
toronto mayor?


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Chris Farley will live forever.
He ate Elvis and therefore has gained immortality...... as well as immorality.

So now he's like that guy out of "highlander".... keeps on ticking on but has to change names every few decades.
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
i wonder if slinging crack would help our prez
Rob Ford, the crack-smoking mayor of Toronto, enjoys a higher approval rating than President Obama.

Ford admitted publically last week that he had smoked crack while in a “drunken stupor” last year and has refused to step down. President Obama promised Americans a health care panacea and has failed to deliver.

Even after his admission and apology, Ford enjoyed an approval rating of 44 percent last week. A recent Quinnipiac University poll placed President Obama’s approval rating at 39 percent.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Yup, now gone to the great crack-house in teh sky.
Yesterday am it was announced he was in palliative care on pain meds.
This morning he passed - age 46.

I don't usually wish real ill on people, but this hypocritical kochsucker is different - glad he is gone. Now we only have to deal with his douche-bag brother.
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closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
At least he was honest enough to cop to it I guess...
Not really, he denied, denied and denied, until the pictures and accounts from associates came out, the flood of accounts was just too much to try to bury. He then really had no choice, but to admit to it. Hell, his driver was also one his sources and a party-mate. Even then, it was done in a "drunken stupor" so it really was not his fault. Brother Doug the city councillor was a well known pot/hash dealer back in teh day...

I don't have much issue with his desire to get baked - hell most of do one way or another.
My issue was the blatant hypocrisy of the man - and not just with regard to his private life escapades.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Not really, he denied, denied and denied, until the pictures and accounts from associates came out, the flood of accounts was just too much to try to bury. He then really had no choice, but to admit to it. Hell, his driver was also one his sources and a party-mate. Even then, it was done in a "drunken stupor" so it really was not his fault. Brother Doug the city councillor was a well known pot/hash dealer back in teh day...

I don't have much issue with his desire to get baked - hell most of do one way or another.
My issue was the blatant hypocrisy of the man - and not just with regard to his private life escapades.
rule #1 of politicianing - you're not caught until you're caught. then be belligerent.