
Tour de Kingdom on Saturday the 16th of June

Kingdom Trails, East Burke, VT

You are invited to the first Tour de Kingdom on Saturday the 16th of June. The tour offers one of 5 loops (15, 26, 51, 77 and 95 miles) to you and your fellow cyclists and/or family. We will start at IROC @8:00AM for the 95 Mile Loop and @ 10:00AM for the other loops. We have picked some really scenic routes that are just perfect for a spring ride.

Registration fee is $20 before June 10th and $25 thereafter. IROC is asking for a $25 or more pledge on the day of the tour. The highest pledges can choose among some outstanding prizes, check out the WEB site to see more information. Collect pledges from family and friends to win.


You will receive a tour T-shirt and weekend-pass for the facility, so you are all set for shower + swim or workout after the trip. We have also put together some very appealing packages that include exciting activities for Sunday as well. Make this a weekend trip!

Best of all we have put together some additional packages that allow you to explore the great nature of the Northeast Kingdom for the entire weekend. Combine the bike ride with a canoe, hiking or owl experience.

If you have questions, drop an e-mail to info@orleansrecreation.org.

The Tour de Kingdom team.