

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
You drove to Oregon?? Did you bring your other bikes too?
yes i did. actually my parents were still living in washington at the time (where we still have the house for the time being to aid and abet my effort to stay a washington resident even tho i live and work in oregon), so i drove to washington, but same difference.

drove ==> why i have all those road trip photos from locations scattered across the country, and why the gallery is called 7345 miles of america. hehe

7345 miles of america

a sampling:

new york state
new mexico
and even

(note that this is not an exhaustive list, as the states listed are sometimes discontiguous. :D but it's a start.)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by wooglin
That's the state just south of NH, right? :monkey:
:dead: i didn't say "state"! that's merely a faulty inference on your part :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
fresh perspectives (the 12-24 arrived. so far it looks good, if a bit soft in the corners on some shots at f/8. defintely better than the other copy i tested)



Mar 16, 2003
Northampton, MA
Soft in the corners, even after the FOV crop, eh?

I borrowed a flash from my girlfriend's mother. It's an old Sunpak auto model. No TTL, not that my camera does that either. I'm not totally clear as to how to use it. What I think I'm supposed to do: pop it in manual. Focus and read distance off of lens. Set desired aperture. Set appropriate flash output for aperture and distance selected. Fire! And I'm getting the feeling that shutter speed doesn't matter much. My camera will sync to 1/125, but if I use slower than that, more ambient light will be used. More of a fill. But if I make it real slow, like 1/15, there will be visible trails near moving stuff. Is that about right?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
Soft in the corners, even after the FOV crop, eh?

I borrowed a flash from my girlfriend's mother. It's an old Sunpak auto model. No TTL, not that my camera does that either. I'm not totally clear as to how to use it. What I think I'm supposed to do: pop it in manual. Focus and read distance off of lens. Set desired aperture. Set appropriate flash output for aperture and distance selected. Fire! And I'm getting the feeling that shutter speed doesn't matter much. My camera will sync to 1/125, but if I use slower than that, more ambient light will be used. More of a fill. But if I make it real slow, like 1/15, there will be visible trails near moving stuff. Is that about right?
yeah, that's about right. as far as the flash is concerned shutter speed doesn't matter a whit as long as it's under the sync speed.

i can't say conclusively whether the lens is soft in the corners. some were, some weren't. and the ones on the tripod last night were generally quite good (at f/8 to f/16), so it might have been a function of camera shake. petteri sulonen's review indicated that the softness can be cleaned up quite nicely with unsharp mask, even wide open.

in riding news i went out to hood river (~50 miles away) with a monkey who i'd never met before, and totally bonked during the ride. it was not pleasant. going on a 1.5h road ride last night for picture taking then not eating breakfast then forgetting the camelbak with wallet and card key for apartment, so i couldn't eat out before meeting up with the guy, then climbing for literally miles on the evil, standing up of course... <shudders> but i'm back, fed, and in the house. no pics.


Mar 16, 2003
Northampton, MA
Sucks about your ride. Were you able to keep up with the guy?

You're really getting camera shake with such a short lens? Must be your insistence upon using such small apertures.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Barbaton
Just got back from the shop. Finally, after two years, I finally replaced my C-dale that was stolen...
dude. blur? what?!


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Yup indeedy. Blur ano black. 5th element, XT group, Marz Marathon fork. I'll post pics as soon as I actually own it (paying in stages...cash flow). Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive before but I was on the way out to drive to Jay Peak.

Definitely still my favorite area in the East. 5+ inches of great, fluffy snow last night and another 2 or 3 during the day. Drive back was a little rough, though. I'd post pics but there wasn't much point in taking them since it was pretty much a whiteout (ie perfect conditons). Looks like the season here might eek out a little longer.


Originally posted by Toshi
dude. blur? what?!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Barbaton
Yup indeedy. Blur ano black. 5th element, XT group, Marz Marathon fork. I'll post pics as soon as I actually own it (paying in stages...cash flow). Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive before but I was on the way out to drive to Jay Peak.

very nice. anything ever happen with you and that prius btw?

also i will be in beantown this weekend, friday night to sundayish. no bike, but there's probably still a foot of slush on the ground, eh


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
I decided I don't need/can't afford a car right now. (I'll check out the Highlander hybrid next year, though :devil: ).

snow's pretty much gone, but now it's muddin' season. yeuch. too bad I'm leaving for NY this afternoon. If I get back early enough Sat maybe we can get together. Send me your phn offline.

