

Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Most of the arcane laws in Saudi Arabia I tend to think are extreme and repressive. In this case, though, it doesn't bother me. I don't agree with the root reasons, but I'm glad someone is starting to force the issue. Hopefully we'll have some camera free choices in the future as a result. Stopping now before the ranting starts.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
eh, what kind of phone do you have, thad? my current T637 and previous 3650 both have excellent RF reception, and the smartphone features that accompany cameras are also what lets iSync sync up with them. given that i have 118 contacts in my address book at the moment, most of them with multiple phone numbers, i wouldn't want to give up that functionality. as for size, my 3650 was huge, yes, but the T637 is as small as any phone i've seen yet...

basically, besides the principle of it and the $5 for a commodity CCD, why shouldn't phones have cameras?


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Toshi said:
eh, what kind of phone do you have, thad? my current T637 and previous 3650 both have excellent RF reception, and the smartphone features that accompany cameras are also what lets iSync sync up with them. given that i have 118 contacts in my address book at the moment, most of them with multiple phone numbers, i wouldn't want to give up that functionality. as for size, my 3650 was huge, yes, but the T637 is as small as any phone i've seen yet...

basically, besides the principle of it and the $5 for a commodity CCD, why shouldn't phones have cameras?
I have a Siemens S56, the only phone sold in Jan 2004 that was small, a smartphone, had bluetooth, and NO camera, which are the features for which I picked it. Works with iSync like a charm and dings annoyingly at my office 15mins before my meetings. There's a camera attachment you can buy but it's not built in cuz they were keeping it small. It's also a more secure phone and isn't vulnerable to bluesnarfing the way the nokia and Sony Ericsson phones are. The only drawback I've found so far is that it doesn't work with Salling Clicker.

To me the problem with phone cameras is that they're more hassle than they're worth for me. They take crappy pictures so I'll never use it, and I don't want to have to deal with a company or something that won't let me bring the phone because it has a camera.

I don't object to phones having a camera but it frustrates me that you can't find many anymore that don't. I just want the business climate or something to require more options for business phones that don't have them.

Personally I love the little Siemens phone, though I'm peeved that they don't make it anymore after replacing it with a camera model. :angry:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
WTGPhoben said:
Besides, anything that's good over here, you cant find out there.
actually qfc and this supposed next-to-qfc beer store have excellent selections... toss out some eh eh

thad, you're just a phone-camera nazi. you've got to relax and go with the modern flow...
your s56 is 102mm x 43mm x 18mm, my t637 is 102 x 43 x 17 mm. sure, technology progresses but the sizes are definitely comparable. and that one series 60 virus was a fluke :D . how's the screen on the s56? i actually considered it myself, but the large, bright color screens of the modern camera phones seduced me


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
no longer debating on the brakes. thought it was a good deal and the Hope Mono Minis are getting terrible reviews. i'm glad I waited a few months to see what people thought.

The hayes installation instructions have lots of instructions involving torque wrenches. Is the exact amount of force on the bolt that important or can I just make it tight? :confused:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i have a torque wrench. i only use it for crank and suspension pivot bolts. draw your own conclusions :eek:

(my minigolf title is back!)


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
hey toshi, what camera are you using for the pics on your site????

i been thinking about getting into photography, as i lack any talent in the painting field.
any tips on how to get started?? or a good camera for a newbie???


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
hey toshi, what camera are you using for the pics on your site????

i been thinking about getting into photography, as i lack any talent in the painting field.
any tips on how to get started?? or a good camera for a newbie???
So I'll respond to this as well since Toshi got me into photography. I actually have a Canon PowerShot S30 which is the camera that Toshi used to have. I personally think it's a great newbie camera because it's very easy to use, takes really good pictures (I think - especially for a non-SLR) but also lets you do some slightly more complicated stuff. But it gets major points for overall ease of use and quality of pictures. Canon currently has out some higher numbered powershots (like the s45 and s60 i think) but they're all basically the same just different megapixels. Overall i'm a big Canon fan. Other digitals that I've used are much harder to use.

If you want to see what shots from the camera can look like I have a bunch posted on my site.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
ari is correct, the early pictures on the website were taken with a canon powershot S30. the later (march 2003 and on) pics were taken with a canon D30 dSLR and assorted canon/sigma glass. the 20D is what i'm currently moving to.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
whistler was all that and a bag of chips (maui sweet onion) btw. no serious injuries to speak of in our group, no major mechanicals. the only downer is that my fingers really hurt, worse this time than on the previous trips this summer... there may be something wrong with my joints, related to my being "double jointed"/overly flexible...


