

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
you wanna ride this afternoon after my final?
yo keith, done anything cool with that 10D of yours lately?

in other news, i am going insane waiting for my frame... :eek:

edit: plus, in my continued bike-whore-ness, i am buying this avalanche 9x3" shock to provide another option to the manitou swinger (9.5x3", i think) that's coming with the frame. why? they're supposed to ride differently, as the swinger is a spv shock while the avy is not, and the avy is reputedly bombproof and perhaps a better match for the monster t. also, the 0.5" difference in eye to eye length might change the geometry favorably, and if it doesn't, craig@avalanche can alter it since he and the company are cool like that. finally, it's a smoking deal, and i like konadude since he's an engineer and grad student. :eek: :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by flymybike
Holy crap!!!
That is a great mis-judgment of speed. Opsy.. Glad he's alright.
Where is that? It looks like some fun stunts!
unfortunately i don't know where that video was taken. it's the biking equivalent of the forwarded, photoshopped pictures of the shark jumping to "eat" the diver hanging out of a helicopter. except that it's real, of course.


Jan 7, 2004
Jackson Hole
Toshi - If you get the Avy, just send it back to get it lengthened. If you put it on your Canfield with a 9" i-i it will bottom out on your seat and your pedaling position, sag, will be in the wrong position to pedal good. Plus your head tube angle will be WAY slack. The F1 has been fine tuned over the last four years to get perfect pedaling performance at the correct sag position. If you change it you won't like it.

Formula 1 - GO!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by flymybike
Toshi - If you get the Avy, just send it back to get it lengthened. If you put it on your Canfield with a 9" i-i it will bottom out on your seat and your pedaling position, sag, will be in the wrong position to pedal good. Plus your head tube angle will be WAY slack. The F1 has been fine tuned over the last four years to get perfect pedaling performance at the correct sag position. If you change it you won't like it.

Formula 1 - GO!
ok, will do. i was kind of hoping it wouldn't bottom out, and then the 9" i2i would have given the bike a unique lowrider look... :devil: :D


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
yo keith, done anything cool with that 10D of yours lately?

This is all I got (adams waltz, my design and about 50% my construction):

theme was wizard of oz. (for the record the shutter on this was 6 sec, and it's about 5 pics spliced, not really meant to be HQ).


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
This is all I got (adams waltz, my design and about 50% my construction):

theme was wizard of oz. (for the record the shutter on this was 6 sec, and it's about 5 pics spliced, not really meant to be HQ).
cool. what were all those glass plate/mirror things for?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ah, i realized that i haven't told my paypal story here:

i check my credit card and bank balances online, using yodlee incidentally (http://www.yodlee.com/m/l/). so i go to check everything on monday morning, knowing that i paypaled $750 for my job last week to help purchase a domain name. much to my surprise i see three new paypal charges of $80, $760, $790, and even stranger, they're on the credit card that i don't use for paypal.

i immediately check my own paypal account, and the charges don't appear anywhere. so i call up paypal, and it turns out that some schmoe signed up for a new paypal account a few days ago with my credit card info and mailing address (probably obtained through my website or a telephone directory). :mad: :dead:

a few more phone calls to american express and paypal and one signed affidavit (stating that the charges indeed were fraudulent) later, and the charges still haven't been reversed... fraud departments work slowly.

moral of the story: check your account balances often!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by dw
this is a sweet thread Toshi!

How the heck have you been anyways?

hello mr. weagle!

i need single speed info from you :eek: :D . i've been pretty well -- graduated, moved out west, got into med school for this upcoming year (UWashington), and am working a dead end job in the meantime in order to afford toys like the anticipated canfield. how's evil and your life? i heard you got married...? (edit: congrats :cool: ) yet the company is still cranking out new frames left and right.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
today was all about the bike even though it was cloudy and raining with the same forecast tomorrow. no, i didn't go riding, so no more ride pics yet again. but i did do maintenance, and nothings more fun than pics of bike parts, right?

er, right, guys? :D

anyway, without further ado: simplifying my evil.

oh, and my fork's broken. :dead: it feels AWFUL after the first two inches of travel. methinks something is amiss inside, and the bike shop mechanic agrees. i'm hoping to get a crash replacement out of it -- it's clearly my fault since i've been bottoming it regularly and i don't intend to bs marzocchi about it, but i've been a faithful customer.


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
today was all about the bike even though it was cloudy and raining with the same forecast tomorrow. no, i didn't go riding, so no more ride pics yet again. but i did do maintenance, and nothings more fun than pics of bike parts, right?

er, right, guys? :D

anyway, without further ado: simplifying my evil.

oh, and my fork's broken. :dead: it feels AWFUL after the first two inches of travel. methinks something is amiss inside, and the bike shop mechanic agrees. i'm hoping to get a crash replacement out of it -- it's clearly my fault since i've been bottoming it regularly and i don't intend to bs marzocchi about it, but i've been a faithful customer.
If you pop off the caps and give the push rods a slide you can tell in 2 sec whether its the internals of the stantions. (I'm guessing it's the stantions either being shifted or mushroomed)

also, why'd you push the chain out with the guide? It seems you ould want to push it up into the frame (slightly less smooth running but more out of the way.

and... Thad and I rode again today. Looks like we're gonna be in tip top shape soon enough.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
If you pop off the caps and give the push rods a slide you can tell in 2 sec whether its the internals of the stantions. (I'm guessing it's the stantions either being shifted or mushroomed)

also, why'd you push the chain out with the guide? It seems you ould want to push it up into the frame (slightly less smooth running but more out of the way.

