
torque ft and inch

Aug 14, 2002
i got my fork worked on, and its a DC fork, so i aksed the guy what to tighten the bolts on the crowns to. all he said was 20-25. so since that bike shop is 40 min away from ym house, i go home and put the fork on, and take it to the l.b.s 10 min away. I told him what the other guys said, and he set the wrench at 22 ft lbs asuming thats what the guy at the other shop meant. So he tighten it and the bolt snapped and got stuck in the crown, which now he's gonna have to hassel to get that out. Then in the internet i found a place saying to tighten all upper crown bolts to 90 inch pounds for the SID dual crown fork (similair to mine, a judy XLC) so is 90 inch pounds the same as 7.5 foot pounds? ( I dont know much about torque) how i got 7.5 was take 90 inch pounds, and divide by 12 to get foot pounds??? is that how it works? anyways, so if its supposed to be 7.5 foot pounds could he have messed the stanchion up by tightening it so much? hopefully not else i am f***ed, cuz i have $30 right now. please help, thanks.


Aug 29, 2002
Soquel, Cali
Yes, 90 in-lbs = 7.5 ft-lbs.

Pulling on the wrench with 90 lbs of force at 1 inch from the head is the same as pulling with 45 lbs at 2 in, and 7.5 lbs at 12 in.

As for the stanchion -- maybe it's messed, maybe not. Not much you can do about it then. Just work on getting that bolt out, first.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Get yourself some easy out screw extractors or some reversed drill bits to remove that screw. If that shop was dumb enough to put 20+ ft. lbs. on a fork crown, I wouldn't let them touch another piece of my equipment.