On the heels of the top 5 over rated bands, comes my top 5 over
rated people, also known as PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GO THE F@CK AWAY...
5. Tom Cruise. Good bye, freak. No talent closet case. Where is thebaby, publicity hound?
4. Madonna. Mommy and Daddy either payed too much attention to her, or not enough. Piss off, flake.
3. Geraldo Rivera. See above.
2. Paris Hilton. Why i$ thi$ per$on all over the new$ mo$t day$? Wish I had an a$$ load of ca$h and a publici$t!
and the person who most needs to GO THE F@CK AWAY....
1. George W. Bush. Too much $$ and influence to serve in Viet Nam, yet can run 3 companies and a great nation into the dirt, AND commit us to a war that didn't need to happen. Thanks for Iraq, you draft dodging cheerleading coke head rich boy!
rated people, also known as PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GO THE F@CK AWAY...
5. Tom Cruise. Good bye, freak. No talent closet case. Where is thebaby, publicity hound?
4. Madonna. Mommy and Daddy either payed too much attention to her, or not enough. Piss off, flake.
3. Geraldo Rivera. See above.
2. Paris Hilton. Why i$ thi$ per$on all over the new$ mo$t day$? Wish I had an a$$ load of ca$h and a publici$t!
and the person who most needs to GO THE F@CK AWAY....
1. George W. Bush. Too much $$ and influence to serve in Viet Nam, yet can run 3 companies and a great nation into the dirt, AND commit us to a war that didn't need to happen. Thanks for Iraq, you draft dodging cheerleading coke head rich boy!