and... Thad and I rode again today. Looks like we're gonna be in tip top shape soon enough.
ah, good point. i will go do that now.

about the guide, pushing up wouldn't have taken enough slack since the natural chainline is very close to the chainstay as it is, without the derailleur in the way and all...

cool about the ride. no pics? no artsy pics either?

update: it's the cartridges. stanchions feel fine actually :confused:


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
ah, good point. i will go do that now.

about the guide, pushing up wouldn't have taken enough slack since the natural chainline is very close to the chainstay as it is, without the derailleur in the way and all...

cool about the ride. no pics? no artsy pics either?

update: it's the cartridges. stanchions feel fine actually :confused:
bent pushrod maybe?

anyway, here's the artsy pics:

we were too busy riding for pics this time.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
bent pushrod maybe?

anyway, here's the artsy pics:
yeah, may well be that. argh. marzocchi or the shop will take it apart no matter what i do, so i might as well just strip it down and prepare it for shipment.

i think this pic is very successful:



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
marzocchi said "send it back in" and still had me on their records for the previous repair work :eek: so i stripped the fork down and sent it on its merry way. in two priority mail boxes taped together, heh



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
today i present a musical offering

[fugue 1, not posted any longer]


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
so I was wondering why the 5th E hasn't been as active as I thought it had been, and it turns out that the pressure in the IFP chamber had fallen. I brought it back up to 50 PSI, what the Santa Cruz site says it should be for my weight and it's a bit better.

I'm confused, though, since the Progressive lit says that the IFP pressure shouldn't be below 75 psi. Anyone have any thoughts? I don't wanna break this thing. :confused:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
To prove that we actually are still riding back east, we got our bikes a little muddy today and took pictures of them.
nifty. but none of riding! do you not bring the camera on the trail?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
and totally unrealted... I figured out (mostly) how to do noise reduction in P-shop. and found a sweet action that does a very good job at it.
switch to lab mode, gaussian blur on a and b channels? :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
talk to me about this lab mode. (my current version is 7.0)
image -> mode -> lab i think. it separates out luminance and color. blur on the color and edges (luminance generally, except for sharp color boundaries which don't occur in nature all that often) stay sharp and color noise is dissipated.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Toshi
considering selling the evil :eek:


also, got the 4th bike mount for the sportworks today :thumb: . yay me
36-18 works on the evil without a tensioner, as it turns out, so i'm not going to sell the evil for pennies on the dollar after all. :eek:

now to go ride, as i bought a lovely rigid fork for it, for the grand sum of $15. :thumb:

post ride update: the bike feels really good single speed, rigid, one brake. nothing rattles, everything feels very solid. however my riding is horrible. can't manual, can barely bunnyhop, have forgotten how to do 180s, and i realize now that i've been far too reliant on brakes before... :dead:


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
I consider myself pretty damn good with photoshop, how did I not learn about this "lab color" mode before? With LC, color correction is a snap, and noise reduction also works sooo easily. Genius I tell you.

anyone wantto ride tomorrow? Trail or road is cool with me.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i'm 22, but i feel old.

at least my back does. time to take some tylenol pms (as in multiple pm pills, not pms :eek: ) and sleep off the effects of two days of urban riding on the evil. or is it street? or jibbing? i get so confused sometimes :D heh

weekend good-manual count: 3/100 or so. not good. but those 3 were beauties. too bad the rest of them sucked. gotta work on that.

oh, and i did my first real wallride on a vertical wall today. got a foot or two up with the rear wheel, i hear. it was frightening!


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
y'all have probably already seen this but i thought it was cool. enabling dormant firmware features in the D-Rebel so it restores features they took out of the 10-D: cool


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Barbaton
y'all have probably already seen this but i thought it was cool. enabling dormant firmware features in the D-Rebel so it restores features they took out of the 10-D: cool
ya, that's been kicking around for a while. as the slashdot comments note, it doesn't change the physically different control layout or sequence-shooting capabilities of the 300D vs. the 10D tho. (or the plasticky body, my main complaint with the lil' dslr :D)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
oh, and not that anyone cares, but my website should be much faster now that the galleries link directly to the pics instead of to a cgi that finds them

here's my contribution for the night:

caption: "the sum of all trends"

why brakeless? rear brake rubbing is driving me insane, plus i'm stealing the hayes for the upcoming big bike. still upcoming. come on, canfield :confused: . i have 6" avid mechanicals for the evil sitting in a box.

why the brake rotor? rusted in bolts. time to make a trip to the bike shop... :dead:

riding-related factoid: riding brakeless really does help manualling. i have been riding street, and, more often, in the parking lot :D , so my manuals were starting to feel ok, but i felt way too reliant on the brakes to bring the nose down. a brakeless session just now cured that feeling, with only minor casualties to report from the pavement.


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi

why the brake rotor? rusted in bolts. time to make a trip to the bike shop... :dead:

try soaking them down with a bunch of liquid wrench and letting it simmer for a couple hours. If that fails, dremel the screw heads into something you can grab with a vise grip and they'll be out in a jif (although you'll need new bolts)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ever wondered how my imperial would look with a monster T? wonder no more:

it actually rode pretty well, even though the handlebar height felt odd.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
this file will only be up for a few days, but it eventually will show up in /music once i complete the well-tempered clavier or get bored with the project:

my take on fugue 2, c minor from the wtc, book 1. quicktime 6 required.