
Tree trimming -- rant


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
The lady next door just hired some yahoos to trim up a tree on my property. It did overhang her yard, but it wasn't damaging or fixing to damage anything. They took over 60% of the tree off. F'in imbeciles.

The tree was on the south side of the house so it shaded the house in the summer.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Wumpus said:
The f'in lady next door just hired some yahoos to trim up a tree on my property. It did overhang her yard, but it wasn't damaging or fixing to damage anything. They took over 60% of the tree off. F'in imbeciles.

The tree was on the south side of the house so it shaded the house in the summer.
Sue her sorry ass. Did she ever mention it to you?



I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
The city just cut down a 100 year old oak in my neighbors yard so they could do some work on the water mains....
Meh, I was awoken to the sound of jackhammers at 8am, for the thrid day in a row. AND blocked in by two big dump trucks when I had to leave for school.

weak sauce.

Save the trees!


May 6, 2003
Wumpus said:
No, that is what pisses me off. I would have trimmed it up some for her if she would have mentioned it.
What a hag. What did you do to her?

Was there a fence, or was it in open yard? Tell her you would have been happy to trim it if she'd said something. Did they trim parts that are actually on your property? I would have to politely insist that she and her contractors limit their activity to that which is on/over her property.

What kind of tree? Did they top it? If so, they have damaged your property, and she owes you for it. If not, the good news is it will grow back. The bad news is it will take a while.

Hopefully you can talk to her and set a positive tone for your future interaction. If that doesn't work, plant a row of chinese tallow just your side of the property line :eviltongu


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Wumpus said:
The f'in lady next door just hired some yahoos to trim up a tree on my property. It did overhang her yard, but it wasn't damaging or fixing to damage anything. They took over 60% of the tree off. F'in imbeciles.

The tree was on the south side of the house so it shaded the house in the summer.
Are you going to retaliate?

dh girlie

I work for a city tree department and there isn't a whole lot you can do about neighbor disputes aside from hiring a lawyer if she's permanently damaged the tree...you'd be quite surprised what they consider replacement cost for a mature tree. But you may want to hire an arborist to look at the tree and make sure they didn't f it up. What she probably doesn't realize is...when you prune a tree way back, the tree grows faster to protect itself from sunburn...it'll be nice and fluffy again in NO time!


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Fathead said:
What a hag. What did you do to her?

I guess a few leaves on her car was too much for her to handle.

Problem is that is pretty close to the property line. My gripe is that they took so much off in one wack.

It is just an ash tree, but it'll take twenty years or more to get anything big enough to help shade the house.

Who knows? Maybe it will make a better tree if it survives.


I am going to trim the neighbor's trees at his request. I have to do something with that saw.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
dh girlie said:
you'd be quite surprised what they consider replacement cost for a mature tree. But you may want to hire an arborist to look at the tree and make sure they didn't f it up.
Yeah, I minored in forestry. Trees can be quite expensive.

We'll see about damage. Tree was already leafing out so it just wasted a lot of energy.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
Buy a Chainsaw and give her yard the Mr. T bizz....

Claiming they were aggravating his allergies, Mr. T take a chainsaw to more than 100 mature trees on his multi-acre estate in Lake Forest, Illinois. He has also claimed, at various times, that he did it "to piss off the white people" who shunned him in Lake Forest. He tells one of his neighbors in "Tree City, USA" that a chainsaw is "music to my ears." :thumb:

dh girlie

PonySoldier said:
Buy a Chainsaw and give her yard the Mr. T bizz....

Claiming they were aggravating his allergies, Mr. T take a chainsaw to more than 100 mature trees on his multi-acre estate in Lake Forest, Illinois. He has also claimed, at various times, that he did it "to piss off the white people" who shunned him in Lake Forest. He tells one of his neighbors in "Tree City, USA" that a chainsaw is "music to my ears." :thumb:
That's odd...I could swear that the city I work for has been touted Tree City USA...:think:


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Well, she came over and apologized for the tree last night. I don't think she intended for the jack legs to remove as much as they did. The tree will survive most likely.

What's done is done. :(


hahaha - Wumpus asked me to come to help trim trees this weekend. I was floored by the irony. :D


Wumpus said:
So you work for Hayward?
She does not, but some day I will tell you so you can prank call her. If my job ever settles down, I plan to lodge some formal sidewalk complaints. :think:


dh girlie said:
shut up...I'll know its you when a person that sounds like Goober calls in...
I plan to start next week. It will be about plum trees and skunks.