

filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I would break even under either plan, getting back about the same amount we do every year. But to me, that is not the issue regarding the tax "reform" plan. I was taught early on that the smaller your refund the better, as your refund is basically an interest free loan tot he gubmint.

Not being a big money or a 10 lb brain, financial genius guy, here are my issues with it.
- It was not even written completely when passed by the Senate.
- The CBO hasnt had the chance to fully analyze a partially written plan
- While the GoP is pandering to their voting base of reactionary white conservative types who think that getting a big refund back is a great thing, the plan actually seems to be pandering directly to the big money types who truly support the GoP
- If he is cutting so much $$, where is the $$ coming from to, among other things, build his wall? Build up the military and take care of Vets? Fix the infrastructure etc?
- Why is it so wrong to fund education and health care? A truly strong nation is built upon a foundation of a healthy, educated populace.
- The loss of many key, sensible deductions
- The blatant lies that Orange Foolious tells to his followers, and the way they eat that shit up

I am sure there are others, but this is all I can come up with now.

Although this made me giggle-


As did this-



Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
The dismantling of Obama’s legacy shows that it can be done to Trumps as well.
He talks about doing all kinds of crazy things but gets very little done.

IMO this country’s bigger than one president. If it’s not then we’re fucked either way.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
- Why is it so wrong to fund education and health care?
Because a truly subservient nation is built upon a foundation of a unhealthy, ignorant populace.

There's a reason why slave owners wouldn't allow education. Same reason why the GOP has dominated politics in NC for so long. Senator Jesse Helms was notorious for voting down any education spending legislation. Former Governor Pat McCrory signed a law that on paper was a pay raise for public school teachers, but in reality it reduced their pay. Keep 'em ignorant and full of irrational fear and they'll keep voting Republican. Been quite an effective plan here in good ole North Kackalacky.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
The dismantling of Obama’s legacy shows that it can be done to Trumps as well.
He talks about doing all kinds of crazy things but gets very little done.

IMO this country’s bigger than one president. If it’s not then we’re fucked either way.
Thing is fixing things take way more time money and effort than the fucking it in the first place, Y'all got a lot of work ahead of you.....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Thing is fixing things take way more time money and effort than the fucking it in the first place, Y'all got a lot of work ahead of you.....
But spending every waking moment is a state of outrage doesn’t change that.
The real issues in this country have nothing to do with trumps short time in office so pretending that his ouster will be a watershed change is misguided, imo.
But spending every waking moment is a state of outrage doesn’t change that.
The real issues in this country have nothing to do with trumps short time in office so pretending that his ouster will be a watershed change is misguided, imo.
Agreed. Trump and his goons have exposed what was bubbling under the surface. If you get rid of him, other unpleasant alternatives present, notably the execrable Pence. Trump and his goons have and will continue to do major demonstrable damage; the rate has risen, but the movement was present under the surface prior to his emergence.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
I sincerely hope that you are wrong.

But deep down I fear that you are right.
We all know he is right.

These 4 years will give Trump's most ardent supporters some respite from the global (and domestic) shifts they loathe, but the next President will be stuck playing catch-up in a world that has left the USA behind. You can't insult your allies and refuse to participate if it's not on your terms and expect everyone to wait around idle.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
These 4 years will give Drumpf's most ardent supporters some respite from the global (and domestic) shifts they loathe, but the next President will be stuck playing catch-up in a world that has left the USA behind. You can't insult your allies and refuse to participate if it's not on your terms and expect everyone to wait around idle.

While Dan-o is correct when he says:
He talks about doing all kinds of crazy things but gets very little done.

IMO this country’s bigger than one president. If it’s not then we’re fucked either way.
the problem is that as far as the rest of the world is concerned, America is no longer a serious country. The world will move on without the US, it's already happening. Best case scenario, we're becoming the new Great Britain, but without healthcare or a social safety net.

The dismantling of Obama’s legacy shows that it can be done to Drumpfs as well.
But some of these things cannot so easily be undone. Just off the top of my head, judicial appointments. Judges are for life, and some of these clowns being appointed by Trump are very questionable. And the Census. People forget just the sort of effects a Census that's held only once every ten years can have. The LONG term ramifications of that are very real.

