
Tour de Fairbanks and the Little Kona


May 8, 2008
Small cabin in Alaska
Well, I did a dumb ass move yesterday! :imstupid:

I decided to take my Scrap (yes, a cute ORANGE KONA) out to the Pump Tracks--a small area of dirt bumps--were kids ride their BMX bikes--I'd never been but heard about it. The Scrap is not built for distance, but it was only about 6 miles to the Pump Tracks so I thought I'd take a leisurely ride to my destination on a (what I thought was going to be very PEACEFUL Interior Alaskan evening--we get 24 hours of light now and late night rides are super).

I was riding (working on my wheelies...very pathetic)...along a forested trail that parallels the main road (the first two pictures). I had on my iPod with Dave Mathews Live at Red Rocks.....I was in a good zone....see doesn't this look peaceful....

The trail ends and crests over a rail road crossing and onto the main road--the Pump Tracks is located across the road about 0.25 miles from the tracks. As I was riding on the main road, I saw two road bikers all decked out in fancy garb up ahead on the other side of the road.....they waved, I thought....I waved back and smiled, but they were waving both hands....uh oh....yelling something. WTF?

I got off the road immediately...my instinct told me to do that. I know now they said, GET OFF THE ROAD!!!!! Just as I turned to look behind me, I saw them! THE TOUR DE FAIRBANKS LEAD BIKE RACERS! Whoa!! They passed me at great speeds, probably mentally swearing at me as they did and praying to the Road Bike Gods to strike me dead. Thank goodness I got off the road! It was pell mell, and I was SO embarassed.....really, I could have gotten someone hurt.

Then up ahead were TONS of spectators and reporters who I didn't see until I rode ahead more. More riders in their colorful team racing lycra shirts and shorts raced past me. I was more careful this time. I apologized to the riders who cautioned me, and they were really cool and friendly.

I got to the Pump Tracks only about 500 feet from the spectators....here are part of the bumps of the Pump Tracks and ALL THE PEOPLE I PASSED in the background as I rode to it....

I was too embarassed to ride the bumps with people watching me--the stupid dirt jump bike rider who got in everyone's way!! SO... I decided to ride back home. BUT I couldn't ride back the same way I came and back through all those people again, and it seemed they riders were doing laps.

So, I took the super LONG way home...it was 12 miles longer than I how I got there (on a dirt jumper). LOL! BUT I found new-to-me roads and trails, so it was great ride....and a good quad workout!

I love my Kona Scrap...*sigh* :cupidarrow:
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