
Tough BB install...help?

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
OK wrench :monkey:s I need a hand here.

I consider myself an expert mechanic but am having a tough time doing a BB install on a frame. The frame is sorta a prototype and the threads arent cut so beautiful and the paint is a tad thick. I don't have a facing tool or bb tap set. I can't get the left side cup to thread into the frame at all. The threads are there but the cup won't grab em. Any hints so I can maybe get in a ride tommorow on this bike? I don't want to roach the threads...maybe wire wheel it some? I am being a wuss and really don't want to mess up this frame.

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by ska todd
OK wrench :monkey:s I need a hand here.

I consider myself an expert mechanic but am having a tough time doing a BB install on a frame. The frame is sorta a prototype and the threads arent cut so beautiful and the paint is a tad thick. I don't have a facing tool or bb tap set. I can't get the left side cup to thread into the frame at all. The threads are there but the cup won't grab em. Any hints so I can maybe get in a ride tommorow on this bike? I don't want to roach the threads...maybe wire wheel it some? I am being a wuss and really don't want to mess up this frame.

-ska todd
Chase em' bro. I chase the threads of every new frame I get, no matter what. Most factory threads can use a little cleaning, and facing (at least the drive side) is essential too. On cartridge BBs I sometimes leave the non-drive side unfaced, 'cause the cup threads into the shell anyway.

But yeah, if it's being resistant you can only do more harm than good if you cross thread it.

"Be a wuss with a properly set up rig.." is how the proverb goes I think...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
And oh yeah, find an LBS that knows how to do it right. Lame shops with dull threading tools are too common.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
ya ya i know all about that...former shop geek...am just up late, bummin b/c i cant ride my new bike, and looking for a route i forgot to try. i tryied chasiing the threads w/ the bb but no good. maybe just have to suck it up and wait till monday whjen i can get to the lbs

-ska todd


Sep 7, 2001
Victoria, BC, Canada.
Originally posted by ska todd
ya ya i know all about that...former shop geek...am just up late, bummin b/c i cant ride my new bike, and looking for a route i forgot to try. i tryied chasiing the threads w/ the bb but no good. maybe just have to suck it up and wait till monday whjen i can get to the lbs

-ska todd
Yep, go down to the LBS and use their chasing tool. Chasing it with the BB won't do any good, and will only do bad, particularly if the BB has aluminum threads. You'll likely destroy both.

I'd also take a razor blade to the side faces of the BB shell and get the paint away. Or, if your LBS has a BB facing tool, even better.