

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ok, what does the peanut gallery think of this?


more miles than i was hoping for at 67k, but i just talked to the guy and his reason for selling is legit (he still owes money on it and just got married in june, thinking of kids :dead: ), the title is clean, and i could walk away with it for $13k (minus all stereo components and the passport 8500, which i don't need).

12.6 <--> cool, but indicates it _has_ been driven hard, but that price is right and i like the look. real cf hoods positively own up on the ghetto black painted ones i see around here ahha

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
Toshi said:
ok, what does the peanut gallery think of this?

more miles than i was hoping for at 67k, but i just talked to the guy and his reason for selling is legit (he still owes money on it and just got married in june, thinking of kids :dead: ), the title is clean, and i could walk away with it for $13k (minus all stereo components and the passport 8500, which i don't need).

12.6 <--> cool, but indicates it _has_ been driven hard, but that price is right and i like the look. real cf hoods positively own up on the ghetto black painted ones i see around here ahha
Nothing against the Suby but you couldn't pay me to put that car in my garage. High(er) miles and Jersey plates would normally be enough to scare me off but add in the mods that have been done and I would guess that it has been pounded through some NJ traffic. Just my take.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
you're right, but i still like that car... :) we'll see how i feel about it next week.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Toshi said:
ok, what does the peanut gallery think of this?


more miles than i was hoping for at 67k, but i just talked to the guy and his reason for selling is legit (he still owes money on it and just got married in june, thinking of kids :dead: ), the title is clean, and i could walk away with it for $13k (minus all stereo components and the passport 8500, which i don't need).

12.6 <--> cool, but indicates it _has_ been driven hard, but that price is right and i like the look. real cf hoods positively own up on the ghetto black painted ones i see around here ahha

beaten car alert!!!

that car has probably seen some aggressive right foot..

but one thing i always wondered is... what is worse... an enthusiast that drives a car hard, but has meticulous maintenance and care on it...
or an old lady oblivious to car maintenance :think:

the 1st car is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay nicer. and 40k miles is a lot of difference, but then again, how much are they asking for the 1st one?????

the difference between the maintenance cost between the next 60k miles of the 1st VS the next 60k miles of the 2nd could actually be high enough to even out the final ownership prices....


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the price difference is 4k (plus 9.1% tax on that same 4k, $364), plus the seller on the first (black, tint, morettes, etc.) is slow on the email draw and generally too cool for school -- that guy hasn't sent me the VIN yet and i asked 2 days ago. this nj guy is all over it, quick email response.

the title checks out on this one, and it's been in berlin, nj for its whole life for better or worse haha. funny how everyone hates nj: my mother's first reaction was "new jersey?! sure it's not stolen?"



Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Toshi said:
the price difference is 4k (plus 9.1% tax on that same 4k, $364), plus the seller on the first (black, tint, morettes, etc.) is slow on the email draw and generally too cool for school -- that guy hasn't sent me the VIN yet and i asked 2 days ago. this nj guy is all over it, quick email response.

the title checks out on this one, and it's been in berlin, nj for its whole life for better or worse haha. funny how everyone hates nj: my mother's first reaction was "new jersey?! sure it's not stolen?"

lets see, from the top of my head...

the 2st car.
between 70k to 130k miles it will probably need a new turbo. (specially if it has been overboosted, which probably was). that´d at least 1500 bucks.
you might need an overhaul in the engine around that time too. i doubt that car will have good compression after 100k miles. even if its only a rings and belt change that´d be expensive.

1st car.
from 20k to 80k. up to 80k miles, if properly driven and not abused, it will not need a new turbo.
up to 80k miles, probably no need for rings nor anything that requires popping out the head.

better yet, get the maintenance schedule, or the owners manual and calculate the cost of the scheduled repairs for the 2 cars...
i bet the difference will be close to 4k......


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
toshi, i just checked the nasoic web page..

that car has run a mid 12 sec 1/4 mile... :eek: has a bigger turbo, big ass injectors AND THAT NITRO BOTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that car will need serious work done soon.... if it has not been rebuilt in the last 10k miles..


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
uh, yeah, that's what i was referring to with "12.6 <--> cool, but indicates it _has_ been driven hard"

i'm going to see tomorrow whether i can get it inspected by the local subaru dealership (instead of a local mechanic who is probably his buddy)...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
narlus said:
toshi, keep the nitro bottle and you can be like Mad Max.

nitrous in and of itself isn't a bad thing -- it's detonation due to running lean that would cause the damage. and since he upgraded the injectors it seems like he's done his due diligence. an inspection will tell all.