Originally posted by Toshi

very nice. anything ever happen with you and that prius btw?

also i will be in beantown this weekend, friday night to sundayish. no bike, but there's probably still a foot of slush on the ground, eh


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
pm sent. too bad about the car, but i see your point -- life post college is expensive!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
so the weekend came and went, and i didn't see any of you monkies! except for ari who doesn't even lurk anymore :D . "eternal sunshine" is an excellent movie btw.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Sorry I didn't get ahold of you. We missed the last express greyhound from NY Sat night and had to take the local. ugh. Didn't get in till about 2:30.

Today is fun with Quicktime Streaming Server day. Check out the stream of my ever so happening office.

You have to have quicktime and make sure it's set to open rtsp streams instead of Real Player. Hopefully RM can handle the link. :)

The tech's pretty cool. Capture happens on my desktop with QT Broadcaster and an iSight, which sends the stream to an Xserve that bumps it out. Could be really useful for remote meetings where you suddenly realize you need to show someone something.


Originally posted by Toshi
so the weekend came and went, and i didn't see any of you monkies! except for ari who doesn't even lurk anymore :D . "eternal sunshine" is an excellent movie btw.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
that's awesome! esp that you get to play with an xserve :D

i am actually doing the same thing: dv cam to emac running broadcaster, only we are going to use playstream.com to redistribute the stream. no xserve + qtss for me :( hehe


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i have a bunch of new pics. but for some reason i can't see my server, although it's visible from computers not on comcast cable... :confused:

[c-24-20-159-125:~] tjclark% traceroute tjclark.ath.cx
traceroute to tjclark.ath.cx (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 14.145 ms 9.405 ms 57.419 ms
2 ( 10.508 ms 18.215 ms 12.619 ms
3 ( 9.462 ms 15.193 ms 9.165 ms
4 ( 14.023 ms 30.495 ms 9.71 ms
5 gbr1-p80.st6wa.ip.att.net ( 11.803 ms 16.944 ms 17.198 ms
6 tbr1-p012501.st6wa.ip.att.net ( 19.727 ms 15.343 ms 14.881 ms
7 tbr2-cl1.sffca.ip.att.net ( 28.018 ms 30.36 ms 34.128 ms
8 tbr1-p012501.sffca.ip.att.net ( 27.956 ms 28.765 ms 27.394 ms
9 gar1-p370.sc1ca.ip.att.net ( 32.813 ms 34.853 ms 44.285 ms
10 ( 38.634 ms 42.126 ms 37.248 ms
11 ( 36.38 ms 39.298 ms 50.584 ms
12 ( 55.65 ms 60.524 ms 43.35 ms
13 *^C
so you'll just have to go to http://tjclark.ath.cx to see them for yourself.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

new kicks for the pathfinder

somehow les schwab sold me wheels that rub on the caliper with every rotation. they're going to space them out a quarter of an inch tomorrow morning... :dead:


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
Originally posted by Toshi

somehow les schwab sold me wheels that rub on the caliper with every rotation. they're going to space them out a quarter of an inch tomorrow morning... :dead:
And how far did you drive on these new red-neck wheels before you discovered that you were ruining the brakes? :rolleyes:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari
And how far did you drive on these new red-neck wheels before you discovered that you were ruining the brakes? :rolleyes:
woo hoo redneck wheels!

i heard the noise when backing up out of the garage (les schwab garage that is). but i thought it was just the tires rubbing. i stopped once on the way home (~10 blocks away, really close) to peer under the car, but nothing was rubbing... so i went to this construction site, snapped pics, swung back by to the shop immediately. oops. hehe


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
wheel/caliper interference fixed this morning. whew. spacers plus some grinding of the caliper itself :eek: was what it took, but now the car is rolling along in silence as it should.

having the wheels offset out from the car as they are was starting to worry me, as i thought the tire might catch on the bodywork when the wheels were stuffed up at full articulation. to test this theory i went back to the construction site and planted various corners on rocks and piles of dirt, and the wheels tuck away nicely. :thumb: :D

riding news: going to salem to ride today, post canyon to demo kona bikes for free (! on built/mini-north shore type trails too!) tomorrow. then colorado for 11 days :dead:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i went riding today, and it was good. lack of v-brakes and suspension on dbr == tired hands. tomorrow should be fun with the demo bikes, too :D :thumb:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
post canyon was hot. pickup shuttle (courtesy of my buddy charlie, same guy i went riding with yesterday), a demo kona stinky to play around with, and 4 other riders who pushed me to do things that i normally wouldn't do.

