
Transition Announces "Where's Kyle" Contest


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

The always innovative and fun-loving folks behind Transition Bikes are holding a contest that you can easily participate in from in front of your computer screen. Read on for the details on how you could win...

Source: Transition Bikes

We are starting a new contest called Where's Kyle! Every Monday morning at 10am we will insert a picture of Kyle in his Waldo outfit holding a prize somewhere on the Transition Bikes site. Don’t start looking until 10am (Pacific Standard Time). Every week will be a different prize. Your job is to search the site and when you find the page he is hiding on, here is what you do:

1. Monday Morning at 10am (PST) go to Transition Bikes
1. Screen Capture the page you find Kyle on.
2. Send the image to: whereskyle@transitionbikes.com
3. Include your Name, mailing address, and T-shirt size
4. If you are the first person to send in the image we will send you the prize along with a t-shirt.

This Monday morning, here is the picture of Kyle you will be looking for to win a Truvativ stem and t-shirt. Good Luck!