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Toshi said:

nitrous in and of itself isn't a bad thing -- it's detonation due to running lean that would cause the damage. and since he upgraded the injectors it seems like he's done his due diligence. an inspection will tell all.
It is in the sense that you're putting forcing the cylinders to do a lot more work and handle much greater forces than they were designed for. You can't say the doesn't significantly decrease engine life, especially wrt compression over the course of 67k.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
WTGPhoben said:
It is in the sense that you're putting forcing the cylinders to do a lot more work and handle much greater forces than they were designed for. You can't say the doesn't significantly decrease engine life, especially wrt compression over the course of 67k.
... which is why i'm going to have a local suby dealer inspect it, if we can schedule a suitable time. :cool: i will make sure they do a compression / leak down test.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Toshi said:
nitrous in and of itself isn't a bad thing -- it's detonation due to running lean that would cause the damage. and since he upgraded the injectors it seems like he's done his due diligence. an inspection will tell all.
Umm, that's not a NOS bottle. If you look at the intercooler you'll see a sprayer bar, he's running a CO2 sprayer setup, not nitrous. With a bigger turbo, upgraded fuel system and the motor work he's done it'll run 12's without squirting no problem.

All his motor details are here: http://home.comcast.net/~IMPREZvWRX2/

As for my opinion, Toshi, if you want a really fast car for that price then that car's a good choice. Granted, it'll be a LOT more work than the first car, the maintenence will be double and it has more possibilities of existing problems. But it looks like the builder is pretty subee-competent and everything was done right, so i'd trust the car... and those 2.2's will hold up to a lot.

You'll definitley want to make sure he didn't drive it during the winter due to road salt..... not to mention the fact you'll have to drive it back from jersey.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Toshi said:
... which is why i'm going to have a local suby dealer inspect it, if we can schedule a suitable time. :cool: i will make sure they do a compression / leak down test.
Definitely a good idea, are you planning on flying out there?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ah, that N-tercooler thing can run either CO2 or N20. good call. WRX engine is a 2.0, not 2.2 ;) , and i'm negotiating with him on when to get the car inspected at a subie dealer ~20 mi away from him -- he'd drive it there, they'd fax me the report, he'd drive it home.

flying out and driving back in a "long weekend" +/- a few days would be the endgame (and my PI at lab here is cool with that), ONLY if the car checks out with flying colors in the inspection, or if he fixes any issues presented there.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I thought wrx's had a 2.2 ..... I guess I was confused. CO2 sprayers are nice, they make the intercooler nice and cold but they don't have any negative effects and are easy to remove if you don't like it. If the car passes inspection I'd go for it.

You realize you can only run good, premium gas in that car, right?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
even if the car has good readings on the test, that doesnt say anything about for how long it stay that way. for 2 cars with good readings... one like that, and a stock one with low miles... i´d bet the stock one will see many more miles before needing serious work done.

modified cars usually snap, rather than show signs of progressive wear. are pistons, rings, rods, pins upgraded??


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
yeah, WRX = 2.0, STi = 2.5, RS/TS = 2.5 normally aspirated...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Toshi said:
yeah, WRX = 2.0, STi = 2.5, RS/TS = 2.5 normally aspirated...
Which model was a TS?

EDIT: And by the way, I don't see any NOS lines under the hood- I doubt he's ever ran nitrous through that motor with the mods he's done. He seems like he has more money than that.

You usually see nitrous on ghetto hondas whose owners watched the fast and the furious WAYYY too much, but don't have the money to build their motors the right way. NOT on a car whose owner has dumped around 4k into the motor alone....