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Toshi said:
whistler was all that and a bag of chips (maui sweet onion) btw. no serious injuries to speak of in our group, no major mechanicals. the only downer is that my fingers really hurt, worse this time than on the previous trips this summer... there may be something wrong with my joints, related to my being "double jointed"/overly flexible...

as keith often says to me. "Stop using your brakes!" :evil:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i brake with one finger tho, and the pain is not in that finger (index finger). it's in the middle and ring fingers in the first joint away from the knuckles. ow.


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
I finally got around to trying a bic pen as the key to my evo2000, and it does indeed work just about as well as the real key. popped it open in about 2min

toshi, did you diagnose your fingers yet? (given that you are a med student)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
heh, it takes you 2 minutes to open your lock with the real key? :D

nope, no diagnosis on the fingers. i don't know any medicine so can't make heads or tails of my problem and the school clinic isn't open on the weekend (and this isn't critical enough to go into the hospital since it doesn't interfere with non-dh life at all).


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
a haiku:

oh my, snooty cheese
you looked so nice on the shelf
now my wallet aches


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Brakes just came. They are shiny. Kieth, I'm looking to you for help putting 'em on, since I'll screw it up myself. :help:

work focus just went byebye


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
It's Christmas in Officeland today. New chain just arrived too. Best part is, it's packaged in a CD jewel case. Kudos to SRAM for using alternative packaging that won't necessarily go straight to the landfill. :thumb:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
two thoughts:

1) i just used the bottle opener on my canfield f1's seat mast to open a samuel smith oatmeal stout. (also note that i haven't started studying yet tonight, so this might be an amusing experience :D )

2) here is a list of lovely cheeses to try that i sent out to the chat-list (so ari has already seen it)

Stilton - a blue cheese, good with fruit
Aged Gouda - i just tried some 4 year aged gouda, very hard and
flavorful, not all creamy like normal gouda
Gorgonzola - another blue cheese
Roquefort - yet another. see a pattern here? ;-)
Comté - a hard cheese sitting in my refrigerator, altho i haven't tried
it yet it has many fans
Camembert - like brie on steroids, in a good way
Epoisses - comes in a little wooden container. a creamy cheese,
supposedly napoleon's favorite :-o , very smelly tho (air it out!)
Leydin - a hard-ish cheese, often has spices in it. not offensive like
some of the blues can be



Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Toshi said:
two thoughts:

1) i just used the bottle opener on my canfield f1's seat mast to open a samuel smith oatmeal stout. (also note that i haven't started studying yet tonight, so this might be an amusing experience :D )

2) here is a list of lovely cheeses to try that i sent out to the chat-list (so ari has already seen it)

Stilton - a blue cheese, good with fruit
Aged Gouda - i just tried some 4 year aged gouda, very hard and
flavorful, not all creamy like normal gouda
Gorgonzola - another blue cheese
Roquefort - yet another. see a pattern here? ;-)
Comté - a hard cheese sitting in my refrigerator, altho i haven't tried
it yet it has many fans
Camembert - like brie on steroids, in a good way
Epoisses - comes in a little wooden container. a creamy cheese,
supposedly napoleon's favorite :-o , very smelly tho (air it out!)
Leydin - a hard-ish cheese, often has spices in it. not offensive like
some of the blues can be

Good choices, though I don't care much for Epoisses. I've got a box from when we lived there in '86 that's been cleaned I don't know how many times and still has a faint touch of it, ugh. I think it's storing some of my coin collection in SF, now.

In other news, morning rides continue and it isn't totally frigid yet. Keith brought a friend from work and I brought one of my music friends, who is, by the way, an excellent Irish guitar player and singer here in the Boston area and who I saw in concert last night.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i agree, epoisses seems to be a bit much for me. maybe with a very sweet fruit it would be palatable...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
get some good manchego cheese. maybe w/ some jamon serrano.

there was a kick-ass cheese shop in dublin; the stuff around me now in the states can't compare, unless i travel into the city. i suppose that would have been true in ireland too... :think:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i hereby declare the evil's rear rim to be unsalvageable.
it has seen its last botched 180 attempt... (no, i didn't do this recently. two weekends ago in fact. just didn't get around to trying to true it until now. after breaking two nipples due to the radically uneven tension i'm calling it a loss.)

i'll also have to rebuild both wheels on the canfield some point this winter. i guess i should buy a truing stand and do it myself, eh?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
or maybe it would be cheaper to just let supergo up the street build the wheels... time == money, right? :think:

in other news, i have dropped out of kaplan teacher training. i feel both somewhat bad and somewhat good about doing so.