
Trek gives LeMond the finger


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007

Trek Bicycle Corp. is dropping LeMond Bicycles from its line and going to court to sever a 13 year licensing agreement with Tour de France champion Greg LeMond, Trek president John Burke told employees Tuesday morning.

Burke cited LeMond's public comments regarding doping allegations against Lance Armstrong and others, LeMond's decision to offer a mass merchant accessory product line in 2000, and his "inconsistent" commitment to the brand.

"Greg's public comments hurt the LeMond brand and the Trek brand," Burke said.

"Despite our repeated efforts to persuade Greg to focus on selling his bikes, he continued his personal attacks," he said.

VeloNews is seeking LeMond's reaction.

Armstrong rode Trek bicycles to seven Tour de France victories and remains a key Trek spokesman.

Burke said Trek had rescued LeMond's bicycle company from near bankruptcy when it licensed the LeMond Bicycles name in 1995. He said the brand has failed to grow substantially recently, despite an overall growth in the road bike market, in part spurred by Armstrong's career.

He said the brand's annual sales are about $15 million and that it sells about 12,000 bikes a year. Trek officials declined to say how much the company has paid LeMond during its relationship.

The LeMond-Trek licensing agreement was set to end in 2010. Burke said in recent years he had encouraged LeMond to find another partner but that LeMond had been unsuccessful.

LeMond and Trek settled a lawsuit that LeMond filed in 2004, and when LeMond filed a similar suit last month, Trek executives decided to try to end the relationship immediately.

LeMond's latest lawsuit charges that Trek, in violation of the licensing agreement, has been trying to "wind down" the LeMond brand, and has failed to develop it overseas. It also charges that Trek has tried to stifle his comments about doping in cycling.

Burke said Trek dealers had complained about LeMond's comments regarding Armstrong and that dealers said LeMond's comments were hurting sales of LeMond and Trek branded bikes. LeMond's latest lawsuit specifically denies that his comments have hurt sales of either brand

Burke said Trek had taken "extraordinary steps" to support the brand.

"Greg was like a member of the family," Burke said.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Ok, so when do the Armstrong-branded bikes start shipping?
Thats a good question, maybe they have a plan to have Armstrong signature bikes.....they could offer the "7", for all of us that wish we could race in the pro peleton


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
sometimes I think both parties deserve each other. Never really been a fan of either. Don't really like bitter old men that still need attention nor big corporations that monitor what employees say/challenge.

I have to admit that I am liking Lemond the older I get b/c although he needs attention, he stands on his principles (and I think really wants to clean-up the sport), isn't afraid to hit conflict head on (like admitting he was abused instead of being intimidated by the Landis trial) and is happily married with what seems to be well adjusted kids. (maybe that's b/c I want attention the older I get and hope my kids turn out good)


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Are you refering to people/situation other than LeMond?
Guess I'm referring to two things:

1. Big corporations, such as trek, oil, clothing or pharmaceuticals that don't like it when an idea, practice, product is challenged by their own employees. Or the Enrons that shut people down if they reveal exploitations. Think of drug recalls, clothing made by GAP in India by 9 year olds, Halliburton spinning off KBR. All corporations practice this "we'll disgrace you and ruin your livlihood if you don't keep your mouth shut."

2. Lemond can't voice an opinion about Lance b/c it hurts the financial bottom line of Trek?? Why can't they just prove Lemond is wrong?? Hell, Lemond's suing b/c he claims he never even said it. But Trek controls the money- oldest game in the books.

I think people should look for Truth and when things can't be challenged simply due to money, it's not good for anyone in the long run.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Stupid Lemond. I have never been a big fan of the guy, seems like a whiner/crier. I would never actually pay money for his bikes, but I ended up getting a nearly free poprad last year. I think it needs a custom paint job.....or at least a sharpie to scribble out the "d."


Oct 17, 2002
EDIT: Diva ninja'ed... reply is to SPINTECK :)

I respect what you're saying about everything else, but LeMond isn't an employee.

It's like how the Atlanta Falcons distanced themselves from Michael Vick. Bad publicity sometimes does hurt the bottomline and if you're a spokesman of a kind, then represent, y0!


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
WTF did he think would happen when he decided to screw with Trek's big man??? It's not like he wasn't privy to the relationship. Dumb ass. I hope this hurts his ass worse than his uncle did.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I respect what you're saying about everything else, but LeMond isn't an employee.

It's like how the Atlanta Falcons distanced themselves from Michael Vick. Bad publicity sometimes does hurt the bottomline and if you're a spokesman of a kind, then represent, y0!

this is my little understanding of the root of the lemond issue. Greg says Lance should come clean because greg wants the sport to come clean. Good message, bad messenger. The elephant in the room is if Lance is clean or just another Bjarna Riis. Trek wants to distance themselves from both, the messenger and the lance implication. So they kill Greg's brand. Leaving me with the question of who's the bigger bad guy??


