
tornado fuel savers???


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
are these things really as good as they say they are...cause i'm going on a looooooooong road trip this summer and i'm tryin to save money on gas as much as possible, but i dont wanna spend more money on stuff to save gas than i would not buying them...if that makes any sense what so ever so i'll take what ever suggestions u've got

tornado fuel saver


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Yeah its key to try to keep the RPMs lower so the engine isn't working so hard - depends on the car and terrain what speed is most efficient. Around 60 mph is a safe bet...


Tips to Save Gas and Improve Mileage
What can I do to save gas?

•Walk, bike, take a bus, or carpool when possible. Use your car only
when necessary. Public transportation authorities often have carpooling
information as well as transit services. If you own more than one vehicle,
drive the one that gets the best gas mileage whenever possible.

•Combine errands into one trip. Consolidate trips to destinations that
are near one another. Once you arrive, park and walk between destina
tions. Save errands for one afternoon and plan your trip so you don’t
retrace your route. You not only save gas this way, but reduce wear-and-
tear on your car.

•Drive your car wisely and maintain it properly. The way you drive
and take care of your car can make a big difference in your gas mileage.

What can I do to get better gas mileage when I drive?

You can greatly improve your mileage by having your car serviced regularly
and by driving wisely. Any of these eight points can help improve your

•Go easy on the brakes and gas pedal. Avoid “jackrabbit” starts by
accelerating gradually whenever possible. Also, anticipate stops to avoid
sudden braking.

•Avoid long idles. Turn off the engine if you anticipate a lengthy wait.
Instead of idling at a drive-up window, park the car and go in. Idling
burns more gas than restarting the engine. Limit car warmups in winter.

•Avoid carrying unneeded items in the trunk. Extra weight decreases
gas mileage. Also, reduce drag by placing items inside the car or trunk
rather than on roof racks.

•Avoid high speeds. You can improve your gas mileage about 15 percent
by driving at 55 mph rather than 65 mph.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
syadasti said:
Yeah its key to try to keep the RPMs lower so the engine isn't working so hard - depends on the car and terrain what speed is most efficient. Around 60 mph is a safe bet...
the point of maximum efficiency depends on the camshaft, the heads and a few other things..

i was told in auto-mechanics school that, on average, at around 2500-3500 rpm you get the most efficiency on the average road gasoline powered car.


Oct 3, 2005
Having a really tall top gear has a great effect.

My best mpg hovers around 80 mph according to the on board electronic nanny.