net result: i hit up a few small drops, conquered more than a few logrides, and tacoed the front wheel on the demo bike. :D

picturas: freeriding at post canyon



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
check this out: http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=81818


anyway, i am in colorado now. brought the dbr and tooled around town last night in hunt of food and beverage. the good/bad news is that i'm flying back to portland tonight, not to return here until tuesday. good b/c i can hang out with my one portland friend this weekend :D heh, and bad b/c i won't get a chance to sample the local singletrack.

oh, also, i want to buy another bike now. really. mwahaha

(santa cruz vp free?)

problem comes from the built/build-up choice, and what i'll do with my current bikes and parts... what to do, what to do


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Toshi
i have a bunch of new pics. but for some reason i can't see my server, although it's visible from computers not on comcast cable... :confused:
i figured it out. can't figure out why the techs at comcast couldn't see it either :confused: but on my end the problem was an improper /machines entry in netinfo (think /etc/hosts, only cooler :D). the address was no longer .151 so it was failing. yay.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
sometimes you just have to go ride. the weekend was entirely underwhelming -- my expected movie buddy took off for home with this "easter" as an excuse :D -- and i woke up this morning feeling like i didn't want to do anything at all. unfortunately i had to go to work, and i did. and then i felt like i should practice, since it's going on five days since i started playing again. so i did. and then i was going to drive to the bank to deposit some junk, but thought better of it and went riding instead.

verdict: bike skills are rusty, my back is weak, depositing checks with a sinister looking bike makes passers-by glance twice, but riding is fun.

now i just have to figure out why my apt feels like it's 75 degrees inside although the heat is nominally off... :confused:

oh, also i think i'm going to switch the z1 back out to 130mm -- i bottom out too often with 80, something about F = kx i think ;)


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi

oh, also i think i'm going to switch the z1 back out to 130mm -- i bottom out too often with 80, something about F = kx i think ;)
now now... I believe marzocchi solved the f=Kx problem already. You just raise the oil level 3-5mm and you'll decrease the air chamber, thus increasing the progressiveness... but I'm just being a pain in the ass.

and toshi, if you read this in the next few min, I'm looknig for a good pic of a monitor, and I've taken enough photos to make powerpoint clipart today (postings to come). I think you have one from when you got the second monitor last year


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
a heads up for keith when he returns:

the 10D's AF sensors cover a different area than the engravings on the focusing screen. this may explain many of your woes, as the sensors extend outside of where you think they would, and might pick up on other objects as a result...

also I just found this when searching the thread but the link was broken. care to post again?


Mar 16, 2003
Northampton, MA
Hahaha, you use iChat.

In other news, I'm in the market for one of these:

That one, and equivalent models made by Olympus, Konica and Minolta. I've got my eye on a particular auction on eBay ending in a couple days. :)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
Hahaha, you use iChat.

In other news, I'm in the market for one of these:

That one, and equivalent models made by Olympus, Konica and Minolta. I've got my eye on a particular auction on eBay ending in a couple days. :)
what's that, a fd mount rangefinder? canon did make a f/0.95 50mm lens for that beast if so... :eek:

if i were to go ghetto and renounce digital for film, i'd totally be shooting a leica m3. hotness.


Mar 16, 2003
Northampton, MA
Except it's less of a crop factor because it uses a larger sensor. :p

Anyways, that's a non-interchangeable lens rangefinder. I'm not sure if Canon made interchangeable lens rangefinders. I know Minolta made one of these, I think a very special Hi-Matic 7s or something, with a lens that fast. Doesn't a maximum aperture of less than one mean that the lens is wider than it is long?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
Except it's less of a crop factor because it uses a larger sensor. :p
"23.7 x 15.6 mm APS-C size CCD"? isn't that the same as the d30/d60/10d?

update: i was wrong. 23.7, etc. is the nikon 1.5x crop, not the canon 1.6x crop size.

Originally posted by kingLatency
Anyways, that's a non-interchangeable lens rangefinder. I'm not sure if Canon made interchangeable lens rangefinders. I know Minolta made one of these, I think a very special Hi-Matic 7s or something, with a lens that fast. Doesn't a maximum aperture of less than one mean that the lens is wider than it is long?
ah, so i was wrong. canon did make a rangefinder that took fd lenses to the best of my knowledge: http://www.kenmarcamera.com/canon rangefinder.html . and yep, f/<1 means that the aperture is greater than the focal length.