
Travel resumption post-COVID

When do you anticipate traveling "normally" again?

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Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I'm going to try and avoid work flights for as long as I can and if I do need to fly this year I need to find some N95 masks.
Unfortunately not getting to see family in the UK is problematic.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
guinea pig.....flying end of june and again in october...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
N95 unless perfectly sealed is no better than a standard surgical mask, afaik. And if perfectly sealed you're not going to want it on for a full travel day, as you'd get hypoxic.

Study in ESRD patients but you get the point:



<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Pretty much anything post Covid is going to be predicated on vaccine availability. Assuming they figure out a vaccine, and we convince enough people to quit being dumbasses and get vaccinated, travel should return to normal shortly thereafter. Even before a vaccine I imagine the travel industry will spring back, maybe not to full capacity, but there will be plenty of travel once case numbers start dropping. I'd give it 6-9 months before most tourist destinations start seeing at least their off-season numbers during whatever their main season is. Economic recovery will be the ultimate obstacle, not the actual virus.

Travel will likely change a bit though, I think masks are going to become fairly commonplace on airplanes, you'll see way more sanitizer and wiping of surfaces, things like that. I'd be surprised if the cruise industry survives, and really hope they don't. Give those floating environmental hate crimes to the Navy for target practice, and then let some fish live on them.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Assuming ........... we convince enough people to quit being dumbasses

I'm picturing something similar to what happened post 2008 recession: further consolidation, bankruptcies of 'companies' now controlling airlines will just make way for more predatory, profit driven boards under new names.

Just the kind of thing you want happening with airplanes.
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eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
As soon as they lift restrictions I will travel in my mobile isolation pod (camper) to go camp in the boonies. I never fly or stay in hotels. I will continue to mask up and glove up for a long time when faced with hoards of mouth breathing knuckle draggers , sort of like near the trail head on today's ride where I stopped and put on a mask before riding into the trail head and I kept it on for the first few miles of unmasked clots of stupidity.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
As soon as they lift restrictions I will travel in my mobile isolation pod (camper) to go camp in the boonies.
Say hi to the zillion other #vanlife'ers parking right next to you.

This weekend in tahoe looks like June 30 of last year. I'm sure everywhere else is the same (although with slightly less douchebag factor that this place attracts now).

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Say hi to the zillion other #vanlife'ers parking right next to you.

This weekend in tahoe looks like June 30 of last year. I'm sure everywhere else is the same (although with slightly less douchebag factor that this place attracts now).
Naw most of the Van Lifers don't really end up where I go. We usually see no one and need our 4x4 to get in and out. Places like the back side of Shasta which takes 20 miles of beat up Forest Circus road to get to.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Your supposed to drive them at night.
Yup. Driven East to West cross country 3 times. Would drive nonstop short of a few naps until Utah, tended to go through all the worst shit at night and hit sunrise somewhere around Colorado/Wyoming. Would get a hotel when I cross over into Utah.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
This weekend in tahoe looks like June 30 of last year. I'm sure everywhere else is the same (although with slightly less douchebag factor that this place attracts now).
After the casinos closed, wife and I have been up to Tahoe twice, going to Kings Beach for lunch dates, and wow, how empty the roads are. Tahoe Biltmore is boarded up like they're expecting a hurricane or such. Wife hated to fly before, and now, she won't consider it. That will make for the long 11-hr drive if I want to visit family in Phoenix!

OH well, at least we have our dogs to keep us entertained!!!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I'm going to push back hard on work flights, until I have some assurance of my own immunity (ha!) a vaccine (haha!) or I get a plane to myself.
like wanting a guarantee you will never get hurt riding your bike.....

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
I'm a bit nervous as Sept/Oct is when I'll likely have to be traveling to Wisconsin often to setup production at a CMO for a new product...and baby #2 is coming in early October.

Might take advantage of the 12 weeks paternity leave after all.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I highly recommend paternity leave. I took something like 15 weeks over 12 months after the time at which Thing 3 emanated from the wife's nether bits. It was a good year.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
I was trying to decide between 12 weeks off straight right after birth, or something like 3 day work weeks for X months as to not completely disrupt project timing/work life, something I'd like to avoid (I actually enjoy my job and the current project is very involved). Plus I figured I'd be wanting to return to normal work life after all the WFH/quarantine as much as possible, especially if this keeps going on.

I already told my boss when she's due, and I'm not entirely sure how I want to take the time off given all that. Obviously if the 3yo is still not back in daycare by then, that makes the decision to stay home for the full 12 weeks that much easier...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
Aaargh. This topic is making me crazy right now.

1. I travel about 50% for work (North, Central & South America). Management is already hinting that it is time for me to get back on the road. A combination of factors like my current 50% furlough, the limited number of customers who are currently allowing anyone on-site, etc. is probably why I haven't been given explicit orders to get on a plane yet. I am deciding how hard I am going to push back against that. Demand first-class only seating? Demand hazard pay? Quit?

2. Here is the real conflict for me - I plan to put my parents (early 70s) on a plane this Weds morning to fly from PDX to BOS!!! They live in MA and have been stuck out here since the start of this whole COVID-19 debacle. They tried repeatedely to get out of here when flights were empty, but kept getting canceled. Now, they want to go home before the second wave hits. While I understand that desire, I also worry about them becoming part of second wave. They understand the precautions that they need to take and they will be flying first class, but NOT flying is still safer. I am also feeling more than a little guilty, because life with them and my wife in a 1500 sq ft house is getting cramped and nervy. Life with them breathing through a tube on the other side of the country sounds worse though. Fawk!!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
2. Here is the real conflict for me - I plan to put my parents (early 70s) on a plane this Weds morning to fly from PDX to BOS!!! They live in MA and have been stuck out here since the start of this whole COVID-19 debacle. They tried repeatedely to get out of here when flights were empty, but kept getting canceled. Now, they want to go home before the second wave hits. While I understand that desire, I also worry about them becoming part of second wave. They understand the precautions that they need to take and they will be flying first class, but NOT flying is still safer. I am also feeling more than a little guilty, because life with them and my wife in a 1500 sq ft house is getting cramped and nervy. Life with them breathing through a tube on the other side of the country sounds worse though. Fawk!!
at their age is driving out of the question?