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
TS is the base model? the same kind that stoney98 has -- see "my subie got raped" thread. non-turbo, 165? hp i think, still awd like the rest of the lineup.

looks like wednesday will be inspection day. :thumb:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
6 mo insurance rate range, 2002 WRX:

$643 (safeco) - $1826 (AIG)

AIG == :nuts:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i rollerbladed to lab today. 4 miles. was quite frightening actually, what with uneven pavement in places, a wooden-slat bridge, and a hill at the end :dead: . (actually the hill was quite easy and i ended up passing a biker! go me). i most definitely am going to take the bus home, however...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
zane said:
If you get the car, are you going to drive back by yourself? If you need company I might be available....
hmmm, cool, i will consider this :thumb:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
NJ WRX checked out. in particular: "Other than modified parts on engine motor appears to be sound. Compression test + cylinder leakage is[sic] good"

:D :dancing:


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Toshi said:
NJ WRX checked out. in particular: "Other than modified parts on engine motor appears to be sound. Compression test + cylinder leakage is[sic] good"

:D :dancing:
so what is unsound about the modified parts on engine?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Barbaton said:
so what is unsound about the modified parts on engine?
i don't think that was the implication. the mechanic just wanted to make sure that i was aware that there were <gasp> non standard parts...

i now have a plane ticket booked from seattle to philly, will be arriving on saturday morning, august 20th. i'm hoping to swing up north to visit y'all. thad, do you have a couch that i could crash on? :D

then off to the east. possible places to visit between new england and seattle:

glacier natl park (been there but many years ago)
bay area (lots of friends in area)
oregon (visit parents)
??? <-- your suggestion here. remember that i hit up most of the natl parks save for yellowstone, grand teton, yosemite two summers ago.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
zane said:
If you get the car, are you going to drive back by yourself? If you need company I might be available....
ok, so now i'm making a call for co-drivers:

- you have to pay for your plane ticket to wherever we meet up on east coast (or midwest at some waypoint between NJ and seattle). sorry, can't afford to pick up others' tickets! one way tix are $160-250 to the east coast generally, check www.expedia.com. update: my parents will graciously pay the ticket of a co-driver. step on up people!
- you don't have to pay for any gas :)
- you must be able to drive a stick shift smoothly, have a valid license, etc.
- you must be free from august 19th through 30th or so :think: , or at least a substantial portion of that time. joining me in the midwest, for example, would be fine

in return you get to come on what may turn out to be a quite cool road trip, and get to drive. a lot. haha :D . sound appealing to anyone?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Toshi said:
ok, so now i'm making a call for co-drivers:
- you must be free from august 19th through 30th or so :think:
I really want to go, but that's a little longer than I can get off from work. I was looking forward to cruising back in the wrx.....

All I can say is bring a good radar detector and/or jammer, and make sure you have a decent stereo (are you getting the stereo that's in the car? If not you should bring or buy one, it'd be well worth it).


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
how long can you get off work, zane?

i'm actually buying the car with no stereo gear whatsoever. hmm, boom box on passenger seat maybe? haha. the V1 is sitting in a box ready to go tho :thumb: (in box since i had to replace it as the old one was stolen when my trumpet was stolen :mad: )


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
co-driver casting call info updated above... summary: tagging along for the last few days would be ok, and you don't have to buy your plane ticket after all. anyone around seattle interested? i'll spam this to pac nw, too for good measure.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
that's great how the design school student who made those mockups didn't account for different leg lengths at all :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
read the text and see the figure of my paper as i submitted it here:


i didn't include the tables or appendices since they are much too numerous and i didn't want to struggle with importing them into Pages.app for what is ultimately just me chest-beating. i really like Pages' templates tho... :)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
for sale:

3 sportworks bob ratchets.
read more including my somewhat complex pricing structure :D here:


i've decided that i want to go the hitch rack route again as to avoid possibility of denting or otherwise damaging or scuffing the roof of the wrx, and (sportworks t2 + hitch - projected proceeds from sale of bob ratchets) ~= (new yakima towers + crossbars + fairing). i could stick with thule for a little less, but the wrx's subtly curved roofline along with the square bar design of thule would mean that the towers would be very close together -- indeed thule recommends the short roof adapter, i believe.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Toshi said:
i could stick with thule for a little less, but the wrx's subtly curved roofline along with the square bar design of thule would mean that the towers would be very close together -- indeed thule recommends the short roof adapter, i believe.
I use thule bars with the short roof adapter on a 2dr cavalier. Much curvier roof than your wrx. It works because you can adjust the cant of the thule feet. not much, but it was enough for me. In other words, you could get the roof rack to work if you didn't have the paint concern. The anchor towers are fairly close together (both in the same window), but the load bars aren't because the rear bar is back on the roof with it's own feet that just pad down to the roof (thanks to the short roof adapter).