard, all that shit. Until on May day in the middle of planting season I was let go of my last job. Keep in mind my job was to sell corn seed to farmers. So had to leave my customers hanging. It was all because Dow bought DuPont. No reasons other than they laid off 4-500 people in the middle of planting season. Since then, fuck work. I go but I don’t put in 1 extra second or ounce of effort. Always am looking for my next job anyway. Keep your resume fresh and never hurts to apply to different stuff.