It's government, not a yo-yo.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

While Dan-o is correct when he says:

the problem is that as far as the rest of the world is concerned, America is no longer a serious country. The world will move on without the US, it's already happening. Best case scenario, we're becoming the new Great Britain, but without healthcare or a social safety net.

But some of these things cannot so easily be undone. Just off the top of my head, judicial appointments. Judges are for life, and some of these clowns being appointed by Trump are very questionable. And the Census. People forget just the sort of effects a Census that's held only once every ten years can have. The LONG term ramifications of that are very real.

It's government, not a yo-yo.
i'm just hoping cheeto gets the boot before he can stack the supreme court with any more human trash cans


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Agreed. Trump and his goons have exposed what was bubbling under the surface. If you get rid of him, other unpleasant alternatives present, notably the execrable Pence. Trump and his goons have and will continue to do major demonstrable damage; the rate has risen, but the movement was present under the surface prior to his emergence.
There is no way Pence is clean. I'm slowly coming around to the possibility that the end game of the Russia Probe my actually be scarier than the Trump Administration itself. The entire cabinet is dirty and/or complicit. Maybe all the way through high levels of the GOP. I don't know what it means if you have the highest levels of one half of a major political party involved in a crime of this level. Uncharted territory for sure.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
There is no way Pence is clean. I'm slowly coming around to the possibility that the end game of the Russia Probe my actually be scarier than the Trump Administration itself. The entire cabinet is dirty and/or complicit. Maybe all the way through high levels of the GOP. I don't know what it means if you have the highest levels of one half of a major political party involved in a crime of this level. Uncharted territory for sure.
gonna need a lot of popcorn


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
There is no way Pence is clean. I'm slowly coming around to the possibility that the end game of the Russia Probe my actually be scarier than the Trump Administration itself. The entire cabinet is dirty and/or complicit. Maybe all the way through high levels of the GOP. I don't know what it means if you have the highest levels of one half of a major political party involved in a crime of this level. Uncharted territory for sure.
based on the succession list:

In Trump's administration, here's the full line of succession.

  1. Vice President Mike Pence
  2. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
  3. Senate President Pro Tempore Orrin Hatch
  4. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
  5. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin
  6. Secretary of Defense James Mattis
  7. Attorney General Jeff Sessions
  8. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke
  9. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
  10. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
  11. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta
  12. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price
  13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
  14. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
  15. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry
  16. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
  17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin
  18. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly
who do you think ISN'T potentially implicated?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004

While Dan-o is correct when he says:

the problem is that as far as the rest of the world is concerned, America is no longer a serious country. The world will move on without the US, it's already happening. Best case scenario, we're becoming the new Great Britain, but without healthcare or a social safety net.

But some of these things cannot so easily be undone. Just off the top of my head, judicial appointments. Judges are for life, and some of these clowns being appointed by Trump are very questionable. And the Census. People forget just the sort of effects a Census that's held only once every ten years can have. The LONG term ramifications of that are very real.

It's government, not a yo-yo.
The SC appointments are really the only thing that keeps me up at night, but that would apply to any activist judges not just conservatives.

Things that would have happened with any GOP president:
Tax reform
Repeal ACA
Stacking the courts
Sucking Israel’s cock
Misjudging our role in the world
Immigration reform

Trump is just doing this in the least tactful and intentionally abrasive manner possible.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
based on the succession list:

who do you think ISN'T potentially implicated?
I don't know. I've read several articles about Russian money taken in by the GOP and republican candidates. Remember Paul Ryan wanting to "keep it in the family" when the talk about how Trump and Rohrbacher (or how ever the fuck you spell it) were Russian stooges came out? Foreign money is supposed to be illegal, though in practice that seems to not be the case.

People that are clean?

Maybe Hatch, Mattis, Chao, Devos, and Kelly? Chao can't be President because she was born in Kenya Taiwan. I don't think any of these other clowns would be much better than Trump, especially Devos.
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