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
WTF did he think would happen when he decided to screw with Trek's big man??? It's not like he wasn't privy to the relationship. Dumb ass. I hope this hurts his ass worse than his uncle did.
So if he believes in something he should back down for fear of being squashed?? Should everyone back down and let the wealthy do as they please or just old drama queen cyclists?


Oct 17, 2002
this is my little understanding of the root of the lemond issue. Greg says Lance should come clean because greg wants the sport to come clean. Good message, bad messenger. The elephant in the room is if Lance is clean or just another Bjarna Riis. Trek wants to distance themselves from both, the messenger and the lance implication. So they kill Greg's brand. Leaving me with the question of who's the bigger bad guy??
It's certainly subjective, but I do believe that the chicken-egg scenario has LeMond coming first. Had he not shot off his mouth with unsubstantiated comments, Trek might've continued the relationship.

In the end, I don't really care as they both suck :D


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Stupid Lemond. I have never been a big fan of the guy, seems like a whiner/crier. I would never actually pay money for his bikes, but I ended up getting a nearly free poprad last year. I think it needs a custom paint job.....or at least a sharpie to scribble out the "d."
You need some custom decals: "LeDiva"


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
So if he believes in something he should back down for fear of being squashed?? Should everyone back down and let the wealthy do as they please or just old drama queen cyclists?
I believe Lemond is as clean as Lance is. He would have to be Hercules to have beaten all of the suspected druggies.

I don't care either way, but it's like being pissed because you create a sh*t storm for your boss and then you get fired.

There is such a thing as conviction without being stupid. Greg has been stupid and deserves what he gets. He's a whiny little bitch. Period.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Mellow Johnny's info:


Bottom line for me here is, well, the bottom line. I think it has less to do with LeMond's comments than the fact that the LeMond line is not selling that well.

Trek is probably partially responsible for the reduced sales - it's not clear to me that they give the LeMond line the same product development, sponsorship, or advertising resources as Trek. That may help explain why LeMond has sued Trek, and could be a problem if they end up being required to dedicate resources for the next two years. So, it's either pay the expenses of pushing a brand they only have the rights to for a couple more years, or fight to get out now. They could end up paying LeMond to terminate but it would probably be less than the cost of investing in a lame-duck brand.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Should the wealthy always take in the neck to satisfy the little guy and his ego? Its not like Lemond isn't rolling in dough.
ONly if they're covering up a lie or something dishonerable- just as any working joe would.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Exactly, how do you know?? If the only other guy w/enough money and experience isn't allowed to speak his mind and put forth evidence w/out retaliation of his brand being dismantled.

Greg makes accusations, brand gets canned. I don't know why you would go w/the ounce of proof logic arguement b/c Frankie Andreu and the french labs also make accusations, although the evidence released by the french labs of lance's 98 or 99 epo samples should never have come to light. An easier arguement is that Greg was probably just as dirty and should not throw stones if he lives in the same glass house.

In an ideal world trek shouldn't meddle between the arguements of two world champions, but they do if it effects their bottom line- I don't think that's good for the sport, medicine or anything. Intelligent debate and challenge is the cornerstone of an enlightened society (thus why I love rm so much:).


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
innocent until proven guilty. god bless america.
That's true for law and punishment, but you can't control what people say if you can't prove them wrong. SOmething about freedom of speech. When you're own team member turns on you, that's the bed you made.

I really don't care to get into the Lance debate- they were all on stuff then. My point is if Trek is retaliating against Greg to protect Armstrong and their image and money, then yes- I have some sympathy for the guy.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I believe Lemond is as clean as Lance is. He would have to be Hercules to have beaten all of the suspected druggies.
That's really Lemond's big problem. He keeps pointing out that "No one can be that fast, naturally." Of course, it doesn't take a genius to ask why he was that fast, "naturally."

Lemond's only answer appears to be that he's from the same planet as Clark Kent...


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Exactly, how do you know?? If the only other guy w/enough money and experience isn't allowed to speak his mind and put forth evidence w/out retaliation of his brand being dismantled.
As I understand it, this is the second time that Lemond has filed suit against Trek regarding something along these lines. The first was settled a few years back. Maybe Trek is just sick of it?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
As I understand it, this is the second time that Lemond has filed suit against Trek regarding something along these lines. The first was settled a few years back. Maybe Trek is just sick of it?
Yeah, i have to give you that one. I guess bad-mouthing the golden boy at the office and filing suit against your boss may be a little over the top- even for an 80's cycling hero. Touche.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
The bitter ol man can now freely go stand on his milk crate in the park and spout his incessant whining to no one in particular. No one will stop to listen for more than a second or two then they will walk on shaking their heads...such a pathetic ending

his hate has bitten the nose off his on face