
Tough Question


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
My sister's learing about government is school... so the other day she asks me why there has never been a female president. Kind of a hard question to answer. How would you tackle this one?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by 911
My sister's learing about government is school... so the other day she asks me why there has never been a female president.
Men in power dont trust women enough to actually give them any. We like equality when it equals votes, but not necessarily betters society. Im not saying a woman would be better, in fact, i kind of dont like the idea because all the other countries have men as leaders too, but the smartest person I know is actually a girl. But I wouldnt say she's the best leader. Even if she had the best leadership skills, it might not translate into the best results given the characteristics of our society. Men, in general i believe, would rather be led by a man.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
There have been female leaders in other nations. Some examples:

Golda Meir (Isreal)
Magaret Thatcher (UK)
Indira Ghandi (India)
Benizzier Bhutto (Pakistan)
Cori Acquino (Phillipines)

I know some of that spelling is off, but you get the picture. Check them out. Check out Myanmar's political situation too.


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
Hmm... well women make up a larger percentage of the US population than men, so I don't think the reason can solely be that men wouldn't be comfortable with a female president, although I'm sure that's part of it... if this was the reason, I guess the question would then be, why are men uncomfortable being lead by a woman?

I can see your point about other countries possibly being reluctant to deal with a female leader, but as fluff pointed out, there have been other prominant female leaders, so I don't really think this is a valid reason.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Well, there isn't really an answer to this question, at least none I can think of.

It is similar as to why there has yet to be minority president. The government in the U.S. was founded by white men, so far that tradition has been pretty long standing. I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with a woman leader and are reluctant to seek change. The media could also play a large roll in this as well. The first woman running for president will a difficult time dealing with the mediahave attention to the fact that she is of the fairer sex. I could see this as becoming an issue(despite the fact that it is a really a non-issue) and it could be a detterent for the larger parties to bringing forward a female candidate.

fluff is correct with the female leaders existing. Look at Queen Elizabeth 1 of England. She was a fairly powerful female leader and while I don't know much about her politics she seemed to be well-loved by those under her rule.

Traditionaly though men have had the seats of power; in government and business. Not to be sexist, but there is a truth to saying that it is a male run society. There are exceptions to the rule, but generally it's some thing that has become accepted and "normal?"

The Ito


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Going slightly off topic...

A lot of Greek mythology has its roots in the shift from a matriachal society to a patriachal society. Apparently this occured when men realised that they had a hand in the procreation gig.

A lot of the early Greek creation myth is men taking power from women. Hence Mother Earth being supplanted by Zeus.

So there was a time (long, long ago) when women held power. Then they lost it to men.

So tell your sister that women only have themselves to blame.;)


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Originally posted by fluff
Going slightly off topic...

A lot of Greek mythology has its roots in the shift from a matriachal society to a patriachal society. Apparently this occured when men realised that they had a hand in the procreation gig.

A lot of the early Greek creation myth is men taking power from women. Hence Mother Earth being supplanted by Zeus.

So there was a time (long, long ago) when women held power. Then they lost it to men.

So tell your sister that women only have themselves to blame.;)
I'd stay away from that path.....she'll stop shaving her legs and join a fertility cult :eek: .

I actually just wrote a paper on the power that women held in literature from the middle ages. They sure didn't stay at home and make babies and sammiches the whole time.

The Ito


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by 911
My sister's learing about government is school... so the other day she asks me why there has never been a female president. Kind of a hard question to answer. How would you tackle this one?
we came pretty close w/ algore.

short answer would be a dismissive "our country as a whole isn't ready yet, even if we are individually"

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by $tinkle
we came pretty close w/ algore.

short answer would be a dismissive "our country as a whole isn't ready yet, even if we are individually"
Hillary Clinton is kinda a female and she was president for a while.